Give up any and ALL r-e-l-i-g-i-o-u-s ritual. Throw it out, and just be quiet and listen to God. Period.
Category Archives: Waking up
How not to lose our focus
When are you the closest to God? For me, what works best is pacing. That’s right! That movement keeps a strong focus going. It functions a bit like Tongues, blotting out all the junk while breathing in fresh new inspirations. Oh, and it’s very compatible with Tongues!
An important caveat to working at something else while God is trying to get something through to us is that our fleshly mind always wants to distract us. We can train ourselves to recognize the difference, though, between our hanging with God for fellowship and love vs. our stubbornly refusing to listen when there’s an important revelation coming.
On Joel Osteen
I often ask myself what I would do if I were in Joel’s Osteen’s shoes. I don’t know how in the world he manages to take care of all the differing interests of his congregation.
If people would just open their eyes, they would see that his role should be and is that of “presenter” – presenting the gospel to the world; but he takes his role one step further, arranging smaller classes and groups to learn more, ask questions and raise issues with people trained in their topics of interest. After all, if Joel were to teach deeply on some special interest, most of the people wouldn’t be able to follow.
Week after week Joel Osteen reaches out to people all over the world. But I especially admire him for occasionally turning over the entire spotlight to his wife, Victoria, (who brilliantly represents the interests of over 50% of the congregation).
The bottom line, I believe, of the reason behind all the criticism and abuse leveled against this remarkable pastor can be summed up in one word: jealousy. Jealousy is a killer and will take down anyone in its tracks. Let’s deprive this impersonal enemy of even a pretense of credibility.

Hanging with God
The “reason” people don’t rebuke negative thoughts enough is that they only visit God briefly and sporadically rather than hanging with Him, getting to know His lingo and His great willingness to be the answer to their every need.
WHAT IF Christians were to quit focusing on whether or not their Papa (God) likes hearing them refer to themselves as wretched, and focused rather on the immensity of God’s universe, including its seemingly supernatural realms which reveal themselves first on a quantum level and then are explained logically enough so that ‘he that hath an ear’ can hear and understand!

Where were you when you realized that the Bible wasn’t ABOUT you and that God had already set you free?
Neither Jesus nor Paul nor a single O.T. writer was projecting thousands of years into the future to tell you that you’d be going out and looking on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against God. But this did happen in AD70 in Jerusalem.
Jesus himself quoted the Bible’s prediction of it:
Mark 9:47-48
And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where
“‘the worms that eat them do not die, and the fire is not quenched.’
Jesus was paraphrasing Isaiah 66:24
“And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.”
Re-thinking the question: take it to the realm of Spirit
Psychologically speaking, man’s tragic flaw is deciding what he must have – without which he’s a borderline basket case! Gotta have this much money, this position, this woman, this degree, this level of I don’t know what, before he can be happy. He always comes up short. And he’s always waiting for a future event, if he’s even lucky enough to have a modicum of hope!
But God (love those two words: “But God…!) never intended it to be that way. He gave us – as His image and likeness – the fullness of Himself, as far as we’re capable and willing to open our minds to. He lives on the inside of us and takes over all our shortcomings if we’ll only let Him.
In the fleshly realm – which most people believe to be the only, or the most relevant – realm, it’s extremely difficult to comprehend the magnitude of God [in Whom we live and move and have our being] but looking beyond the physical realm, we can learn to see that proofs of His ever-presence and omnipotence abound everywhere – exhibited in the most amazing miracles imaginable.
Questions about what happens after death ought to be answered spiritually, but are usually treated as material questions! In the fleeting physical realm, it’s anybody’s guess; but, stepping into the spiritual realm – where God resides – everything becomes crystal clear. It is the realm of God in which healings and miracles preponderate while the entire so-called material universe loses its fixity.
Alas for the Truth-seeker, however, who finds it astronomically difficult to trust that it is the spiritual realm – not the material – that palpitates with verve and solidity: dynamic, impermeable and free!

On leadership
● Don’t “correct”, but just suggest.
● Don’t start the same old, tired, debate with anyone who doesn’t want to.
● Don’t fire off scriptures like weapons aimed at personal injury.
● Really listen instead of always speaking.
Gentle Jeremiah Johnson SUGGESTS:
Leadership is very important
But you cannot
And will not
Ever be someone’s Holy Spirit

Are you like an astronaut?
Oh, how I wish I could just simply be a living sacrifice for God – in a flash – but it is a process. I start off in the way I think is most nearly right, but, alas, I go off again and need yet another Course Correction. I’m like an astronaut – Lol !

People just haven’t learned enough yet about the ever-presence, the palpableness and the ecstatic Joy of the spiritual realm!
No earthly physical kingdom
~ Tim Heart
“Within a dream” – time to exit!
All that we see
Or seem
Is a dream within
A dream.
(Edgar Allen Poe)
The entirety of the material world is infinitely less deterministic, less ominous and less fearsome than it seems. Infinitely. We are intended to take charge of it as our inherited right. But we’ve got to make that quantum leap mentally, emotionally and spiritually to attain the non-linear, non-material, non-aggressive realm of God. Let go of all materialistic striving. Sink deeply into Spirit and you will soar with the angels. Just remember that the “dream” is what we’re letting go of: it’s the unreal.