Very, very often, the Holy Spirit steps in and rescues me from myself. He knows I’ve been wondering if I should have “prayed” over this or that and He reminds me that We have been together non-stop 24/7.
He reminds me that I already know that He has all the relevant information. So He simply speaks. Answers to my not-yet-fully-formulated questions, He simply speaks. Plans for what to do today, to my listening ears, He speaks. Wordlessly, silently, He – in my loving spirit – speaks.
Category Archives: Waking up
A provocative question
On blaming
Are we finding weak points in everybody else’s spiritual dis-coveries?
Have we become alert to all the ways they don’t quite measure up?
Are they hearing God’s Word in non-standard, non-replicable, non-conformable ways?
Are we irritated and annoyed?
W – A – K – E – – – U – P – !!!
. . That’s all, just wake up!

Go back to that place.
Suffering is the wrong word: striving is not right either. But there is a deeper place you can go to – a higher realm, a further revelation, that people who have paid a great price get to see, not through human effort but through revisiting their own moments of upheaval and re-evaluating them.
See what had happened, through Jesus’ eyes – your real eyes! Did you take that opportunity all the way to where miracles abound? That challenge was and is your open door to greater and ever greater revelation and experience. Humility will take you a l-o-o-o-ng way!
How long have you been completely committed? With no flipping back and forth, in and out? Do you now think you’re the last word in … everything? Go back to that place where you were vulnerable. God is waiting for you there.
Raptureless and free!
I’m thrilled to hear that Andrew Wommack no longer believes in a coming rapture. He’s one of my faves because he refuses to stay locked into traditional interpretations of ancient scriptures with no regard for the languages and cultures of the age.
Raptureless is a great study into this matter. It has been observed by many scholars and teachers that a future coming rapture was introduced into theological studies recently (about 200 years old)
If many would take their time to revisit it they would also discover what we are seeing. Recently I even read a post by Andrew Wommack that he no longer believes in a forth coming rapture.
Simeon Edigbe
If I had been deeply steeped in futurism at the time I met Simeon or Simon or Chuck or Don K. Preston on FB, I personally wouldn’t have been ready for their message on preterism, but thank God for Andrew Wommack who taught painstakingly on the fact that we must, we must, we must not get entangled with traditional mindsets when it comes to our own reading and interpreting of the Bible. The Bible is subject to new revelation because we should be guided by the Holy Spirit and allow ourself to have our minds open to the cultures and the languages and the mores and the timeframes of the ancient contributors to the Bible especially the whole Jewish backdrop that prevails there and then. Andrew has taken a great deal of abuse from the press and from people who refuse to imagine that there could have been mistakes in people’s interpretations of the Bible over thousands of years. I get it that it’s very disconcerting to change anything about one’s theology when they are so public and relied upon by millions of people and for that reason I really, really appreciate Andrew’s courage to come out and teach us to have COURAGE as well!
Think s/he is strong?
Just something to think about…
Did you know the people that are the strongest are usually the most sensitive?
Did you know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated?
Did you know the one who takes care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it the most?
Did you know the 3 hardest things to say are I love you, I’m sorry, and Help me.
Sometimes just because a person looks happy, you have to look past their smile and see how much pain they may be in. To all my friends who are going through some issues right now–Let’s start an intention avalanche. We all need positive intentions right now.
Overcoming our ego by trusting our heart
A couple of texts to chew on to get that cancer causing toxicity of the ego dead and buried again:
Yes, let’s ask God to awaken people to their own hearts. If God lives in our hearts, we need to learn to trust our hearts.
We’ve been told for so long we can’t trust our hearts and now we wonder why we can’t trust God who lives in our hearts.
We’ve been deceived but don’t even know where we’re deceived.
We’ve been deceived into trusting our minds and distrusting our hearts.
Very subtle but very deadly
My response
Amen (ALL mankind agrees)!!!
My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
Our original innocence is ever desirous of Papa Who never changes! The Gospel of Christ in us via our Holy Spirit “Knower” unveils this for us.
Whoa to me if I ever cease heralding the gospel!
~ Kent Lindsay
Our hearts leap for joy!
The righteousness of God= When God assumes the full responsibility of making all things right apart from man, and this is accomplished through his son Jesus Christ. And all we get to do is leap for joy. Our hearts are continually being amazed at his goodness. This righteousness is revealed in the gospel. We’ve become the righteousness of God, and it’s all his doing.
David Williams

Places in your mind
Are there certain places in your mind
(Hey, it’s just me again, don’t worry.)
Certain private places where things just simply are accepted as
“The way things are”?
You see God everywhere …
In everything …
Well, … almost!
I want to tell you, if I may …
That’s Not Good Enough!!!
It’s those little places, little spaces,
That you wanna clear out
‘Coz they loom large
At the wrong-est time
Here’s what you can do:
‘See’ God right there
In that scary place
What your frightened mind believes
Because in fact
The Spiritual truth is
The Way Things Really Are!!!

Encouragement for the Gay community
May I say a few words of encouragement to the Gay community?
Please trust me when I say that I hate religion but I love God.
Please trust me when I say that this is not about preaching (as if I had some special connection that you don’t have).
The exact opposite is what I’m trying to convey.
You have every right to an intimate relation with God that any so-called straight person has.
God – that Being that we all call out to when we’ve got our back to the wall – He created you and He loves you.
Not everyone knows this. Some people think that they’re out of the loop because religion has brainwashed them into thinking so.
I am not here to moralize to you: I honestly don’t believe that the way to connect with Him who loves us more than anything else has a list of rules or morals that need to be met.
God is very, very accessible to you.
Let’s give Him a try right now, okay?
So, what do we need to do? Read? Pray? Think? Visit?
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
It’s all about simply becoming aware.
Just for the sake of clarity, remember that God loves you soooo much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to reach out to us. I only brought that up because I’m not talking about many gods, but the one God who created the universe … and … us!
So, how do we become aware?
Right here, right now, let’s connect … I mean, let’s become fully aware of God’s (Jesus’) presence.
Let everything else go right now. Be aware that the Creator of the universe is right here.
“Right where?” you ask. Sweetheart, He is within you.
Do you feel Him there? A little?
You’ll feel Him more and more with practice.
Are your eyes a little moist? Well, so are His.
That’s how much He loves you.