I know this is not exactly fun and games but could we revisit the concept of unbelief? It’s one of those words that, when linked to salvation, has become a highly debated hot topic.
Let’s take it out of the salvation paradigm for a moment and look at it as it applies to the subject of healing. God is always ready for healing, quite frankly, because healing emanates from His very Substance – from the fact that He always was, in all His perfection, pure Spirit.
No! No! No, that does not distance us one iota: He’s right here – right where you are – whether you like it, recognize it, or not!
So how in the world do you make contact? With the exception of “in the world” that’s an excellent question! The primary need is to establish a connection and that is not done in the world!
The good news is that He lives on the inside of us – in us, through us and AS us! Pretty nifty indeed! But believing it sufficiently for it to make a difference – now that’s a whole ‘nother thing. That’s where we’d want to do a little delving into the literature, videos, blogs – whatever will teach us about the very nature and essence of our precious Father, God.
We need to finally know beyond a shadow of doubt that we have been wrong about God for a very long time. We harbored many, many, many thoughts about other ‘powers that be’ never knowing that they ‘be not’!! We’ve been looking for answers from just about any imaginable place except Him for years and years, oblivious to the fact that these places vie for absence of God in every way conceivable.
So, we can’t just change our mind and protest the omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience of God right now? Well, we can, but how much do we mean it?
Category Archives: Waking up
When you go back down
When you go back down – notice I said ‘when’ and not ‘if’ – into the muck and mire (translation: into the worldly realm of problems and besetments), what to do? What to do?
Answer: GET OUT !!! . With all due haste! Whatever it takes. “YourName” doesn’t live here anymore!
D-e-e-e-e-p breath now – draw in (in-spire) all of God’s love. That’s it! – you’ve arrived. How do you do!!!
Addiction: The bottom line
ADDICTION: The Bottom Line
When I was in my twenties, people came to me for counseling on how to get their lives straightened out, often to avoid disaster. One young woman was in a flood of tears at the prospect of having to give up her ultra-glamorous life … as a hooker.
A young man was beside himself because his memory was “shot to hell”: he’d start sentences and couldn’t finish them because he couldn’t remember what he had said. He couldn’t even remember how many joints (of Marijuana) he was carrying in his socks.
A social drinker reached the 4-5 martini liquid lunch and complained that he, being Japanese, shouldn’t be expected to consume an equal amount as his counter-part, an American businessman who was twice his size and weight.
No one wanted to give up their addictions – their glamorous lives – they just wanted me to do a little patchwork. IT JUST DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY !!
Who really wants to be addicted? Those who are sufficiently enabled seem to…
Suffering changed to glory
You say you’ve suffered so much injustice
People have hurt you big time
And it’s taken its toll on your body
Nothing seems quite right in your life.
Well, I believe you.
I really do.
You never should have been given so much to endure.
It’s just not right and it’s about to change.
The buck stops here.
God says He can use every last bit
Of your suffering.
Right now, and repay you seven-fold.
You’ve got to quit looking
In the merely human realm
To see that this is true.
Although I was fully a mortal man,
I was – and am – fully God.
Please learn how to listen to me
All by yourself.
Your last statement, while funny, …
If you say
“I am the image and likeness of God.”
“I am perfect in every way.
“Nothing bad can impose itself on my pristine being.”
Then you say
“I’ve got a headache.”
Your last statement, while funny,
has rendered null and void
all your previous ones.
To do Now: Urgent
You owe it to yourself today and every day to become re-aware of your real being in God with God in and AS you!!! You make your day – and your life – by choosing to STAY AWARE. Start right away … NOW !!! Don’t ever say “I’ll get right to it.” That means you just gave up!!
The MOMENT the thought comes to you, THAT’S when you do it. Take a deep breath wherever you are, recognize God within you and you within Him. What does that mean?
These eyes are His and He is seeing as me. These are his perfect ears too! My feet, my hands, my heart, my head: His, His, His, His. Functioning as me.
I AM whole, complete, loved, perfect, validated, living in the forever now with Jesus. I am so happy I could shout for joy! Help me (Us) to see everyone exactly the same way. Help me to repeat this the EXACT MOMENT that I need it again, knowing that it gets easier and easier and easier.
Immortal and indestructible
We are immortal and indestructible, whether we know it or not. God is NOT part of mortal living. He that DWELLETH in the secret place of the Most High shall ABIDE under the shadow of the Almighty. Our lives change as we become more and more in tune with God. Of course, in our true being, we’re ALREADY THERE, but we must be aware of the spiritual fact that we are that man who has never left heaven and who ABIDES under the shadow of the Almighty.
A shocking scientific discovery
I’ll never forget a scientific experiment that occurred in my life years ago. I had decided that I didn’t have any use for my gas stove in my kitchen anymore – I was just going to send out for food, or prepare it in my microwave. There had been a slight smell of gas, but I had super strong, thick, impenetrable plastic tape that I could wind around it. I wound it and wound it and wound it and wound it around, around, around. Guess what happened? In a flash the gas passed through like it was a fishnet stocking! The tape didn’t stop it in the least! Finally I took some spackle, made plaster out of it and built a concrete wall around the gas leak and voila! It was gone!!!
But what a lesson in basic physics!!! There are things that can’t be blocked out by a weak, wimpy quasi-treatment. It needed to be dealt with by something infinitely stronger!
Paul’s calling was from supernatural
Paul was called by Jesus
This had to be
In the
I.e., in another dimension
You could look upon your past with regret – you who have matured now exponentially – and be awash in sadness and regret for a few self-indulgent moments – and hope and pray that they don’t take root. But you’ve got to realize that this older and wiser person that you are now never would have existed in your past situations. It would have been, as the aphorism goes, humanly impossible! You did the very best you could have at the time and so did everybody else, so that’s a wrap.
Now what are you going to do with all your newly gleaned knowledge? Now you’re much more keenly aware of the fact that God lives on the inside of you and would live your life through you, as you, thus making you unspeakably happy in ways too numerous to count. You could even ponder the fact that numerous realities of the same experience that you’re having exist simultaneously which to the uninitiated human mind is simply without credibility; but to those who have picked up some courage and curiosity along the way, a bright light shines whose name is Jesus.