43:50 When you die, all is wholeness =
Category Archives: Tony Parsons EMPTY FULLNESS
TheBelovedHovers above us watching, showing our wish- Tony Parsons
Healing -Tony Parsons to meredith58:15-The Ultimate Healing=no one to be healed
There is no real individual asking the question [or in need of healing] = is incredibly healing! THERE ISN’T ANYBODY THAT NEEDS HEALING !!!
1:12 The basis of suffering is the belief of separation.
My messages can be understood but what they’re pointing to can’t be understood.
Aldous Huxley, William Blake, Lao Tsu, Buddhism, Zen and many many others had wonderful glimpses and visions of what’s going on but then they always had advice and made a teaching out of it.
1:29 After that “glimpse” of the death of Tony Parsons (The Open Secret) in the park, I went on as usual as a seeker but with a confirmation of something that I’d always expected re former teachings.
Everything is just energy – everything! Coming from nothing! Even evolution is not real. It’s nothing appearing to evolve, or apparently evolving.
Tony appreciates Christian mystics because they have the secret but unfortunately they too always wind up giving advice AS IF THEY WERE ADDRESSING A PERSON. The glimpses are everywhere, especially in the East.
Against spoke with great joy about heaven listen to Tony for years just before going to sleep at night and then finally panic set in and he was wondering what that was all about. Tony immediately recognised that it was the me Not wanting to be extinguished.
A guest spoke with great joy about having listened to Tony for years just before going to sleep at night and then finally panic set in and he was wondering what that was all about. Tony immediately recognised that ●●● it was the “me” Not wanting to be extinguished.
Tony Parsons, Zoom mtg, 9 Jan 2021 – Tony’s article [ALSO:] rjs TheBelovedHovers above us 57:20 watching, showing our wish fulfilled
“All there is is nothing apparently happening
“On the face of it this is a simple but paradoxical proposal. It is also radical in that it recognises that the concept of ■■■ self is illusory, together with any belief in ■■■ free will and choice. As there is nothing happening, there would be nothing to seek or to become.
And how can there be a ■■■ meaning or a purpose in this apparent existence if there is nothing apparently happening? This proposal ■■■ dispels any idea of there being a story or an agenda of any kind leading to anything better or worse.
So, if there is nothing really happening, then the nothing that is unknowable, and often feared, is also the ■■■ very fullness and freedom that is longed for.”
TONY PARSONS , Jnuary 2021
”This is a communication which illuminates the paradoxical nature of non-duality and exposes the deluded idea that it is something that can be acquired and experienced
“It is so obvious and simple that the grasping of it obscures it. Never found, never lost, never knowable, being is the consummate absence that is beyond measure.”
It seems that in the boundless energy that is oneness there can also arise a contracted energy which brings about apparent self-awareness. A powerful and convincing sense of self-identity seems to arise together with a belief in personal free will and choice in what is experienced as a real life story. All of these personal experiences can only apparently arise in what seems to be a very real but dualistic reality in which everything appears to be separate. This sense of separation can bring with it a sense of loss and a need to seek guidance, an understanding or a path or process that can promise fulfilment. There are attempts to seek unity which are totally futile because the separate seeker is apparently the very dualism from which it is trying to escape.
“Looking for being is believing that it is lost. Has anything been lost, or is it simply that the looking obscures? Does the beloved dance constantly just beyond our focus?”
This dilemma is illuminated in this unique communication which makes no demands, has no expectations and does not cater in any way to the seeker’s need for answers, processes or a path to follow. This uncompromising message can be both confronting and liberating.
“Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.”
The whole personal investment in making spiritual progress, becoming more aware, more still, more open or more anything at all can simply unravel in this radical revelation. The whole perception of “the self” or “the world” it seems to live in, can be transformed and leave nothing to support the illusion of personal separation, control and continuation.
Suddenly, the absence that was feared is the absence which is unknowable, but paradoxically is also the very fullness, the freedom that was longed for.”
TONY PARSONS, February 2018
TheBelovedHovers above us watching, showing our wish- Tony Parsons
Tony Parsons Zoom mtg 12/5/20 -tp
Tony Parson’s Talk and Q&A at SAND13 Doorn, The Netherlands
Spiritual seeking is just another form of materialism.
That me thing that always wants an answer just dies!
Every single thing we touch and feeling think a no one reach is the beloved calling out to us.
We’re trying to share a concept that is beyond understanding and can’t be described. I’m going to be in Amsterdam next week – well not I because I am nothing – so nothing is going to be an empty dam doing nothing next week if you wanna come!!
All there is is what is and it doesn’t matter where you go or what you listen to You can never ever escape from what is.
What you long for has never come and will never go away.
It will never ever leave you. It constantly speaks to you.
Tony Parsons – Dreambus LIVE 2013
Me only lives in “What’s next?”
Both enlightenment and awareness are part of the dream because they are about duality, separation.
There’s no truth.
Me is an appearance.
You’re describing what’s happening there.
There is no interest, no agenda here.
Everything is just passionate full on life!!!
There’s an appearing of an individual. It’s just simply no thing. It’s no thing appearing as I.
Tony Parsons “The Carpet”
I was there during taping but didn’t know it. I didn’t realize what was going on so I stayed silent.
Wow! TP
The Open Secret -TN