24:37 There is a shift in the world away from authority and teaching – something anarchic: THIS IS PURE FREEDOM! There’s no hierarchy, there’s no lineage, there’s no authority! There’s nothing to look up to and try to achieve: there’s just freedom.
There are non-dual teachers out there who say “Just let go!” but it doesn’t work because the me, the mind, the I, can’t do anything BECAUSE IT DOESN’T EXIST! The nature of me is living in what’s next. What is illusory is the belief that there is a me that can choose to let go.
●●●what appears to be happening is completely without meaning or purpose.
16:00 Do you have any stories of people with no experience who UNKNEW being a separate individual? TP doesn’t know of anyone who w/o seeking was able to awake (unknowing). If it only happens to people on a spiritual path ….
Tony 2/13/21 38:38 Hold on! hold on! hold on! this uncompromising message has only been around and talked about in the last 25 years. there have been hundreds and hundreds of people trying to teach what they think is duality or non duality or meditation or whatever for thousands of years but I challenge anybody to find a message which says 2 things really. the 1st one is that ●●●there is no one. The other one is that ●●●what appears to be happening is completely without meaning or purpose. I know of no other message that says this. I wrote an article about a half year or a year ago saying just that and so far claiming and saying that this message is very rare it has only been around for 20 years. I have never yet, so far, come across anybody who challenged that and it has been broadcast all over the world. so you want to be very careful about what you think this message is because it is nothing like the teachings of the masters and enlightened people who are all teaching something that is personalised. this is utterly and completely impersonal. It’s not available for anyone.
Everything is nothing. Everything that appears is nothing appearing.
3:00 you can argue about the definition of God forever. I don’t use the word for that reason. TONY DOESN’T SAY IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO GET IT RIGHT!!!
There is no person delivering this healing message and there is no person receiving it. It’s just either contracted or boundless energy.
All there is is nothing. Nothing is everything!
WHEN THE ME HEARS THIS MESSAGE PANIC SETS IN BECAUSE IT RECOGNIZES ITS HEARING OF ITS OWN DEATH. 😵 Itll do anything it can to pull the seeker away from the message by saying oh this is about living in the now some rubbish like that!!! It’s always trying to protect itself and mislead that within which is living SO THAT IT DOESN’T DIE !!
Tony: I just wanted to tell everyone WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD. It can’t be taken home. There’s nothing that can be reused anywhere
Clarification of the statement that it’s not understandable: it’s possible for you to understand my message here but it’s not possible to understand that which it is pointing to.
When me dies Claire says at first there’s a WOW !!! Then it becomes livable, gentle, lovable, a kind of in-love-ness.