Category Archives: Rupert Spira
Our Self is obvious -RSpira
Vedantic AND Tantric -RSpira
I am aware of my experience. Whether I am deeply depressed or ecstatically happy the I is exactly the same in both cases. That’s the 1st step to establish what I am. I am the presence of awareness independent of all experience. We go back again and again and again Until we not just understand but we establish in our experience Til we know and feel ourselves To be that 1. That recognition Is the recognition of what we essentially are. That recognition is not enough to put an end to the years and the layers Of feelings and indeed beliefs That we’ve accumulated over the years. Even after we’ve recognized what we are we need to go back again and again to our beliefs and feelings. We’ve been repeating them over the decades again and again until they are a well worn habit. Both the habit of thinking and the habit of feeling Is ever had a cated put a plant the moment we recognize our true nature! Having turned around and faced our habits and beliefs we have to turn back And face our experience. But we don’t face it again as our separate selves anymore we face it knowing who we really are. As awareness our feelings are completely welcome just as everything in this Room Is. The space in this Room does not have to negotiate With every person that comes into the Room and say I like you and I don’t like you. This space cannot negotiate with who were what is in it because the space is empty and it doesn’t judge or a opinions. The space in this Room cannot resist what’s in it even if we were to fight each other. It’s a benevolent indifference. Now we can invite our feelings to come back Because we welcome within us that is within our space of awareness We let these feelings soak. Now we can welcome feelings Rather than trying to get rid of them as we have been doing all our lives. The separate self is very clever in applying non-dual teachings To get rid of feelings but that’s fake Welcoming that’s welcoming something so that you can get rid of it. You say this to a feeling You must be able to answer yes to that question Because then you would know that there’s no trace in you With which to get rid of it. Look at it what is a feeling! For which you have absolutely no response Put the story that accompanies this suffering Aside because they’re not dealing with beliefs and feelings We are dealing with the espec’s of the feelings that is important When you next find yourself suffering with a sense of lack Don’t let your mind go into the story. Just go to The feeling and sensation of lakh . It may take some time . You turn towards it and you invite it Bring it closer and closer and closer Til you can honestly say I have no resent ment towards these feelings and what remains.
Rupert Spira
Consciousness/Presence/Awareness is like an ocean of water.
The waking state is like the waves on the surface of the ocean. The dream state is like the currents in the middle of the ocean. Deep sleep is like the stillness in the depths of the ocean.
But all there is to the surface, the currents and the depths is the water. It’s all a movement of water. All there is to experience is knowing, the activity of consciousness. The only real content or texture of any experience is the knowing of it.
Rupert Spira
Rupert vs Rupert re Consciousness -RSpira●
God is the love with which you love God -RSpira
I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for God and found only myself. One of the most difficult things for a devotee to do is to let go of the object of his devotion.
I is name entity gives itself -RSpira
I is the name an entity gives to itself.
I is awareness’ Christian name!
Subject-object relationship = only an appearance -RSpira
Self-knowledge, I, myself, key to happiness & peace w/o practice -RSpira
Non-religious = Ultimate Reality = Aware -RSpira
Physical pain and emotional counterpart -RSpira
“In being aware of being aware, there is no room for a separate self. There is just eternal, infinite awareness, resting in and as its own inherently peaceful, unconditionally fulfilled being…knowing, being and loving itself alone.”
- Rupert Spira, “Being Aware of Being Aware”