It’s your resistance to the feeling that makes it unbearable not the feeling itself. Go back to that voice that tells you you were awareness itself and not that sensation. That voice of pure awareness doesn’t know the meaning of resistance or not liking something.
Category Archives: Rupert Spira
Like falling in love all objects are distraction -RSpira
Turn movie off to see the screen. Not necessary.
A Dream in God’s Infinite Mind (meditation) -RSpira
What is it that knows or is aware of my experience? It is I.
I am aware of feelings and sensations but I am not myself a feeling or sensation. I am aware of perceptions that is tastes feelings smells sights but I am not myself a perception. I am aware of all objective experiences but I am not myself able to be experienced objectively. I am the subjective experience of being aware, knowing, whatever I am aware of. I AM THE IMPARTIAL WITNESS OF ALL EXPERIENCE. I’m like a person standing on a platform watching the trains come in-and-out of the station and I have no connection with it whatsoever, no an understanding of who’s inside or where they’re going or where the train came from. I’m just an impartial witness. It’s a visual image of the transcendent nature of awareness. The witness is not affected in any way. The awareness with which 2 + 2 = 4 is exactly the same as the awareness of 2 + 2 = 5. It is not a matter of correct or not it is not a matter of pleasant or not it is just awareness. The content of our thought makes absolutely no difference to the one who is aware of them. Likewise with feelings, darkest and lightest. The witness of the trains passing through the station is aware prior to the coming of the train all during that time the train is there and ever after. There’s no effect by the trains or by our thoughts. This is what it means to be transcendent, independent, unaffected. The witnessing presence is completely impartial. That is not to imply that thoughts about what is right or wrong good or bed is appropriate. Ideas of good or bad, right or wrong are not inherent in awareness itself. Awareness is said to be colorless, free from all objective thought. In most people’s experience I awareness has become mixed up with thoughts feelings perceptions. As a result they have acquired their limits. The 2nd stage embarks on the outward facing path. 22min.
Our thoughts appear and disappear on what? Email has screen, clouds have sky, novel has paper., etc. Don’t touch the feelings, just observe them. Screen, sky, paper are empty, free. Your experience in your body is itself a sensation or a series of sensations. It appears in your awareness. Allow the experience behind your eyes to come to your experience and now the thought that is in your mind to come into your experience. Now with your sensation go back-and-forth that is the tingling behind your eyes And the current thought. Through what medium is my attention traveling as it goes from the sensation to the thought. See that your attention is traveling through this empty knowing space. They both appear in the same space. Your attention is always moving in the same field. Not going from thought to sensation. Listen to the sounds that appear and disappear besides the sounds of my voice. If we are experiencing the sounds we are by definition experiencing the medium by which they appear. Go with your attention from the sensation to the thought to the sound And some the sound back to the sensation . My attention is always moving and the same field. See that your attention is always traveling in the one field. It doesn’t appear in space because space itself is a perception that appears and disappears. The appearance of space appears in The same medium that your thoughts feelings and sensations appear in. This is where the non dual teaching takes a radical departure from Conventional thought. If we stay very close to experience we see that all experience is very close to thoughts They all take place in the same open a where empty space. Or field. In other words all experience takes place in awareness. That is not some extraordinary experience that I have and some of you are having… It is in fact everybody’s experience. Have you ever had an experience that happened outside of your awareness? Thank back of even your more exotic experiences such as LSD for people over 60! The ecstasy trips for those under 30! And the near death experiences that some of us may have had. Did any of it take place outside of awareness? If no one has ever had an experience outside of awareness how do we know there is such a place? Remember that our world is predicated on the belief that consciousness comes from brain or neuro- activity. Ironically they 7 million people that believe that consciousness is found inside the brain have not been able to prove it and yet this does not dissuade them from believing such a thing. There isn’t anything outside consciousness. The question see if you can find the end of space is not even a proper question because there are not two – you and awareness. Awareness is the only thing that knows anything about itself. It is unlimited, infinite, not finite. To recognize the infinite nature of awareness is not to have some extraordinary experience. It is just seeing clearly In this moment the essential nature of our own mind. It is just awarenesses natural being aware of itself without any limitations imposed upon it. As awareness have I ever had the experience of myself as beginning? In order to experience the beginning or the ending of yourself you would have to have experienced the absence of yourself which is impossible. You can’t say I am aware of be and not aware! Thought believes that awareness starts and stops because thought believes that awareness starts and stops with the body. In awarenesses own experience of itself it is ever present and infinite. From the materialistic point of view believing that matter was here 1st and gave rise to everything else Awareness is infinite and extraordinary knowledge. This nothing extraordinary about it. The only thing that is extraordinary as the belief that awareness is temporary and finite. For people that believed that the Earth was flat the knowledge that it less round was extraordinary. Make this your new norm that all experience doesn’t appear to the witnessing presence It is in eternal infinite awareness. See that time and space are not the containers of your experience infinity or awareness is the container. Don’t just understand that, feel it! Notice again we have not touched or manipulated our experience in any way. We haven’t tried to still the mind or exchange our unpleasant experiences for pleasant ones Or uncomfortable feelings for more positive ones. All we are doing is contemplating experience as it already is. How many unlimited awarenesses can there be among 7 billion unlimited awarenesses? Awareness has never had the experience of a limitation within itself. Could it be that each of our minds include awareness in this regard I don’t mean just awareness but including thoughts and images The entire content of our of jective experience Thoughts feelings sensations sights sounds textures… So I mean mind in the broadest sense of the term. Just as the materialist believes that our bodies appear in the same limit list physical space Could it be that each of our minds appear in the same indivisible Limitless individual infinite consciousness? Just as it is believed that each of our bodies are made of the same stuff matter could it be that each of our bodies is made out of the same common stuff? Wouldn’t that account for love at the very deepest level doesn’t it all begins to make sense? “Common sense is a series of prejudices which most people acquire by age 18.” Einstein Common sense can’t be relied upon to know reality. Sure enough the Sun doesn’t travel around the Earth. Until now it was believed that the Earth was made out of matter and this in time and space. But now we see that all experience appears not just to consciousness but also in consciousness. What is your experience made of? If we are reading an email we are seeing the stuff that consciousness is made of. If we are reading a novel we are experiencing the stuff that it’s made out of. The thoughts feelings sensations we are by definition experiencingTheir reality that is the stuff they are made of. What is your experience made of? By experience I mean your thoughts your body the chair This Room the feelings Your friends What are they made of if you are experiencing them As each of us is experiencing them? We must be experiencing the Stuff they’re made of. Stuff of your thoughts it’s not nothing they or something. They must be made of something. Touch your thoughts now reach out and touch them. With your imaginary hand touch your thoughts. There is something there. There is not nothing what is the stuff Made of? Is there anything to your thoughts other than the knowing of them??? Is there any substance to your thoughts other than that knowing or experiencing of them? What about your feelings and emotions? Is there anything present of any emotion other than that knowing or experiencing of it? ?? What about the sensations of your hand on the chair or your foot on the floor? Is there anything to those sensations other than the knowing Or experiencing of them? What about the sight of this Room or the sound of this voice? Is there anything there other than the knowing of it? Is the knowing of which your thoughts are made different from the knowing of which your perceptions are of made??? Or is all experience made out of this same knowing, the same consciousness??? When we hear in traditional teachings that the world is an illusion What they mean is the world as it is conceived by Conventional thought As a multiplicity and diversity of objects themselves made out of Dead inert stuff called matter? Such a world is an illusion. It’s not there. Contemporary science confirms this. But there is a reality to all illusions. The Mirage in the desert is an illusion of water relatively speaking but it is a reality of light. An illusion has a landscape but relatively speaking It is real as A screen. So the world made out of matter, our bodies made out of Matter are illusions. BUT ALL ILLUSIONS HAVE A REALITY MADE OUT OF THEM. Has anyone Has anyone ever had an experience that is not real? As I think ir was Pope says people ignore the illusory world of reality. They illusory world has its own reality. Consciousness is the only reality that is experienced. But it is consciousness that is experiencing it. Matter is an abstraction of thought. That’s why physicists have never found it. Each of our minds are precipitated in the same field Of infinite awareness. Each of our minds appear to awareness. They don’t appear to awareness they appear in consciousness. Consciousness or pure knowing is the only substance present in experience. In other words the world is a virtual reality!!!! It’s appearing in consciousness known by consciousness Made of consciousness . When I was 6 years old I said to my mother I feel like each of our minds are a dream in God’s mind! It’s taken me until 50 years later to come to that same conclusion. I was given a vision And the Image disappeared and I had to find my way back to it Which took me on a great adventure. But I’ve come back to the same conclusion. Each of our minds are like a dream In God’s infinite mind❤❤❤ And just As night dreams appear in And are made of our own individual mind EACH OF OUR MINDS APPEAR IN GOD’S INDIVISIBLE MIND. Just as the objects and people that we dream of at night seemed to be separate From the point of view of the person in the dream So the person or objects that we encounter seem to be separate from the point of view of the person in the dream from whose perspective they are known So the objects and people that we encounter in our mind Seem to be separate from the point of view of Our own body the apparently Separate subject of experience through whom the objects And others seem to be known. There are no real others and objects in our dreams just like There are no real objects and others in the waking state. In other words there are NO THINGS There are no objects. There are no Separate selves. THERE IS JUST ONE INTIMATE INDIVISIBLE INFINITE REALITY appearing to itself as a multiplicity of separate objects and thoughts but never actually becoming anything separate from itself Never ceasing to be or to know its own intimate Indivisible infinite self. 1:20:49 This is why the Sufi Bijani said WHOSOEVER KNOWS THEIR SELF KNOWS THEIR LORD. Whosoever knows the essential nature of their own mind knows the ultimate reality of the universe. When I say each of our minds are precipitated in the same field of Infinite consciousness I don’t mean to suggest that our minds are things within themselves. 122:21
Mind is the activity of consciousness just like the movie is the activity Of the screen. There is no real activity call the movie. The screen is the “entity” which is there. Each of our minds … There is no such thing as a mind. There are no minds. Not only is there not a body and a world as is normally conceived, There is not even a mind or individual minds. Each of our Minds are like thoughts in the mind of God.
Nobody has ever found a thing called a thought. Nobody has ever plucked a thought out of the mind. There’s no such thing as a thought. Thought is just the activity Of our mind. Each of our minds is the activity of consciousness. There are no real finite things. So we cannot even say that consciousness is infinite To say that consciousness is infinite is to say that it is not finite. But is there are no finite things we can not use the word finite to compare consciousness. There is nothing finite in the existence of… it makes no sense To say that consciousness is not finite. When we say that consciousness is infinite it’s just a concession to The belief in finite things. It is a thorn being used to remove a thorn.
When we say that consciousness is indivisible we implied that there are Separate things all divided up from one another. But once we realize there are no separate discrete objects we can no longer Say consciousness is indivisible. The word indivisible has no meaning. We cannot say that consciousness is pure consciousness because there is nothing In consciousness other than itself which could Make it impure or stain it or Sully it.
This is why it is said that consciousness is truly without any Attribute. Even to say that it is eternal, pure, infinite, luminous is to say too much. All All these words are borrowed from the language of duality. We make a concession To the reality of separate independently existing objects. They are bandied words from that point of view but even at that point we have to abandon All these descriptions. They are all predicated on the belief in separate things. We cannot even call reality consciousness. Even the word consciousness implies they object that we are conscious of. This This is why it is said that reality is truly indescribable. That’s why Ramana Maharshi said that silence is highest teaching. On that note I should stop speaking!!
Existential wound -RSpira
Let’s start with the conventional theory that there is a world out there made out of matter which is viewed by our mind. All we know of this room is what we know with our perception. If you were to fall asleep now this room would vanish. Nobody has ever come in contact with a world outside their 5- sense perceptions. It would be more accurate to say there is a perception than to say there is a perception of a world. We can’t even be sure there’s an independent object called perception because all the there is is knowing. If you were to touch the stuff that perception is made out of it would be find stuff. A perception is not nothing. There is something there. It has some reality some substance to it. The stuff that perception is made out of is knowing or consciousness. It is not a perception of the world it is just perception it is not knowing of the world it is just knowing. I am talking about the real world!! You are talking about the imaginary world made out of matter!!
It doesn’t even make sense to say if you are having an experience because that separates you from experience when they are only one. Whatever that something is it is what is experiencing the experience. It’s consciousness.
SEPARATE SELF IS THE PRICE OF MANIFESTATION. THAT’S WHY ALL PEOPLE LIVE WITH THIS EXISTENTIAL WOUND IN THEMSELVES. This wound didn’t come from something that happened to them. It’s the existential wound of separation. Irrespective of how good their lives are going, they long for something. It’s a feeling of being cut off, separated. It’s an innate feeling. You can go 1 within or 2 without to fulfill it.
Infinite manifestation cannot be bored. Consciousness is not inert, static. It has the ability to move.
Loneliness in the body -RSpira
We do all we can to distract ourself from the feeling.
The story part always has a main character – the non – existent self. But it will also leave a subtle contraction in the body. It’s very It’s very important that the thought aspect and the feeling aspect both are allowed to come up and appear In the presence of awareness. So be sure that you don’t get too busy to remember to bring both of them up. Do anything you can keep the awareness their. The sensation is appearing in it And it has not yet been clearly seen. It’s still a vestige of me. It’s still hiding in the vestiges. The sensation is nothing more than that – it’s not more real than a tingling. It still has a me-ness attached to it. The The sensations are being felt for what they truly are. There is no separate me-ness there.
THAT’S WHERE THE FEELING SEEMS TO BE LODGED IN THE BODY. That’s the time to really look at this If you start to talk to them your just frighten them away again. And theyll go down inside the body We want to We want to understand these feelings in order to recognize that they are a by-product Of your understanding and not a goal.
We are so unused to exerting this effort that we spent living in a contracted state thinking that this what it means to be a human being. It’s It’s really not a big effort as it seems to. It’s really the relaxation of a big effort. Did you have to make a big effort at 1st then by all means do it. Make the effort and with doing that little-by-little it will become less and less. You are actually attuning yourself to the way things already are. You’re re-education yourself. You’re not creating a new state for the body.
Not nothing, not something -RSpira
Don’t resist fear -RSpira
Just experience the roar sensation without interpretation, without thoughts. Just referring to the sensation itself, putting the thoughts aside you wouldn’t even know the thoughts had anything to do with the sensation.
Think of the sensation of tingling in the bottom of your feet. This really no difference between that feeling and the feeling of fear if you don’t put a label on it and analyze it. A sensation is one thing and a thought is something completely different. You don’t have to be controlled by thoughts ever again. The sensation of fear Is nothing! You could You could actually live with that sensation your whole life it’s just Awareness of presence that’s all.
Nothing outside of Awareness, God -RSpira
Only awareness is aware. I always and only refers to awareness’ awareness of itself.
We’re not talking some highfalutin metaphysical abstract philosophy. In any situation that we can name such as having dinner tonight, having stumbled as a child, having a near death situation – nothing has any reality other than the experience of it. We have nothing except the KNOWING of it.
We are now dismantling the edifice human nature has made of reality.
There is no highfalutin separate self philosophy: there’s just knowing. Gradually, gradually, gradually we begin to colonize the way we think and feel to dismantle prior philosophy which our culture has built re reality and our nature and consciousness.
When everything that can be removed from us is removed, what remains is simply shines by itself. It’s not a new experience, it’s just the revelation of the light of our being. Our self-shining being could pass unnoticed by the mind.
Do not fall into the trap of thinking anything in your experience needs to change.
Nothing can veil this knowing because there’s nothing that can veil it.
Surrendering* to God (healing) = Self-enquiry* -RSpira
Resting and intention are mutually exclusive. Rupert was taught to rest in God and have his thinking and his seeing and his hearing rest in God without intention. He was taught this from early childhood.
“O Lord Thou are the Love with which I love thee”
There is no communication from God TO you because there is no you.
When you pray to the Father you are really surrendering: its exactly what we’re talking about here – self surrender, self inquiry.
The answers come to you in a way you can appreciate. There’s a contraction in your mind that seems to take place. That’s That’s when the answers come in one form or another.
I rjs have often had amazing experiences in which I finally dropped everything (surrendered) and then became imbued with light … and glorious miraculous answers. I see I was experiencing the Self … aware of and loving … itself.
“Faith” is a surrender to infinite consciousness.
It’s a complete surrender of everything that limits you, a complete letting go. It’s another name for self enquiry, another name for traveling back like king Lear traveling back to who he really is which is John Smith.
It’s It’s not something that you do with your mind.
When there is an issue and you want to know whether it would be a good idea to go into it to find out anything about it, if you’re truly on the path of self-inquiry/ surrender, that need won’t arise.
“As long as I can remember trusting that Existence wwl take care of me.” To which Rupert answers yes yes if that’s clear to you that’s all you need to know. You’re free! That is it – you’ve got it all. I surrender my lamott knowledge. You know what is best to take care of this character.
I surrender myself into YOUR safe keeping. Whatever the YOUR is: “Existence,” “the heart of God” … whatever it is … it’s the FEELING ATTITUDE. You surrender the need to make sense of what happens.
This surrender, let go, let go, let go, will take you home.