Old habits that we have been rehearsing for decades are hard to get rid of. One glimpse of our true nature… AHA! I am the awareness with which my experience is known, in which my experience appears and out of which my experience is known…. is not enough to put an end to old habits of thinking and feeling. The old nature and habits come back to eclipse our awareness of our true nature. We need to re visit it and to take pathways back to our self over and over again. That’s what meditation is ultimately. All prayers some of which reach out to the breath or the concept of God outside – they’re all right because they are preparations for the ultimate prayer which is sinking back into our true self which is God. What is called God live at the source of the mind and can never be an object. It can never live at the destiny of the mind.
Category Archives: Rupert Spira
The Nature of Consciousness -RSpira
Panpsychism, all is conscious, is an error -RSpira
A step in the right direction because it recognizes the allness of consciousness, but it is an error. Neither the body nor the mind have consciousness. Consciousness is. Consciousness has the body if it once to indulge in manifestation of form but the body does not have consciousness nor does any form of matter from the molecule on up or down. Also solipcism.
Best explanation of seeming evil but perfect God -RSpira
When perfect consciousness chooses to manifest itself it may forget its own innate perfection and assume a localized form. All it needs to remedy any problem is to remember what it really is, that is the ever presence and all this of God, of perfect consciousness.
No EVENT whatsoever = No more searching -RSpira
You’re still expecting something to happen, right? You still think enlightenment is some marvelous event. Something! That’s the problem. Enlightenment is not an event. Even calling it a shift is not correct. It is simply not an event of any sort. Watching TV, you’re seeing the same screen whether blank or landscape. Due to our fascination with the world drama we seemed to lose the screen but it’s still there. We think we have to go off looking for it all over the world when it’s right here!
Solipsism -RSpira
Fate v free will
Buddha at the Gas Pump – Rupert Spira last 1/3 re God
How Rupert got started. Studied in India. The Maharishi. Francis Lucille. Shankara. Spira’s reasoning and discoveries. Age 51 in this interview.