Category Archives: Rupert Spira

The transparency of things -RSpira


Fear comes from the very deep association of consciousness with the body that if this tiny fragment of a vulnerable body disappears then I will disappear. This is the core exclusive association of consciousness with the body. If we don’t avoid that discomfort and cover it over with other activities but rather have the courage to stay at that uncomfortable place and allow the reality of the experience to reveal itself because the reality of the experience is that this knowing presence is not exclusive. This sensation is JUST A SENSATION! Just the fact of witnessing it is the loosening of it – just simply sitting with it and seeing, allowing the bodily sensation to be whatever it is and allowing it to do with absolutely no agenda I mean why have an agenda with a bodily sensation? It’s not necessary to get rid of it because it’s a sensation. It’s not a problem. It’s only a problem when it is half seen, when it’s believed to be what we are and therefore it is felt that when it disappears we’re going to disappear. So it’s only lack of clarity lack, of clear seeing to what is actually a neutral bodily sensation to become an abode of fear.


Meditation is not something we do, it’s letting go of this tightened fist contraction hold over our real identity.

We know with our “mind” consciousness cannot be personal, but we feel that it is, which presents a contradiction… There’s a mixture of consciousness plus a collection of sensations which we call the body. If our eyes are closed our only experience of our body is sensations – either a single sensation or a network, a cluster, of sensations. There’s no distance between the sound and you the perceiving consciousness. Consciousness is impersonal. All there is is what is. Not solepsism, not the same. There is only what is doesn’t refer to objects. Only what is present in deep sleep is real. Ramana Maharshi. Only Consciousness is.

Move over Rupert, here’s Papaji’s Awareness -RSpira

Q. What is true awareness?

There is the awareness which is aware of objects like flowers. â—Źâ—ŹTrue Awareness is the awareness which is aware of the awareness of objects. It is the undisturbed simple awareness in which things rise and fall.

There is an Awareness beyond the awareness of objects and events.
â—Źâ—ŹYou are That Awareness in which the awareness of objects stays.

●●This Awareness has no name and when you try to give it a name the trouble arises. You are nameless and formless; you can’t see anything. Know “I am nameless and formless,” and that “I am aware of my own Self.” The ●●pure Consciousness will pull you back, it is not that you will enter into it.
●●When you enter into it, it is ego entering, but when It pulls you It has made the choice to take you Home. This happens somehow and we can’t know why. Very rare beings are picked up by Consciousness. ●●Once drawn in that man’s travels are over!
~ Papaji

â—Źâ—Źmine, rjs

When God falls asleep, She dreams the world into existence -RSpira

As it says in the Bhagavad Gita, ‘That which is day for the many is night for the one, and that which is night for the many is day for the one.’ When mind is awake or active, consciousness is asleep to its own nature, assuming the form of the finite mind in order to manifest a part of its infinite poten­tial, that is, to bring the world into apparent existence. When consciousness wakes up to itself and recognises its own infinite being, the mind dissolves or sleeps’, and as a result, consciousness folds the world up again within it­self. There is consciousness knowing its own infinite being, or consciousness veiling itself with its own creativity and appearing as mind.

It is in this context that the world is said to be ‘the forgetting of the self’ or a dream in God’s mind’. When God falls asleep, She dreams the world into existence.

~ Rupert Spira


page 115

Truth needs to be reformulated -RSpira

My first teacher, Dr. Francis Roles, once said to me, “The truth needs to be reformulated by every generation.” It is my hope that this book reformulates the Direct Path for those who travelled to the East, intellectually if not physically, but found it difficult to extricate the simplicity of the non-dual understanding from the wealth of exotic concepts in which it was shrouded, as well as for a new generation of truth seekers who are not burdened by previous religious and spiritual teachings.

However, it is important to recognise that the inward-facing path explored in this book is only half the journey. Once the essential, irreducible nature of the mind has been recognised, and its inherent peace and unconditional joy accessed, it is necessary to face outwards’ again towards objective experience, realigning the way we think and feel, and subsequently act, perceive and relate, with our new understanding.

The culmination of the inward-facing path is the recognition of the presence, the primacy and the nature of awareness – or, in religious language, spirit or God’s infinite being – which transcends all knowledge and experience. However, it is not yet the full experiential understanding in which awareness itself, or Gods infinite being, is known and felt to pervade and saturate all knowledge and experience, and indeed to be its sole substance and reality. It is to recognise the transcendent nature of awareness but not its immanence.

Rupert Spira, Being Aware of Being Aware


Tim Frekes disagrees w/R.Spira’s “Consciousness is.”, calling it theory -RSpira

Have you ever experienced anything that was not in consciousness? The obvious answer is in the question. It’s supposed to be no I haven’t, according to Spira. Now Tim has found out that he’s been wrong all these decades in assuming that because it is not true: it is not self evident. Once you see the world in this way you can get locked into it. These ideas are NOT SELF-EVIDENT. THEY’RE THEORY-LADEN. They’re an interpretation in the moment not given in the moment. All of it. This that you’re experiencing, sensations in consciousness. That’s a theory. It’s not self-evident. I’ve assumed there’s such a thing as consciousness. That doesn’t mean that I’m conscious: that’s self-evident. There is a thing called presence or pure consciousness called consciousness. IS THERE? THAT WAS A MOMENT FOR ME! IS THERE A THING CALLED CONSCIOUSNESS? Or is that a thing called a rarefication – that means you take something that isn’t a thing and imagine it’s a thing. I think that’s what I’ve done there. I think consciousness is an activity. It’s a WAY OF EXPERIENCING. I am experiencing this consciously. I’m also experiencing a whole lot unconsciously. I am experiencing some things with my psyche. It’s a way of experiencing. That’s a verb. It’s not a thing. And from that I’ve constructed this idea that there is a thing which is itself a ground of everything and is formless. I invite you to doubt that. I’m not saying that it’s wrong although I do think it’s wrong but all I want to get across in this video is to say that it’s an interpretation. It’s a thing, a presence called consciousness and within it arises sensations. Is that true? Is this raising my hand consciousness or is it a sensory experience of my hand, which is a common sense interpretation? THIS IS NOT AN APPEARANCE IN CONSCIOUSNESS A WORLD OF WHICH I AM CONSCIOUS. Let’s leave aside for the moment whether these 2 interpretations might be right and whether there might be other interpretations, which is what I’m exploring in my forthcoming book. That these are sensations arising in consciousness is NOT SELF-EVIDENT. IT’S AN INTERPRETATION OF THE EXPERIENCE. So if you take away the theory, the question, what you’re left with is Have you ever had an experience which wasn’t a conscious experience? And the obvious answer is no! That’s self evident and that’s what’s missing. When you take pure consciousness as a concept that you’ve applied to your It could be either. There’s a materialist interpretation and an idealist interpretation of this. Spiritual versus scientific is another way of looking at it together That’s why I’m excited about what it is that I’m working on. This idea that you’ve all heard in non-dual circles and spirituality that ALL EXISTS IN CONSCIOUSNESS IS NOT NECESSARILY TRUE. It’s a theory about reality to evaluate as a theory, an argument, not a given. It doesn’t show that it claims that and that’s a big difference. When I saw that I was able to extricate myself from THAT WAY OF SEEING THINGS. I’m able to see things in a new and in my opinion a much better way and that’s what I’m going to share with you in the coming months. I’ve written 35 books and what is fundamental and in my most recent I’ll share as this philosophy unfolds.