Category Archives: Rupert Spira

I never go anywhere – Spira

I Never Go Anywhere

I am on a train to Heathrow Airport on my way to the States. At least, that’s what thought says. Experience tells me that I am going nowhere. I am always in the same place-less place of experiencing; never going anywhere. Perceptions flow through Me; sights, sounds, textures, tastes and smells flow through Me. And thought arranges these into a story which says ‘I-this-collection-of-thoughts-and-sensations-called-a-body-and-a-mind is moving through the world’. But experience says no such thing. Experience says ‘All these flow through Me’.

Buildings, wires, trains, sounds, sights; all these are moving through Me. I am not moving through them. Thought says ‘I am moving forward toward a place or a location or an object’. But experience tells me that I am always in the same place-less place of experiencing; that all things come to Me…, I don’t go to them. Experience comes towards Me, I don’t go towards it. I remain eternally present in the dimension-less, place-less place of experiencing…, never going anywhere, never going towards an object or another. Just being pure sensitivity, pure openness that allows all experience to be just as it is; coming to Me, flowing through Me, dissolving into Me. But I-this-openness, this availability, this sensitivity never going anywhere.

Thought says that ‘I am entering the airplane’ but experience tells me that the airplane is entering Me. My only knowledge of this airplane at the moment is a visual perception, and this perception comes to Me, arises in Me, takes place in Me; I don’t take place in it. I am the openness, the emptiness, the pure availability which allows this perception to take place…, the open space in which it appears, and with which it is known…, and ultimately, out of which this perception is made.

Thought says that ‘I am 30,000 feet up in the sky’ but experience says no such thing. For experience, there is a collection of sights, sounds and textures strung together by thought to form a story-line that seems to describe my experience. But I have no actual experience of being 30,000 feet up in the sky inside an airplane. I have no experience of being ‘somewhere’. All ‘somewheres’ are made out of Me, appear in Me. I don’t appear in them. My only knowledge of the inside of an airplane is the current perception. My only knowledge of 30,000 feet in the sky is a perception plus a thought. Experience knows no such thing. Without reference to memory, I would have no idea that I was inside an airplane or 30,000 feet up in something called a sky. All these are concepts that thought super-imposes onto the raw intimacy of my experience. The raw intimacy of my experience is that I am always (in fact, not ‘always’ [as] in time but) eternally present Now…, not located in a place…, located in the dimension-less presence of my own Being.

Thought says that ‘We have landed and are moving at a terrific speed’ but I-pure-experiencing know no such thing. A series of abstract, meaningless perceptions flow through Me. It is only by referring to memory that thought interprets these abstracts images and makes out of them an idea of a runway, an airplane landing, terrific speed, etc. I am not going anywhere.

Experience for me has no particular meaning. It is just what it is, from moment to moment.

And finally, thought says that ‘I have arrived’. But for experience, there is no arriving, just as there is no leaving. I-this-open-emptiness, this pure-sensitivity-and-availability, this open-empty-Knowing…, I never go anywhere. I never leave home. I never come back to home. I always simply remain in Myself, as Myself…, taking the shape of the full range of experience…, but never becoming anything other than Myself…,
remaining in Myself, as Myself…,
Knowing-Being Myself alone.

Rupert Spira
I Never Go Anywhere

The Vastness of you. RS&RJS


Are you located inside your sensation/feeling/thought or is your sensation/feeling/thought located inside you?

Answer: It’s located inside you.

What happens when that sensation/feeling/thought is over? Where does it go?

Answer: It goes further within and dissipates. After all, you are the vastness of all infinity. As “it” goes anywhere, it’s gone!


Withdraw your permission RS&RJS


Imagine you’re having a dream and you wake up a little bit – kind of like lucid dreaming. Then you realize that the dream is really a nightmare but you still continue allowing it to happen.

It’s getting more and more unpleasant and you almost forget that it is in fact just a dream. The moment you refuse to give it permission to continue its gone!

Btw, withdrawing permission to continue from a wide-awake world mind illusion works just as efficiently and effectively! You can have a happy day instead.


Vedantric vs tantric approaches Spira video

Advaita vedanta – path of exclusion, inwards facing path, direct path to realization of our true Self
Kashmir Tantric approach – path of inclusion, outwards facing path, identification with All
Rupert Spira suggests and teaches both, as they both have strengths and both have weaknesses, and both lead to same ‘place’ of realization if understood and practiced correctly.
Anna Bharati Wysocka



Well-meaning people are forever complaining that they see w-a-a-ay too much of their selves and that a goodly part of what they see fails to meet with their own approval! It would be sad if it weren’t so darned funny!

And yes we’re talking, not about a spare tire around the belly, but rather a spare tire around the brain. They want to trim down the excess flab, but alas the titillating mind-pictures are loathe to give up the ghost!

That’s all your unwanted thoughts are: ghosts. You can liken them to images dancing across your television screen, as Rupert Spira does when he counsels his inquirers:

“The fact that you see this tsunami of “me-ness” means that you are already, at least to a large extent, free of it. Likewise, the fact that you say “I see myself judging….” means that you already standing as the one who sees rather than the one who judges. It is important that the one that sees the judging doesn’t start judging what it sees, otherwise it ceases being a seer and becomes a judger. So see this tsunami of ‘me-ness’ like you see a tsunami on the TV – with interest but uninvolved.”
— Rupert Spira
Tsunami of “Me-ness”

Now, holding your remote control in your hand with your index finger at the ready, click “OFF” (mentally will be just fine!). You see? There was no discussion, no evaluation, no agonizing, just “click” and all the chatter, all the images, all the fussing: gone, gone and gone!

Were you a nice person, a not-nice person, a winner, a loser, or any of the multifarious other labels you’re so ready to slap on yourself? No! None of these. You are and forever have been infinite consciousness. Turn off the tv screen in your mind and you’ll be instantaneously aware of it!


A P P L I C A T I O N . O F . R U P E R T . S P I R A

A word substitution lends itself greatly to healing in the below quote of Rupert Spira, [brackets, mine]:

“If separation [disease, lack, any problem] were real, we would have to get rid of it. However, separation [disease, lack, any problem] is an illusion.

“Attempting to get rid of an illusion only asserts its apparent reality, thereby strengthening it.”

The bottom line is that all materiality – its ups and downs, sickness, disease, death are unreal in Spirit, therefore unreal. Apply this truth to any ailment – fully and completely – and watch said ailment dissipate (an intransitive verb meaning of its own accord).

Then elsewhere Rupert Spira advises us “At a certain stage, our former interpretation of God or reality changes…as our knowledge is expanded…so that the model or prevailing paradigm can no longer accomodate our expanding knowledge.”

We would do well to keep our language very, very flexible in order that it might accommodate our never ending awakening!




Look at a blank screen. Now imagine it = enlightenment.Would you turn on the tv and try to get the characters or drama to show you enlightenment? They are the distractions known as your life.

Now turn off the tv and see the blank screen ( = enlightenment) again.

It’s not an event per se but the realization that there is no event to discover. You were always looking at the screen but too fascinated with the landscape, drama or characters on it to realize you had been looking at/with enlightenment all along.

“You have never ceased being the ever-presence of awareness – not even for a minute” (Rupert Spira).

Any character that you may identify with on the screen does not have to be dealt with before you can be aware (enlightened): the blank screen is your enlightenment.

Awareness doesn’t like or dislike any ‘problems’ going on in your life. Trying to get rid of your separate self is acknowledging that there is a separate self. To REALLY see this would be the end of it.


Awareness doesn’t have problems because it would have to have resistance first. It never dislikes anything or anyone.

“Be KNOWINGLY the presence of awareness.” Rupert Spira (You already are, but be it knowingly.)

Universe does not ‘stand out from’ consciousness with its own independent reality – Rupert Spira

The belief that consciousness is fundamental to the universe credits the universe with too much existence. The universe does not exist! That is, it does not ‘stand out from’ consciousness with its own independent reality. Only consciousness truly is. The apparent existence of the universe is consciousness itself –indivisible, self-aware being –refracted through the activity of the finite mind. The universe borrows its apparent existence from consciousness, just as the landscape in the movie borrows its apparent reality from the true and only reality of the screen.
The Nature of Consciousness
Rupert Spira

If people would just go all the way with their pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment