Category Archives: Rupert Spira

You are the Dimensionless Now -RSpira

From the screen’s point of view, it is too busy being the now to be aware of what’s being played on the screen.
“I am taking a plane from one place to another place” is my thought about what I am doing. The doing of it is my experience or my awareness and my awareness never changes.
Our experiences are just like dreams in our bed. We are simply aware. All you need to do is just lie there comfortably aware. Just let the awareness flow through you.
Don’t flow in it, let it flow through you.

Satchitananda RSpira

Vedantric Tradition: Satchitananda
Sat = Being
Chit = Consciousness, Knowing
Ananda = Peace
(Ananda has been mistranslated as bliss as if it were some extraordinary experience not accessible to mere mortals, but it really means peace.)
“Know thyself” is carved over the Temple of Appollo in Delphi.

Don’t fight magnetic pull

If you feel that very strong magnetic pull from your thoughts, don’t fight it. That will only set up a conflict.
Let your AWARENESS move in and out among your thoughts and feelings.
Imagine having a movie playing on your TV screen and you want to see just your screen. You don’t have to turn the movie off to see the screen!

Pre-egoic to post-egoic -RSpira

We’re not going back to the pre-egoic of the child. All there is to colors, shapes, chairs, fish, etc. is perception. You can’t touch the stuff you’re seeing. All there is to seeing is knowing. Nothing disappears. If you want the peace, joy, love, bliss of this awareness all the time, even when you’re out in life, then this second stage this merging in consciousness is necessary because it leaves you free to go out and experience life without getting pulled out. You’ll feel safe wherever you are. Undefended, you’ll know everything is a modulation of yourself. This 2nd stage is called the Establishment process. It’s a secret that is completely available. Just keep exploring your experience. We were exploring thoughts and neutral sensations. In life we’re doing things: just extend this morning’s meditation into everyday life. Start with easy circumstances and explore them by asking, “Where is seeing taking place?” “What is the experience of seeing made of?” “Where is hearing taking place?”
“Where is thinking taking place?” Explore this in not just easy benign circumstances. Unless you give an experience permission, it can’t pull you out. No experience has the innate power to do that. THAT EXPLORATION WILL ESTABLISH YOU IN THIS EXPERIENTIAL CERTAINTY.