Category Archives: Rupert Spira
Balyani -RSpira
Either this correctly and adequately points to the Self as GOD, leaving no room for ambiguity, or the listener is not hearing.
Rupert resolved a major issue: God is not relative, but Absolute.
Rupert solved a huge concern on my mind with his lens of consistency. I’ve been watching a ton of Swami Sarvapriyananda’s videos with great delight. One single thing troubled me: his definition of God being on a lower level than Brahman. I’m now prepared to continue insisting that that concept of God, shared by religionistas (lol) all over the world, is simply wrong. The correct designation is Absolute, completely Absolute, just like Brahman. Once we get that straight, we should never regard it flippantly again.
Religions are pretty much united in lowering the meaning of God. But that doesn’t make it so. Religion has no right to dictate and use God for their own agenda.
Actually it’s not a problem if Papaji or any other highly respected person uses the religious Christian definition of God. The all-important issue is that there are different concepts of God, but once the Absolute is chosen as the definition of God, that’s Brahman.
That’s what Rupert reiterated before concluding that if you don’t know God as absolutely 100% All, you don’t know God.
I also find it amazing and wonderful that he quoted Mohammed with such reverence and admiration. ❤
75 people, 75 worlds -RSpira
All there are to colors and shapes are perceptions.
All there is to knowing is seeing.
Allow separation to come & go -RSpira
The desire to uproot or get rid of the sense of separation hidden in a feeling such as sadness, is itself a feeling that is based on a subtle resistance. It is a resistance to the feeling of sadness. In other words, it is a resistance to resistance. In this way, the sense of separation is perpetuated by trying to get rid of the sense of separation.
So what is to be done? Do not make the sense of separation into a problem that needs to be solved. We cannot understand something if we are trying to get rid of.
If separation were real, we would have to get rid of it. However, separation is an illusion. Attempting to get rid of an illusion only asserts its apparent reality, thereby strengthening it.
So what needs to be done to an illusion? Simply to see it clearly as such. In this clear seeing the illusion may or may not disappear immediately but in either case its power over us diminishes and gradually dissolves.
So do not go after the sense of separation. Rather, allow it to come to you, gradually revealing itself in all its depth and complexity. Welcome every face of its appearance with love, as a mother would a troublesome child.
To begin with the investigative mind explores the sense of separation in a proactive way, seeking it out with the sharp tool of reason. However, once the illusion of separation has been revealed for what it is, the investigation gives way to a more contemplative approach in which the subtler layers of separation that have been hiding undetected in the body for so long are gradually revealed and in time dissolved in the loving and contemplative presence of Awareness. That is how these deeper layers of apparent separation are dissolved out of the body. We simply abide as this Aware Presence allowing layer upon layer of separation to be revealed in our loving contemplation. No longer met with the normal attempts to relieve or get rid of them, these feelings gradually come out of the woodwork, so to speak, like creatures at the bottom of a well gradually waking up when the sun is above them at midday. These feelings respond to our loving contemplation like a sort of invitation, rising to the surface when the sun of Awareness shines on them.
So simply abide as this Aware Presence welcoming layer upon layer of feeling, being very sensitive to the old impulse to get rid of them, feeling/understanding this impulse itself as one such residue of separation.
Allow these feelings to come to you; don’t go towards them. Don’t become their accomplice by trying to uproot or get rid of them. This may require courage and love. The old impulse to get rid of these uncomfortable feelings is so strong. Remain gently but resolutely your self, the self. Separation cannot stand the bright but gentle light of our own dispassionate contemplation. Apparent separation thrives on our resistance to or agenda with it and it is for this reason that so many years of spiritual practice often seems successful at first but in the long run fails to bring about the peace for which we long.
So, no more uprooting! Just loving contemplation interspersed with the bright light of investigation from time to time whenever the water in the well gets murky.
~ Rupert Spira
Explore awareness, matter doesn’t exist -RSpira
Matter is what consciousness looks like from the standpoint of the human mind. But it’s not there. Physicists are finding this out all the time: THERE IS NO MATTER !
Mind definition -RSpira
Mind is a temporary and imaginary limitation of awareness. There is no discrete entity called a mind existing in consciousness.
Mind and consciousness DON’T WORK TOGETHER. THERE’S ONLY ONE.
There’s no proof that when the body dies, the mind with all its habits ceases. That’s a good incentive to take care in this life!
The I that knows is the I that is known.
Dimensionlessness -RSpira
There is only one perceiver.
Very off-putting – apparent solidity crumbled away. Everyone meets different obstacles gently seeing they’re not really obstacles and carry on. Go backwards towards the Source of perception. What is on the other end of your attention. That’s what you call I: you don’t find any THING. The perceiver is the best the mind can do. It’s a dimensionless point. Everything is appearing IN this dimensionless (having no boundaries) point.
As a concession to the mind the teaching says it is vast and everlasting but in reality it is neither vast nor everlasting, it is dimensionless.
REAL THINKERS DON’T THINK. They bring the mind aaaalll the way to the end of consciousness, to the brink. The best we can do is a blank open space But then that becomes an object. Nothing is real in the way it is conceived . Only Brahman is real. The conventional view is that they world and everything in it is made of matter but that is not true. Brahman is the world. What is really true in our experience is being aware. The KNOWING of experience is Brahman. Then when we go back to the body-mind-world we find that WOW MY EXPERIENCE IS REAL !!! But it’s not made out of stuff called mind and matter it is made out of pure knowing. In that sense it is real but it is not real as matter it is real as pure consciousness.
It’s not a coincidence that physicists have not found this stuff called matter and it’s not a coincidence that psychologists have not found this thing called mind. It’s not that this is this will find matter in a few more years. It’s not there. So yes this understanding could generate in you a great fear because everything you’ve invested in is not real in the way you thought it was. But this same understanding can be a source of tremendous joy! Nothing of value is being taken away from you but the tyranny of the ego which has been your battleground for your relationships. Free of the ego your relationships with your friends with your family with your dog can be tender and loving free.
There is only one perceiver.
Very off-putting – apparent solidity crumbled away. Everyone meets different obstacles gently seeing they’re not really obstacles and carry on. Go backwards towards the Source of perception. What is on the other end of your attention. That’s what you call I: you don’t find any THING. The perceiver is the best the mind can do. It’s a dimensionless point. Everything is appearing IN this dimensionless (having no boundaries) point.
As a concession to the mind the teaching says it is vast and everlasting but in reality it is neither vast nor everlasting, it is dimensionless.
REAL THINKERS DON’T THINK. They bring the mind aaaalll the way to the end of consciousness, to the brink. The best we can do is a blank open space But then that becomes an object. Nothing is real in the way it is conceived . Only Brahman is real. The conventional view is that they world and everything in it is made of matter but that is not true. Brahman is the world. What is really true in our experience is being aware. The KNOWING of experience is Brahman. Then when we go back to the body-mind-world we find that WOW MY EXPERIENCE IS REAL !!! But it’s not made out of stuff called mind and matter it is made out of pure knowing. In that sense it is real but it is not real as matter it is real as pure consciousness.
It’s not a coincidence that physicists have not found this stuff called matter and it’s not a coincidence that psychologists have not found this thing called mind. It’s not that this is this will find matter in a few more years. It’s not there. So yes this understanding could generate in you a great fear because everything you’ve invested in is not real in the way you thought it was. But this same understanding can be a source of tremendous joy! Nothing of value is being taken away from you but the tyranny of the ego which has been your battleground for your relationships. Free of the ego your relationships with your friends with your family with your dog can be tender and loving free.
Meditation is what I am, not what I do -RSpira
The Sufis say I searched for God and found myself: I searched for myself and found God.
Mind flooded with new understanding -RSpira
There is no “intensely aware”!
Being aware is neutral.
You don’t have to practice being aware. It’s easier than easy. It’s 100% effortless.
With time you’ll learn to always go back to your self after your attention has been diverted by an experience. I recommend practicing “noticing” what is already the case. If you need to practice it, then make the effort until it becomes natural.
What is absolutely true is always absolutely true.
Pathless path, effortless way. There is no room for the place, the person, the way – they are all the same.