ÃŽt is such a h-u-u-u-u-ge temptation to want to tell people the details of our distress.
It’s almost as if – even for a moment – the torment lifts.
Unfortunately for us and everyone else we have just confirmed and magnified the discord,
If we are so sure there’s a power greater than God, we need to be honest with ourself and quit pretending.
But if we know we’re under an hypnotic spell from which we want to awaken, the last thing we’d want is to have anyone join us in our illusion.
Awakening from illusion is what the hypnotized needs to do, no matter what fantastic details the dream may entail.
The choice doesn’t belong to anyone else but the one who is bound by fear and doubt.
Awakening doesn’t happen on a trial, or temporary, basis.
Spirit, God, really is All and it’s to YOUR credit, not mine, for you to choose to wake up.
Here’s a question for you to consider after you’ve completely awakened: aren’t you glad the illusion wasn’t any more tempting than it was?
Now that you’ve awakened can you attest to having wanted part(s) of the illusion removed while you clung to other parts?
Thank God you were finally ready to let go of the last vestiges of the cherished illusion!