Category Archives: Robin Starbuck

Awakening from an illusion -rjs


ÃŽt is such a h-u-u-u-u-ge temptation to want to tell people the details of our distress.

It’s almost as if – even for a moment – the torment lifts.

Unfortunately for us and everyone else we have just confirmed and magnified the discord,

If we are so sure there’s a power greater than God, we need to be honest with ourself and quit pretending.

But if we know we’re under an hypnotic spell from which we want to awaken, the last thing we’d want is to have anyone join us in our illusion.

Awakening from illusion is what the hypnotized needs to do, no matter what fantastic details the dream may entail.

The choice doesn’t belong to anyone else but the one who is bound by fear and doubt.

Awakening doesn’t happen on a trial, or temporary, basis.

Spirit, God, really is All and it’s to YOUR credit, not mine, for you to choose to wake up.

Here’s a question for you to consider after you’ve completely awakened: aren’t you glad the illusion wasn’t any more tempting than it was?

Now that you’ve awakened can you attest to having wanted part(s) of the illusion removed while you clung to other parts?

Thank God you were finally ready to let go of the last vestiges of the cherished illusion!

Healing took over -rjs


I can’t tell you how many times – between 1,000 and 1,000,000 times would be accurate – I’ve looked away from a discordant claim (physical, emotional, etc) with such complete absorption in Spirit that I completely forgot the formerly overwhelming problem and healing swooped in and took over! 😀


Observe yourself from outside -rjs


This morning I wanted
To be fully tuned in
Transitioned is the word
I wanted it more than
I’ve ever wanted it before.
Or so I thought.

It was revealed to me
That I wasn’t quite honest
with myself.
That the problem was really
With how much I wanted it.

It was then that a light dawned
And the realization that I
Didn’t really want it
As much as I thought I did
Became overwhelmingly clear.

“Help thou mine unbelief”
I wailed.
The answer I desperately needed
Then flooded my consciousness:

“Observe yourself from outside
And relate what you see.”

I took a look and saw her
Struggling there.
Trying so hard to ‘get it’
In what might be dubbed
A permanent transition.

“Now observe the observer.
Which one is really you?”

That’s me! I am the observer!
Absolutely right.
And what do you think
The observer still needs to do?
Absolutely nothing!
Nothing at all!

The observer is my real Self.
That’s with a capital S.
It’s all that ever was or is.
That’s Awareness Itself
Without an object to see.


Detach and dismiss -rjs


If you really want to get OUT of that mindset it’s time to realize you’ve never fully tried self-investigation. Add to that a decision to utterly dispense with Attachment.

It wasn’t you but that nasty little mortal mind claiming its hold on you which kept you chasing after things that appear to be doing you in.

For starters all your ATTACHMENTS – each and every one of them – need to be summarily dismissed. They are your unyielding link to a realm you want to see through.

What would life be like if you simply gave up ALL your material attachments including physical wealth, health, popularity – – just gave them all up and surrendered to spiritual awareness instead?

After the initial shock of so much weightiness dropping off you’d begin to rest for the first time ever – rest in a free-breathing trust that clings to nothing at all.

You must, absolutely must, RE-PRIORITIZE. Step out courageously, REFOCUS, and leave your ENTIRE human life behind.

Don’t beat yourself up – you never knew you had a choice to let everything go. Just breathe nice and easy ….. AND NEVER LOOK BACK.

You’ve been so attached to so many “things” that gave you status and applause. Let them go like yesterday’s garbage.

What could you possibly want more than perfect spiritual awareness? For how long? FOREVER !!!


Attaining higher consciousness -rjs


Have you experienced what felt like
a complete final breakthrough
in which immense spiritual love
pretty nearly overwhelmed you?
Were you quite sure in the face of
such ineffable joy that the cares of
the world had had their last hurrah?

And then, finally, you “needed to”
come back and “face the world”
again at which time you “had to”
assume your “usual place” in it?
And all too swiftly the cherished
position, the pinnacle, evaporated?

I defy you to look again.
Look right at the point you had attained.
You see, it’s still there!!!
It’s gonna need some nurturing now
to bring it fully back and maintain it.
But be sure of this: it is still there.

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

I have a spiritual body -rjs

I Am Spirit. I have a spiritual body. In my spiritual body I can only see absolute perfection. Nothing unlike Divine Love touches me or anyone I see with my single eye. I fill all space because I Am instead of space. I’m remembering my spiritual body stretching out beyond the illusion of time. In my spiritual body everyone is healed, happy, whole and gloriously free, as I Am. What safety, what comradery, what pleasure, what love-for-all resides within my spiritual body!

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

Re-examing our goal -rjs

L E T ‘ S R E – E X A M I N E O U R G O A L

People of a pseudo-psychological leaning tend to judge our best goal(s) in life to be what they deem obvious. If our goal, however, has precious little to do with a so-called healthy, happy, inscrutably ‘wise’ humanly human, maybe we need to unfollow our learned counterparts!

Let’s throw off our obsession with humanity’s baubles and flirtations and ponder life’s most urgent question: how are we demonstrating our eternal life now? Are we even aware of it. For the majority of inhabitants of this planet the prognosis is not good.

Disease and death are unknown in Spirit, God. What good is this knowledge if we don’t intimately realize it? If we’re oblivious of Life which is God, how in the world do we think we can experience it? What’s there to break the illusion of life in a dying body? You certainly don’t think death can be a great enlightener, do you?

At the risk of being repetitive, the only way to awareness is to wake up! Be hands-down willing to roll up your sleeves and get dirty! Or, go back to sleep and we’ll talk again after a few hundred more years!

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

That thing you do -rjs


Do you have that thing you do automatically – oh, I don’t know, scratch, bite, grimace, squint, grunt, sigh, etc, ad nauseum?

Now I’m not trying to criticize, good grief, I’m just saying, isn’t that habit a confirmation of a lie that you’re starting to break down or break up or break out?
You know I wouldn’t mention anything so trivial and or silly if I weren’t leading up to something much more rewarding, right? – namely, that you can nip it in the bud and heal it forever!

You’re not getting older, wearing out, losing stamina coz, well, God isn’t. Everything God is you are; everything God has, you have, every place God is you are, everything God knows you know.

And God don’t grunt!

drrobinstarbuck 2018

Quantum physics is discovering -rjs

QUANTUM PHYSICS IS FAST DISCOVERING THAT all around us right now, is a Kingdom where death does not exist, where there is not a single problem, where there is nothing as we know it with our human mind. There is a completely different universe present here now, in which none of the physical or mental images that we entertain are present.


Only remove what’s no longer serving -rjs


Had a kinda strange convo with Spirit this morning. Without any provocation, I declared that yes I wouldn’t mind being a few degrees happier and I wouldn’t mind having a little tweaking of this and that issues and I wouldn’t mind . . . .

What was my point? I didn’t want to have a single annoyance or discomfort removed or favor granted UNLESS it was to further awaken me to Universal Love, Spirit.

And I meant it. It felt awfully good. I knew I was onto something, but I honestly didn’t know what!

For what it’s worth, what had begun as a kinda nondescript ho-hum, alright – lousy day, brightened up so brilliantly that I confess, I’m bedazzled!
