Category Archives: Robin Starbuck

Death of the body -rjs

You’re gonna like this one – wait for the “BUT” !!


No matter how you think
About the body
It’s gonna quit somehow

BUT let’s appeal now to
Your imagination.
Imagine transitioning to
That place where Allness Is.

Long before the body starts
Its hydra-headed complaints.
Imagine experiencing now
Your eternal life.

So much so that you hear
Yourself utter
“I don’t care at all what
Happens to this container!”

Imagine the impact on your
So-called world mind,
On hypnotic devilish

The very vehicle you thought
Was quitting
Perks up, recharges
And loves you back.

DrRobinStarbuck, To-day

Deeper awareness calls for keen focus -rjs

Are you feeling an overall sense of disconnect from the past and dissociation with all flesh? A feeling of sheer joy replete with a ‘knowing’ that it’s finally permanent? A contentment within that’s effervescing on yours and everyone else’s path? Not quite there yet? Join the club – I’m the president!

I’ve been at it a very long time but that’s okay because I recognize that sharing my path IS my calling and is only for the purpose of blessing you. I’ve made some strides of late that have me gobsmacked with wonder!

And yet I still revisit issues of the past – not anywhere near as much as I used to, but enough to mention to you now. Oh, the issues themselves aren’t important per se but utilizing them to go deeper into spirituality with its requisite absolute forgiveness has brought on some strange and wonderful fruitage.

It got me wondering why I had received a directive to get a Ph.D. I had endured unmitigated abuse of the worst kind – not physical, but mental, throughout my life, so then I was to come out a victor with special qualifications! Many, many times I’ve made such brazen statements about the nature and allness of God that the reader wound up doing a search on me, thinking I was some kind of a nut, only to find a nut with a doctorate!

My statement to the world that hopes for enlightenment is “a little feel-good experience now and then won’t get you where you yearn to be: it’s just not enough! It’s waaaay not enough! When you arrive at that spiritual feel-good, you’re merely approaching the front door: it’s time to pull out everything you know about God ‘n you and apply, apply, apply til the cows come home! Once stable, don’t back off or back away, keep applying what you already know until the world dream is demolished – stripped of its hypnotic hold. Amen.”
drrobinstarbuck 2018

Super easy focusing exercise -rjs


“I am not in this scenario that’s being depicted on tv.”

How do you know specifically?

“I don’t know any of the people there. I don’t know where or when it took place and there’s nothing in it that resonates with me.”

How does this recognition impact your present spiritual journey?

“It’s like a model of what is NOT happening. I can actually feel how clearly and completely and easily it can be for me to withdraw my attachment to the entire realm of the unreal. It’s as simple as waking from a dream.”

Imagine the favorable ramifications of this focusing exercise on anyone hoping to effectively dismiss an unwanted pull away from their cherished goal.

DrRobinStarbuck 12/14/2020

Spiritual assertions -rjs

S P I R I T U A L – A S S E R T I O N S

[This is just a spontaneous practice of mine. There is no particular order. Its purpose is to encourage everyone to generate their own personal list.]

• I am Spirit, God.
• Absolutely everyone is Spirit, God.
• Spirit, God, is Perfection.
• I am Perfection.
• I am not one iota smarter, better, healthier, stronger, brighter, than anyone else.
• I am no less guilty than anyone else.
• “That person” is Omnipotence, just like me.
• No bad memory exists.
• That entire horrific world scenario never happened.
• We don’t ignore physical reality: we see through it.
• Nothing has a grip on my consciousness.
• I see everyone as free and as whole as myself.
• I’m not a good, loving mortal: I’m not a mortal at all.
• In Spirit, that devastating event never occurred.
• Spirit is the only reality.
• Not one person has ever exploited me. Ever.
• I am ever-present.
• I was never born into a material body.
• That incident also never occurred.
• It really never happened.
• Everything that seems to have occurred was but a stepping-stone in illusion.
• Not one unloving or loving human being ever existed.
• I do see all of this – and infinitely more – clearly now.
• Nothing is lacking.
• I am in automatic higher consciousness.


Get really serious -rjs

Sometimes I kid around to enjoy a bit of levity.
This is not one of those times.
I’m finding I have less and less tolerance for counter-productive, ineffective meditation or prayer.
I say this with great joy because I’m sure everyone would readily agree there’s neither distance nor time in God.
I don’t wish to employ anything outside myself to control my thinking using some quasi-hypnotic methodology being piped in from an outside source.
You want to go to the kitchen, to the store, to the beach, to a faraway country, to another planet?
You’re already there: only your so-called body has to catch up.
Spirit, the Matrix, the Field, the Universe, God, Mind, Soul, Life, Love … Where are they? EVERYWHERE !!!
Absolutely everywhere!
When are we mere mortals gonna fess up and realize we’re going about it all wrong when we ask idiotic matter-based questions about Spirit?
Confusion in = confusion out!
JUST TAKE THE SIMPLEST, MOST BASIC TRUTH THAT YOU KNOW. Take it for all it’s worth, and then some.
You could meditate all day long on the ramifications of I Am That I.
I = God = you = God
All day long. Whenever a lesser thought invades, hit it with “God is the ISness that consists of All. Or, simply, God is All.


Oh Kitty! -rjs

O H – K I T T Y !!!

He took the poor little kitty by the scruff of the neck and immersed her in the cold, cold river repeatedly!!!

Oh, did I forget to mention that she had fallen into quicksand and was drowning? Simply getting kitty out and leaving her to lick off a complete multi-covering of mud would not have saved her life!

He didn’t pause to think whether kitty would like being dunked in the frigid river. First he got her out, then clean and warm and fed.

But we – o lofty mortals – we think we always know the best way for ourselves, don’t we? What feels good to the five senses? What gets us what we want instantaneously? How can we avoid like the plague – or mud – our exertion of a modicum of effort?

Btw, Kitty wound up falling in love with her “captor”. We can learn to do likewise because merely titillating our senses does not translate to happening upon enlightenment.


Reincarnation: yes or no? -rjs

R E I N C A R N A T I O N : Y E S . O R . N O ?

Why does one teacher, Herb Fitch, vehemently maintain that reincarnation is entirely and categorically unreal and then expend much time, effort and skillfully researched thought on its description, its function and purpose in the very life of mankind?

Here’s why. Reincarnation is part and parcel of the much greater hypnotic sham perpetrated upon the human race. The seemingly insurmountable false belief besieges everyone that it can: such is the function of hypnotism.

We have all bought into the belief of incarnation, haven’t we? We get up in the morning, have our java, brush our teeth, do our chores, get sick, die. Start again and again. And again until we finally wake up.

Herb wants us all to wake up now. We don’t have to keep trying and trying and trying to get it right, only to expire once again. Awakening catapults us out of here! That’s right, we can leave before our number is up. I can’t think of anything more important we could put on the table than our own personal burning desire to finally, once and for all, completely, without equivocation, wake entirely up!




When I ponder
God’s Omnipresence
Omniscience and Omnipotence
There are times my mind is
Instantaneously freed to soar
And sing of His glories.
Other times, not so much.

Times I need to feel
His closeness, gently speaking
To the child of me,
Until I once again see:
The Christ in me
IS me
And I am He.

Abba, Papa, God in me
Speak in Divine wordlessness.
Calmly bring to remembrance
Your infinitude, Life and Love
Oneness, Allness, Is-ness,
I Am, Spirit and Soul,
The world knows not of.

DrRobinStarbuck 2017



Taking a look at HEALING from a multidimensional perspective, our imaginations may be drawn to places where time and space is of no event. We can romp about effortlessly and see our Father’s creation from the vantage point of spiritual reality. We don’t “know” – as in, squeeze our brains to eke out a modicum of self-assurance; but we KNOW that God is all around and all through us and that we’re living our eternal life right now.

Here comes the rub. We have to go back to our little material, disease-laden, ego-driven, accident-prone lives, don’t we? My vote is on ‘No, we don’t!’
Why should we go back and deny everything that we’ve learned to be true about God? Go back and resume our hurting, hating and suffering? Why not stay in full conscious awareness of our ONENESS with God? Why not remember that we are located behind our eyes and that’s why we see perfectly. We hear with the hearing of Christ, which never has to wane. The Holy Spirit breathes through us; we’re filled and we send His love out to the world.

We see “the world” quite a bit differently by now, and what a beautiful sight it is! We no longer have issues, for they have vanished. Everyone we can possibly bring to our consciousness – past, present and future – receives an holy kiss, and is joyfully blessed. Amen.

DrRobinStarbuck 2017