Don’t think for a moment that Spirit, God, ‘Creator’ of the universe (of Spirit) describes itself in cryptic language just to make your life miserable! That couldn’t be further from the truth!
There is no easy way to use a language – any human language – and explain issues of a non-human (non-mortal) nature. But the hard, cold fact is that humans are in essence mentally lazy. They hear earth-shattering truths but fail to follow them to a substantial conclusion.
“Matter as such does not exist.” So spake Einstein. But the world goes on and on ad infinitum with nary the slightest doubt as to the solidity, the all-pervasiveness and absolute dominion of same. It’s as if our mighty mortal man would quell the very knowledge gleaned by quantum- and astro-physics in the name of getting on with their summertime slumber.
~ Dr. Robin Starbuck
Category Archives: Robin Starbuck
Wandered off? Pondering? -rjs

Have you wandered off
Just a little bit
And felt like nothing is
Or ever was
Quite right?
Who are you to think
That in a flash
You could be right back on target?
You could turn – not so much away
From loveless, lifeless darkness
You could, right this very instant, turn
To the Light.
Now everything”s become
Unspeakably beautiful
Full of love and joy
And unending recognition
Of who it is
That you are!
~ Robin Starbuck, 2018
When we ponder the world and all its
Titillating eccentricities, replete with heartache and pain
Wonndering what Spirit must be like…
Immortal Milton depicted it as a great white light – could it really inspire such abject boredom?
It behooves us to pass “Go” and head directly for The Fourth Dimension itself.
When? Where? How?
Now. Here. Focus.
It’s hard to imagine in our puny pea-brains
Just how exquisite, wonderful, delicious, thrilling, altogether lovely and loving
This realm of spiritual sublimity really is.
But how can we know with those tiny fallible minds of ours?
We Can Not.
Therein lies the key: the realm of pure Spirit is entirely spiritual.
And the onus is upon us to adjust our receptors to make way for a whole new way of perceiving.
~ Robin Starbuck, 2018
Your deeper journey -rjs
As you go infinitely deeper on your spiritual path you’ll find yourself less and less interested in grabbing popularity from every available avenue. You’d rather be a bright light for those who are becoming more fully aware of their seemingly new dimension of discovery. DrRobinStarbuck
Unwanted/ Junk thoughts -rjs
Walking down the street, I saw a spot on the pavement – must’ve been someone’s piece of gum. A little further were a few pebbles and then a torn piece of paper. Walked a ways further and noticed a big stain, coffee or something.
You know what those things reminded me of? Thoughts. Mostly unwanted thoughts. Silly, stupid, careless thoughts.
Wanna know what I did with the junk on the sidewalk? Absolutely nothing.
What ought we do with unwanted thoughts? Absolutely … you got it! Nothing!
Robin at Don’t Tell Mama, NYC

Had to get this out -rjs
SOMETIMES PEOPLE DON’T QUITE “GET” ME. I don’t want to write a post about me but Papa says I gotta do it so here goes. I didn’t ever want to say this coz I so strongly dislike religious terminology but I believe I’m “anointed”. Good grief I said it!! Now all’s I gotta do is vindicate my statement, then I’m done, right Papa? Okay here goes.
I had more on my shoulders than most adults do in a lifetime, not expected to live time and again and I was like 5, 10, 15 years old. I can’t bear to relive the pain of being left so all alone – with a bible!!! – to heal myself when it was so beneficial to keep me down. I don’t know how I survived but I sure did learn to rely entirely on God.
Not physical rape but emotional dogged me since forever, and yet I can smile victoriously as I learned to use each and every incident as a stepping stone to deeper/ higher/ farther exploitations of Holy Spirit than I ever deemed possible.
I guess somewhere along the way I discovered that my niche was in the very process of dis–covering my spiritual being and abode commencing almost at birth!
Btw, lest I forget, you precious reader are not one iota less anointed than I am. Now I think I’ve said it all.
When “I’ve COME BACK” no longer means to the world… -rjs
When “I’ve COME BACK” no longer means to the world but rather I’ve come back to my Source, center, awareness, God, Brahman, Nirvana, then I will have transitioned to Enlightenment.
I AM -rjs
● I AM.
● I .
□ Note well: Some mystics have gone through this progression many, many years ago while others have yet to meet it. Furthermore you who have not experienced it in its entirety have undoubtedly met many other glorious illuminations that the likes of myself have not yet seen.