Coz it’s not real!
Coz it’s not real!
Would you like to try a very basic level healing experiment with me right now? If so, let’s try this: choose some small problem that has been bothering you but you’ve managed to ignore. Have you got it?
Good. Now I’m going to ask you to put it so far out of your conscious awareness that we’re not going to discuss it at all. No, it’s not the pink elephant game – it’s not a game at all. The issue could be a specific mental or physical anguish. Let’s give it a general name so we’re all on the same page. Let’s call it recurring headaches (This has never been my particular case: I’m just keeping it general for us now.).
Now what we’re going to want to do is talk in great detail about what IS true. For this we will need to see through false appearances right straight to the reality that Jesus “saw” which healed every single time. He saw everyone as they really are – perfect! Right where the headache seemed to be Jesus saw God’s own child, unencumbered and free!
Actually I believe it’s safe to say it was never a two-step process with Jesus (believing the lie and then un-believing it); He simply SAW THROUGH the seeming and beheld the person healed.
The only thing that remains for us is to be consistent, tenacious and strong. Whenever the slightest thought or remembrance surfaces, take charge for dear life!
See yourself as God created you: perfect, whole, happy and COMPLETELY FREE. Now do it again and again and again. DO NOT GO BACK – EVER !!!! Walk in freedom from now on. This is your eternal life.
Robin Starbuck 2017
Weird stuff going on here! This morning my eyes were excruciatingly itchy – unbelievably itchy!! I was reminded of an incident many years ago when one eye was so itchy and I rubbed it so hard that my boyfriend had to drive me to the hospital for emergency treatment. I had to wear an eye patch for several loooong days! Ugh!!
But, no problem, I’ll just put on some antihistamine eye drops … No, stop!! But Papa they’re just over-the-counter … No! I want you to apply your healing principles. But they’re sooo itchy… No! You can do it!
So I said one sentence to negate the claim: “No!!! – you can’t be itchy because God can’t have itchy eyes!! Then about 10-20 statements of AFFIRMATION, declaring that God is all power and present everywhere! He created me and my eyes out of the selfsame substance that He consists of. Jesus never missed – He saw only spiritual reality where humans see a lie. I got so involved in my affirmations of Truth that I didn’t even realize that all the itchiness had entirely disappeared. 3-4 hours later, I felt a little bit itchy again, so I said more sternly than ever, “No!” As I began to repeat my healing affirmations, it immediately disappeared – this time permanently! Praise God, praise God, praise God!!!
Robin Starbuck 2015
SOMETIMES PEOPLE DON’T QUITE “GET” ME. I don’t want to write a post about me but Papa says I gotta do it so here goes. I didn’t ever want to say this coz I so strongly dislike religious terminology but I believe I’m “anointed”. Good grief I said it!! Now all’s I gotta do is vindicate my statement, then I’m done, right Papa? Okay here goes.
I had more on my shoulders than most adults do in a lifetime, not expected to live time and again and I was like 5, 10, 15 years old. I can’t bear to relive the pain of being left so all alone – with a bible!!! – to heal myself when it was so beneficial to keep me down. I don’t know how I survived but I sure did learn to rely entirely on God.
Not physical rape but emotional dogged me since forever, and yet I can smile victoriously as I learned to use each and every incident as a stepping stone to deeper/ higher/ farther exploitations of Holy Spirit than I ever deemed possible.
I guess somewhere along the way I discovered that my niche was in the very process of dis–covering my spiritual being and abode commencing almost at birth!
Btw, lest I forget, you precious reader are not one iota less anointed than I am. Now I think I’ve said it all.
I must make it very clear that I neither believe nor subscribe to the concept that loved (or hated) ones who have passed on are looking down on us from a now fully-enlightened vantage point.
But – STRICTLY FANTASY – if they were, could you imagine them saying “Ooooh looook YOURNAME is just beginning to catch on! It won’t be long now before s/he fully understands why I had to do what I did! There was no other way to get you to where YOU really wanted to be.
Robin Starbuck
ARE YOU FACING A VERY BIG CHALLENGE? Perhaps it involves another person and/or doctors, hospital, surgery and plenty of medicine. What can YOU do?
I cringe when I hear the expression “hold a good thought” or “maintain happy thoughts”: it’s so not there. What is needed is genuine contact with God. He can guide you every step of the way, putting your anxious mind at ease and revealing all kinds of unexpected assists.
The carnal mind will jump in there and argue that you would have thought of this or that by yourself, but you know better. Stay with your God-awareness for the long haul – way, way beyond the healing.
Instead of “believing in” a doctor, a therapy, a name, a medical regiment, believe 100% in God and He will take care of the rest. Yes, you should then trust that your decision is from Him and have confidence in the treatment you choose; but never, never, never let up on your unswerving faith in God who causes things to be that were not.
One day 5-6 yrs ago I spent the entire morning clearing my thought.
I was deep in connection, head lowered in an elevator when two young women walked in. One said to the other “Wow! there are great vibes in here!” I glanced up and they were both looking and smiling at me!
Like I said it was 5-6 years ago but the joy of remembering it hasn’t abated in the least!
DrRobinStarbuck 2018
Don’t think for a moment that Spirit, God, ‘Creator’ of the universe (of Spirit) describes itself in cryptic language just to make your life miserable! That couldn’t be further from the truth!
There is no easy way to use a language – any human language – and explain issues of a non-human (non-mortal) nature. But the hard, cold fact is that humans are in essence mentally lazy. They hear earth-shattering truths but fail to follow them to a substantial conclusion.
“Matter as such does not exist.” So spake Einstein. But the world goes on and on ad infinitum with nary the slightest doubt as to the solidity, the all-pervasiveness and absolute dominion of same. It’s as if our mighty mortal man would quell the very knowledge gleaned by quantum- and astro-physics in the name of getting on with their summertime slumber.
~ Dr. Robin Starbuck
All morning I had a question.
But I didn’t know what the question was!
So then I had two unknowns.
It was most disconcerting!
I yearned to go all the way
Out of the “me” realm
Of the Unreal.
Didn’t care an iota about
Rewards and accolades of flesh.
Wanted to be where striving’s done
And seeing all aright was my
Healing gift to everyone.
“Me” knew that there was a message
A message that would consign her
To having never existed at all.
What is it?
What can it be?
“Unlike most people, you are
Starting to see that there is
Humans love to compromise two realms
Two realities, mis-connections
Pulling them back down when they would soar
But not you Robin and you’ve paid dearly
But this is your prize – to try
To share.”
DrRobinStarbuck, 2018
I lost my sister when she was 19 – auto accident – no warning, suddenly the light of my life – gone! She was 11 years younger than me. Very, very bright, compassionate leader in every way, loving, beautiful – gone! Shocked to the core! When my mother called to tell me, she prefaced it with “We must remember that God is Life.” I clung to her preface for my dear life and God took me through the “grieving process” miraculously!!! . I was told by many, many people that I was a tremendous inspiration to them. This glorious healing is available to anyone who asks. April, my sister, is always with me – in a very happy way.
The amazing miracles that Jesus performed have no easy explanation … not in this realm where matter reigns. But quantum physics and especially Einstein have demonstrated time and again that “matter as such does not exist.” Once free from the throes of matter, Jesus’ miracles start making sense. He was literally in another dimension or another universe right where everyone saw him in our third dimension. In Spirit, all good is possible.