Category Archives: Robin Starbuck

When miracles happen -rjs

When miracles happen, the carnal mind is always ready to explain them away, make light of them or totally ignore them.

Miracles demonstrate the indescribably amazing and wonderful power of our God and can be perceived on a moment-by-moment basis when we ponder our Oneness with God.

Did you know even Kim Jung Un could be smitten with God’s love and all those people who have no focus would entirely miss it. They’d think it was nothing more than a ripple and go on with their terribly self-defeating lack of focus.

Would that all of us who have experienced a modicum of spiritual awakening and a handful of miracles would go completely into our own newly refreshed powerful conscious awareness where all is One!

Robin Starbuck 2017

Who ya gonna bless? -rjs

Reading lovely words and
Saying “How beautiful!”
Doesn’t put you
Where you need to be.
Viewing your fellow man
As less than you in any way
Sells YOU short!!!

You got a new revelation
And another, and another
Now who are you going to bless?
Not instruct, not correct
Just bless?

Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence -rjs

He, She, It is present
There’s not that particular time
Or place where He is/was not.
He’s within you and
He’s everywhere you go.

Healing happens
As we recognize
God is the only power there is
Right in the face of illusion:
No other power can threaten
Us in any way.

He, She, It knows all there is/was
To know:
I AM =
To the exclusion of all else.

Dr. Robin Starbuck, 2017

Kill not the messenger -rjs


When very much younger
There were some truths knew
Were true as the day is long
However freely chose to
Tell them “Later Baby,
Got some living to do!”

But the notion never occurred
To flat-out deny spiritual Truth
And put those who chose the
Less-traveled-by Road
In a less-than courageous light.

“Knew” that Divine Truth was
A thing of infinitude
Knew approaching powerful Facts
In steps and stages until could
See the tunnel as purely illusory.

Yes part of me always knew
There was so much more
To be gleaned than
What my little mind could absorb.

Very pleased with that conviction
And realization that most probably
When deep scientific and spiritual truths
Come together harmoniously in
Human thought, my own was
Not standing in the way.

Robin Starbuck 8/14/18

Pride is a troublesome word -rjs

is a troublesome word, sometimes good, usually bad. When it’s bad, it’s like a cancer eating up its victim from the inside.
Everything they do is marred by extreme selfishness, gross insecurity and total absence of love. They’re never able to feel satisfied as they’ve signed on to a lifelong quest of proving their superiority and are shattered every time anyone emerges with more talent in any area.
These victims are profoundly lonely and often terrified. They can never find contentment, happiness or abiding companionship. The world calls them winners as they bask in their short-lived hollow victories.
Sometimes such people channel their passions and become world leaders – usually autocrats – while others live a quiet life, much akin to a silent scream. If you or anyone you know is beset with this tormenting malady, there is hope if you want it (most don’t).

Read everything in the literature about the Oneness of God, everything you can get your hands on about “I AM” and of course whatever you can find on the topic of healing. A breathtakingly gorgeous transformation is about to take place.

Dr. Robin Starbuck, 8/7/17

Give up all attachments -FJ &rjs

Frank Johnson expands and with razor-sharp precision expounds my topic, drawn from my inquiry into how to put Eastern wisdoms to use in the Western world:


In response to a popular query re. exactly how one could proceed with the task of putting off attachments, I cautioned that I am not a behaviorist, meaning I don’t concern myself with matters on the outside at all.

This issue is 100% a spiritual one, so setting up a plan to adjust your behavior will most assuredly miss the mark. As a matter of fact, it’s an all-or-nothing situation as with Abraham and Isaac.

If you arrive at the point where you need absolutely NOTHING AT ALL, then you’ll know the nature of true bliss. You’ll see for the first time what total freedom is truly about.

Frank Johnson adds:
“True. The religious mind would have you think that change comes about by YOU taking control of your behavior. How many believe that in order to advance to some “higher level”, or to achieve some kind of spiritual breakthrough or intuitive tune-up, you need to really focus on doing better? We’ve all heard the expression… “What would Jesus do?” Does that really work?

Yes, you may achieve some limited or measured results, but ultimately and hopefully you’ll come to realize that all that “doing” is still just you. All that religious effort is still coming from you. What if you were to actually stop, and do something radically different. What if you really did what Jesus did… actually accept the divine reality of your Being? Right now, just as you are!

What if that God that we believe in is the LIFE that we already are and we were never told the truth. How many Believers ever take the time to realize or accept the truth within of who they are? What if you were to realize that the gospel message was not about “you doing something”, but that it was about the change that takes place when we accept and awaken to the truth of who we are.

What if the “I Am” that Jesus knew in himself is the “I Am” of you and me? What if YOU have been fighting the truth of your own Being all this time? Maybe the change we were looking for is found when we finally stop and just learn what it means to “Be”. To learn what it feels like to rest in the truth that it is God–our true Life, that works in, as, and through our physical being. This is how real change takes place. For now we realize that all this time we never knew the truth of who we are.”
Frank Johnson

Oh, that every man, woman and child would say ‘yes!’ to the nudge in their heart that is forever drawing them home to their Source, the reality of who they – and everyone else – are!

Mental healing vs spiritual healing -rjs


When one person endeavors to heal another by convincing them that they are perfect and that THEY KNOW IT, this is healing by mental suggestion. The danger in this inferior method is that it’s employing the use of the human mind to contact another human mind to effect a change. Who’s to say the motive is entirely pure here?

There is no battle to be waged between two perceived powers. Spiritual healing is of God alone and entails opening up to His perfect realm of Spirit and realizing that this is the realm of the real.

In other words, it’s not YOUR “GETTING IT” that healed you: it’s still God that did the healing. Your role was merely to apply the principles which included understanding spiritual healing.

Dr. Robin Starbuck 2017

Cacaphony silenced -rjs

Last night I had an episode
True story
Trying to get into the Silence
Suddenly thought-particles started racing
Through my mind – such as it was.
Fifty percent negative
Fifty percent pure nonsense
A cacophony of noise
Screeching and racing!
Tried to silence it. Couldn’t.
Slowed it down long enough to
Enumerate a whole bunch of
Not-quite-right things happening
In my outer life.
Love gestures irreparably miss-taken,
Uncoverings should’ve stayed covered,
Noise! Noise! Noise!
How can I make it Shut Up??
Friends are drifting. Me too. But why?
I half expected to see the red-suited guy.
Louder now … and faster too …
Gonna crash methinks.
What in the world . . . .
AHA !! In the world you say?
Well guess what? I quit. I’m done.
It’s finished.
Coz I just looked down and saw

Robin Starbuck 2018

A few tender moments with Runta -rjs

My brother had 5 cats, one of which produced a litter of kittens. All the babies were doing fine save one which he explained was the runt of the litter, hence the name “Runta”. He explained that mama had abandoned her because she was so weak and tiny.

This story doesn’t have an entirely happy ending but a few precious moments.

I took Runta to my apartment, kept her in a little bed that I fashioned and placed under the nice warm lamp that I was using to do my college homework. I fed her as best I could with an eyedropper and petted her very gently with one finger.

Runta purred!!!

I wish that were the end of the story but the poor little thing died a few days later.

I can still hear and feel her purring.

Robin Starbuck 2014

Have you ever entered into the silence to listen to the Spirit
and then heard nothing??


Human v Spiritual Consciousness -rjs

Every single problem on earth can be solved with spiritual consciousness. But this God-consciousness needs to be developed through taking no thought for the very issues that vex humankind. THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE FOR HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS: we need to do our level best to lay it aside for spiritual consciousness, knowing that the two, having nothing in common, are constantly at war with one another.

We must take a stand and shun all that would pull us away from our conscious awareness of God’s all-power.

Now here’s the kicker! STOP AT ONCE THINKING IN TERMS OF OPPOSITES: disease & health, lack & supply, abuse & care. A split focus is devastating to the attaining and maintaining of spiritual consciousness. That’s why we look away from so-called human solutions in our endeavor to shore up our concentration on God alone.

Jesus knew, as he trod the globe, that people were seeing false appearances everywhere and he saw right through them! We need to do likewise.

There are NO MAGIC WORDS having power all their own!! One needs the conscious awareness behind the words in order to even be in contact with God. Such awareness comes from God’s grace and generally entails much study and prayerful application of the principles spelled out.
~Dr. Robin Starbuck 2018