Category Archives: Robin Starbuck

Stepping out of old thinking -rjs

You cannot force yourself to believe anything that doesn’t make sense. The entire task before us is to learn what we already know thoroughly enough that believing it becomes a moot point. When we know that we know that we know it’s absolutely true then we don’t need to worry about whether or not to believe it anymore and we can concentrate on processing and accepting it down deep within our soul.

There are various levels of spiritual apprehension. Some factors that ‘seem’ to weigh heavily are language proficiency, levels of openness, awareness, receptivity and a genuine desire to experience an entirely new way of Life.

ONE, ALL, ‘All-One’, ‘A-U-M’, I AM.
All Holy books declare that God is Life: Lao-Tzu, Christ, Zen, Koran, Buddha, Talmud, etc.

The word “Christ” doesn’t have to be a problem to you at all. You may be coming from a place of pretty much hating the whole construct and I don’t blame you – that’s what religion has done to it. it’s organized religion as well as taking mysticism literally that is so hideously detrimental. You can substitute other words for Christ but you may start to miss out on the real intended message that cannot – I repeat cannot – be found in any – I repeat any – religion! You could think of CCC when you think of Christ: Corrected Christ Concept. Once you step out of the body-mind, there is no “into.” Step out equals awaken: it’s the same thing. And Christ = the universal begotten Son = all of us, since forever.

SATTORI (Jap) Zen. The Word. The whole secret. Enlightenment. When your human consciousness which wasn’t spiritually enlightened becomes illumined, that’s SATTORI. You always had it but now you are fully aware and free.

When you’ve been engrossed in many issues in the world as we all seem to need to be and you realize you haven’t been thinking in terms of Spirit, Christ, Soul, God, Self, then you do need to step out. Whether the image of ‘stepping out’ is helpful to you or not is entirely up to you. I belabored it for some time and then I realized that “step out” equals “awaken”! – it was just that instantaneous! But when I was swimming in the mesmerism and hypnotism of the world it seemed as though I needed to make a conscious and conscientious effort to step out of all the stuff that I was knee-deep in. The moment I just simply mentally stepped out, I became fully awake!

DrRobinStarbuck 2017

Some pebbles -rjs

When we think in terms of events developing as time goes by, we are subscribing to a 3D construct of ourselves, like the pilot who gives the control tower her location in terms of distance – not only north and east – of a given point, but also advises them of her altitude. This dynamic, according to Newton, and most Christians I know, moves forward in one direction and in one-dimensional time. We need a Big Apple to fall on our collective head to accept the fact that we live in – at least – a four-dimensional realm, borne out by the special theory of relativity in which things do not move forward but remain static and everything that we, in all our prayers, hope for, already exists. rjs


Whenever you’re in any form of disquiet, i.e., fear, doubt, anxiety, loss, suffering,
it means ur not in your true



We have no right to sickness, poverty, suffering, discord…
Unless of course we invite world mind in, give him a cup of coffee…


If you are looking for me
Me doesn’t live anymore.
I am set
Entirely Free.


That which never was
Has died

And “I” is f-r-e-e


Let it breathe -rjs

SOMETIMES A SPIRITUAL REVELATION NEEDS TIME TO “BREATHE” IN OUR CONSCIOUSNESS. This I know to be the case because I’ve been only too keenly aware that I was unable to adequately answer certain questions re. I AM. It entails a new level of awareness wherein all descriptions cease; all concepts and definitions of God drop by the wayside.

This awareness doesn’t come all at once. I understood it almost perfectly and then it escaped me – several times!! Finally I “got it” and discovered that nothing in all the world could ever be as simple. It leaves no room for the slightest ambiguity or misappropriation.

Robin Starbuck 2017

SURRENDER. Did I really write this?! -rjs

To Truly Enter the Stillness one needs to

Many many times in my meditations
I tried to enter the Stillness
But came up kinda short.
Oh, it was good each and every time
Like a refreshing dip in the ocean that is God.

But this time was different:
I YEARNED for a deeply spiritual and lasting,
Life-changing experience.
The YEARNING grew and grew until
I wanted nothing else –
Just cleanse everything about me
And let me stay indefinitely.

It was tantamount to total
Unmitigated SURRENDER
Although I gave no particular
Thought to it.
I was humbled to the depths
Of my soul.
Moisture told me I had never
Wanted anything so badly.

It happened!
The floodgates of Love burst open
And I saw. I saw everything.
I saw all you guys perfect as you are.
Saw my passed-on parents
And sister and brother.
I saw the whole world
Healed and whole.

DrRobinStarbuck, 2018

When u go into the
don’t try to DO anything.
This is the place where u can ‘see’ in proportion to ur ABSOLUTE SURRENDER. rjs

How relevant is the Bible? -rjs

■ 1 Surely the LORD is in this place.

■ 2 The LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts.

■ 3 You [Lord] alone know the hearts of men.

■ 4 He [God] knows the way that I take.

■ 5 His [God’s] eyes are on their ways.

■ 6 Does he [God] not see my ways and count my every step?

■ 7 His eyes are on the ways of men; he sees their every step. There is no dark place, no deep shadow, where evildoers can hide. God has no need to examine men further, that they should come before him for judgment. . . . He takes note of their deeds.

■ 8 The LORD looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth—he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.

■ 9 The LORD is close.

■ 10 He [God] knows the secrets of the heart.

■ 11 The LORD knows the thoughts of man.

■ 12 Yet you are near, O LORD. . . . All my ways are known to you.

■ 13 O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. . . . Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

■ 14 The LORD is near.

■ 15 For a man’s ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths.

■ 16 “Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?”declares the LORD. “Do I not fill heaven and earth?”

■ 17 Your [God’s] eyes are open to all the ways of men.

■ 18 “The very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid.”

■ 19 “Surely I [Jesus] am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

■ 20 He [God] is not far from each one of us.

■ 21 “Never will I [God] leave you; never will I forsake you.”


Spreading hatred …? -rjs

When you put out hatred into the atmosphere, you are feeding the airwaves surliness, contempt, ugliness, lovelessness, sarcasm, cruelty. Can’t you see that you’re fanning the flames of hate and war?

So, should you just sit back and ignore what’s going on? NO, YOU SHOULDN’T JUST SIT BACK AND IGNORE WHAT’S GOING ON !!! . You should heal it!

Your God is huge! He’s pure Love. But can you even see that anymore? I know rolling over all the hurts and hates, fears and smears is far more titillating, but REALLY!! don’t you have something better to do?

Robin Starbuck 2015

Not timelessness but time-fullness -rjs

It’s wonderful to know that God is where we’re ultimately going and we will hang with him through all eternity. But when the notion of timelessness becomes part of the deal, it all sounds so dull and meaningless – to say nothing of lifeless.
In God’s multi-dimensional realm, we can enjoy glories heretofore unknown.
And we get to do that forever in what we may now wistfully dub “multiple time dimensions”.

Robin Starbuck

Just another inexplicable miracle -rjs

Years ago I had a Bible reading project to do; all the passages were written down, so I went to a library of sorts to get started. The librarian said they were closing in a few minutes – and, sure enough, the clock confirmed it. I was so “into it” that I sat down and began my 30-45 minute reading. Next thing I knew the librarian was ushering me out the door. I thanked her profusely for having kept the place open late just for me. But she insisted that she didn’t and that I should look at the clock. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I had finished the entire reading project in less than five minutes! Time had collapsed – or expanded – in an inexplicable miracle!

Robin Starbuck 2015