Category Archives: Robin Starbuck

Until there’s nothing left -rjs

As fallen human beings
We believe that
Guns have power,
Bombs have power,
Floods have power,
Hate & fear have power,
Ghosts and goblins have power,
Jealousy and envy have power,
Poverty has power,
Selfishness & sickness have power.
As Spiritual beings we do not.
We know that miracles are
Divinely natural.
We lift up our thinking
And our Loving
Until there’s nothing left to behold.

Robin Starbuck 2017

Not there yet? -rjs

Are you not there yet?
Not where you yearn to be?
Trying, trying, trying?
The only thing that’s
Ever in the way
Is our incessant
“Need” to pull God down
To our littleness.
How ridiculous – really!
Can’t we see that
We – not God –
Need to lift ourselves
To the spiritual
Realm of the real.

Robin Starbuck 2017

Illusions, Illusions, Illusions! -rjs

When we ponder the world
and all its titillating eccentricities,
replete with heartache and pain,
wistfully wondering what Spirit
might be like …,
immortal Milton depicted it
as a great white light –
could it really inspire such
abject boredom?
It behooves us to pass “Go”
and head directly for
The Fifth Dimension itself.
When? Where? How?
Now. Here. Focus.
It’s hard to imagine
in our puny pea-brains
just how exquisite, wonderful,
delicious, thrilling, altogether
lovely and loving
This realm of spiritual sublimity
really is.
But how can we know with those
tiny fallible minds of ours?
We Can Not.
Therein lies the key:
the realm of pure Spirit is entirely spiritual.
And the onus is upon us alone
to adjust our receptors and
make way for a whole new way
of perceiving.

Aren’t there things you know but don’t live in accord with? Don’t you sometimes feel like a bloomin’ hypocrite? But what’re ya gonna do? Lol.

Just don’t let your thoughts smooth everything out. A Balance between matter and Spirit is really bad news. It’s terribly deceptive because, were there not a balance, it might not have seemed so tenable. Striking a balance between the two implies that you are certainly not entirely Spirit, and if you’re not entirely Spirit then you are entirely matter. At least that’s what is in the back of your mind.

There is a much better way and that is to know and understand you are entirely Spirit. Whatever you might see or feel in the world is Illusion. The fact that the entire world is sharing that illusion is precisely why you’re seeing it and you’re living and functioning in it.

The good news is you don’t have to subscribe to it. You can see absolute truth exactly as it is, where you are 100% Spirit, the soul of God, the Christ of God, the very being of God – and you know it very clearly and distinctly. You have no doubt whatsoever. Then the illusion that you share with other people – the rest of the world – you happen to know is an illusion and therefore you have dominion over it. The others however won’t realize that about themselves yet.

Robin Starbuck

Pursuit of higher consciousness -rjs

In spite of having experienced thousands – literally thousands – of healings and possibly millions of miracles, I still find myself deeply engrossed in the pursuit of higher consciousness.

However, we really need to talk about addiction because that is the whole bugaboo with hypnotism, where miracles are unknown. It is addiction to what we’ve always thought was the way things are. As a matter of fact, our very own world hypnotism that we bow down to every hour of every day is rooted and grounded in addiction.

And dreaming … waking to our immortality … then dreaming again … reawakening to our immortality again … and z-z-z back to dreamland. Wake up! Back asleep. At least we’re finally trying. We’ve got to never give up and at last it’ll start getting easier.

Speaking of dreaming, as long as you believe in incarnation – that is living in a material fleshly body – you might as well believe in reincarnation because it certainly does make perfect sense and can be validated by many other deeply hypnotized persons of persuasion.

This bears repeating:
Herb Fitch
Beyond Reincarnation
San Diego Transition Seminar

The same sentiments were echoed by the late Dr. Albert Ellis, a personal friend of mine and of Dr. Wayne Dyer:
“How do you expect a drunk man to act? Sober?”

When our (spiritual) eyes are truly open and miracles are simply a way of life for us, then we can join with our fellow sages who declare “There are no healings” and “There are no miracles” because both have become the norm for us.

Robin Starbuck

Various -rjs

My spirit’s craving to move higher, farther, deeper than my earthsuit can afford is being fulfilled by the toughest of challenges.


♡ ● ♡ ● ♡ ● I can always tell if I am completely on track with God by how I’m feeling about every person who comes to mind. On track with God, I love absolutely everyone easily and unconditionally.
♡ ● ♡ ● ♡ ●


It doesn’t really make sense – spiritually speaking – to haggle over terminology which can clearly be seen as “steps” Spiritward. See, right there is a discrepancy: God inheres within, therefore no “-ward”, right? Yes, right, if you’re not missing any ‘walking it out’ along the way! Here’s the kicker: what we perceive as more advanced may simply not be so at all, in the larger scheme of things


Praying for one’s enemies – as weird and loathsome as it may seem – bumps one up and out of the material realm where selfishness and egotism run rampant. It’s not easily accomplished owing to the emotionalism attached and the ease in deceiving oneself; but, if taken over by God, is beyond rewarding!

Robin Starbuck 2017-19.

Some hard points -rjs

This mystical path is just simply not what people construe it to be at all. If you really want it, you will do anything for it. Nothing will be too much to ask and nothing will be too much for you to expect. There are very, very few people that I know of who have attained it. It doesn’t really matter because in Spirit all is perfection. It’s already done. The problem is people just simply don’t realize it. Like everybody else they’re sound asleep in their hypnotism. The hardest thing to break through is to convince them that they are hypnotized when they think that they’re not! How do I know all this? I’ll tell you how. Because I’ve been dealing with my own hypnotism and every time I think it’s gone I wake up to the fact that there’s more!

Both situations are cause for much celebration. The first is having dealt with it so much that I feel like it’s finally gone. The second is realizing that there is so much more on a higher level. Why is this cause for celebration? Because obviously there’s much more to be gleaned from staying on the same track. So on this track I ask myself “How am I hypnotized now?” And that takes me right back to basics. The fact is that infinite God, Spirit, is absolutely all there is and is perfection and omnipotence. If I can remember that right now I mean really, really remember it I can celebrate all over again just how unspeakably glorious it is. What was that little cough in my throat? What throat? Am I believing that I have a body again? Am I believing that I am something less than Spirit, God, again? Or maybe I never even left it. As I dictate I see that this book will probably be suitable for fewer and fewer persons than I originally had hoped. I don’t know if I have said this out loud before but I have a sneaking suspicion that this book will be much more useful well after my so-called death. I of course will never die but I’m certainly not going to live in this body forever.

I know I shouldn’t be disheartened when people who I thought were tracking with me ask a question that shows that after all this time they still haven’t gotten a clue. It’s not a burden for a human being named Robin to be concerned about whatsoever. I am not such a person, such a human being. I see now why it is that “I” is so important: I am God. I am Soul. I am Spirit. I am Christ. Now you astute reader if you’re tracking with me you’re smart enough now to recognize that “I am” is yourself. Am I right? Of course I am!

I Robin need to remember that people will come into the truth at their own pace and the fact that many will require a few hundred or a few thousand years is not a tragedy on my heart: I don’t have a human heart any more than I have a human body. If God can’t have a human heart, how can I?

I got thrown off base a bit by a few people’s approbations of my Quantum Dimensions of Healing. They made much of the quantum part and proportionately very little of the healing part and I bought into it thinking I had to vindicate quantum science when in fact my shining contribution LOL is the healing aspect. Healing can be found on every level of apprehension, of education, of acceptance and of understanding. Need I say to you at this juncture that if you don’t use the term healing in the way that it’s meant to be here then you won’t find healing here and you’ll find a disconnect where there isn’t any.

Yes, yes, yes, of course it’s true that nothing needs to be healed in Perfection. The understanding and grasp on perfection is that which heals: it IS the application, the treatment, which by the way is not rendered null and void simply because one is appealing to the mystical realm.

Not an enemy but a huge bright Light -rjs

Was with a group of buds just now
in the Stillness when suddenly I could see
difficult people as the Transfigured Christ.
Not mortals at all but beams of light!

Yes that was their place in my life.
Not an enemy but a huge bright Light.
For where I desired to go spiritually
every shocking wake up call was
exactly what I had needed.

Now when difficult memories invade
I’ll know they were and are necessary lights.
Wondering though why the Christ-man is not seen more universally as a body-less, irradiance of unending Light.

What does it really mean? -rjs

This “universe” is a dream state. But very very few people have the slightest inkling what that means. People who live in the dream experience rainbows and earthquakes, sublime scenery and horrific ones. They are all “I” and will never die. But in their dream state, death, taxes and I guess reincarnation are as real as the sleeping dreams they have every night.

DrRobinStarbuck 2017

The book’s and my purpose -rjs

We try to put our revelations into words which heretofore had been but unspeakably amazing patches of sheer knowingness. We offer them for mortal eyes to see and mortal brains to process, knowing full well that the body’s mind cannot comprehend such indescribable effulgence. We can only hope that one more human mind will discover that it was never born into this world for in fact there exists no such world.

Quantum physics’ claim (pronounced by Max Planck and reiterated by Albert Einstein) – that “matter as such does not exist” – not only proves my point … it IS my point. “SO WHAT?” is what this entire book (and my life as such!) is about.

It is my heartfelt desire to be a catalyst for every reader who still gets jammed up from time to time and earnestly yearns to be set free once and for all. This applies at every ‘level’ and domain.

But, alas, the moment we commit our spiritual awakenings to words they cease being of true celestial nature. How to put together a manuscript whose message is far and above human language … that is the onus upon us.
