Category Archives: Robin Starbuck

Who’s your teacher? -rjs

N O T E A C H E R CAN EVER DO FOR YOU what you need to do for yourself. The very act of doing the work is what strengthens and establishes you. Reading, listening, meditating, communing, silencing UNTIL THE WORK IS DONE will put you where YOU need to be. Thinking that someone else can or will carry you will truly result in great disappointment again and again. This message is for you and me and has nothing whatsoever to do with me. The “WORK” that I’m referring to is this:
Nobody can do it for you.

As far as logic goes -rjs

If you believe in this world and its natural life cycles of birth, decay, death, how can you deny its concomitant belief in reincarnation? And how about the law of karma? It’s all quite logical, as far as logic goes.

When you begin to wake up to the absolute allness of Spirit, you can cancel out the entire illusion that has dogged you for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Realization of the allness of Spirit necessitates the recognition of the nothingness of matter and its myriad of hypnotic seductions that comprise the world. This deserves to be thoroughly studied out until a major change takes place.
Dr. Robin Starbuck

Baby Child -rjs

. . . . . Baby Child . . . . .
The baby child sets out on their path to Nirvana, the Christ consciousness, sat/chit/ananda but finds many baubles and shiny things along the Way. Their pace is greatly retarded – to a near standstill most of the ‘time’.

The sages tell the traveler you’re too good for all this nasty mesmeric illusion, but to no avail. Now a corporate CEO, they want more and more of what will soon be less and less.

Suddenly things turn for the worse and the not-so-wide-eyed traveler is in serious trouble. Remembering the path they started on many lifetimes ago, they set out again to rediscover that unity they once knew as “Baby Child.”

Robin Starbuck

Sometimes awakening is incremental -rjs

In my experience and in my observations of others, I find that enlightenment comes incrementally. Yes, we get a sudden huge awakening that changes everything in our lives and feels like ‘the final one’!

Then we settle into it and enjoy its effulgence and glory for quite awhile. Little by little we get faint glimmerings of more unfoldment up ahead.

We turn to our vehicle – our human life – once again to make more necessary adjustments out of the world where flesh once reigned. We either (1) get pulled back into the illusion and its concomitant hypnotism or (2) see through more and more of the deceptive nature of the human life.

Choosing the latter (which precious few of us do) we are ready to soar far beyond our selves of 5 years ago. 10 years ago. 50 years ago. We can literally see the markings (like trees have) on our soul which indicate our preparedness.

Most are lulled to sleep -rjs

I’ve been so severely smitten by the power and love of God that I want everyone to know some hard, cold facts. While the Truth of God is true across the board, precious few will ever real-ize (make real) it. People have been lulled to sleep by the notion that everything will be alright.

Not in this world!

In this world where you have trees and grass and animals and people … especially people!… you have discord, disease, death. The inevitable nature of people is to put off any serious undertaking until … in most cases … it’s too late. Every person that you see in your mind’s eye is capable of awakening but very few do in their present lifetime; then they have to come back and try again and again – maybe for thousands of years – when all they ever needed was to wake up. I don’t know how to say this more clearly: NO EFFORT IS REQUIRED TO BECOME WHAT YOU ALREADY ARE – THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS (THE SUBSTANCE, LIFE, BE-ING) OF OMNIPRESENT SPIRIT, GOD. BUT FOR MOST PEOPLE A GINORMOUS EFFORT IS NEEDED TO ACTUALLY WANT TO WAKE UP SUFFICIENTLY.

Use your vehicle to advance -rjs

But I don’t wish anyone a better day or even a better human life!
I wish we would all use our vehicles (our situations in life) to go deeper … much, much deeper … right straight to the heart of God.
When we (seemingly) have a need, our attention has been gotten! Now if we’d only do what we should’ve done in the first place – contact Spirit, God, within and as us – our little day and our little life will fade into perfect, eternal, blissful immortal life to be joyously shared with all whom we love.

Done with you, world mind -rjs

My apologies to the world mind
Who has been ever wakeful
Waiting to devour the slightest breakthrough,
I’m done with you coz the world don’t matter one iota

I’m free coz my sights are so much higher
It’s so beautiful here!
When I look out and when I look in
Its all the same now – East and West!
No longer asking for this improvement or that: all is perfect
Why, even my dreams are replete with healing, happiness, health, harmony, wholeness, hallelujah!