Category Archives: Robin Starbuck

After Kulhman, what? -rjs

S P I R I T U A L . C O M P L A C E N C Y

Some people seem to coast along spiritually – never having any problems they can’t easily handle. They’re not like the rest of us who combat serious issues at every turn. I’ll return to this dichotomy in a little while, but first I’d like to revisit a rather flamboyant – and powerfully effective healer.

Kathryn Kuhlman was an amazing speaker, teacher and healer who kept her huge audiences spellbound as she floated across the stage in gorgeous evening gowns! She healed thousands (millions in total) of people in very advanced stages of crippling diseases every night of her stay all over the country.

I totally ‘get’ why she dressed so theatrically: it was a persona that she was slipping into and helped her immensely in keeping her focus. People were rightfully ecstatic when they saw their loved ones healed. Who wouldn’t be?

But, alas, the story goes, a large percentage of the healings soon reversed. I was not the least bit surprised with that crushing development: the newly-healed people needed to do their part AFTER THE FACT. They needed a spiritual mentality that was on the same level as they had risen to.

People seeking healing from Kathryn Kuhlman were entirely focused on their desperate physical need with precious little concern for the sudden shift in their entire life situation. They simply couldn’t maintain their healings. Their god was physicality from start to finish.

The complacency issue alluded to above ran unchecked with Kuhlman’s followers as it does with people who never seem to have much of a problem these days. They never want to upset the apple-cart and go on to a higher level of living. As I ponder this mesmeric situation, I’m tempted to feel more grateful than ever before that I have had unspeakably trying problems which – when healed – catapulted me to a level I had never anticipated before but for which I had been very well prepared.


The Voice you hear -rjs

T H A T . V O I C E
That you hear in your spirit
When you desire to listen,
The “Voice” of God,
is always talking to you
In just the right tonality
Within your soul.

You can silently hear
T H A T . V O I C E
And know beyond all
Shadow of doubt,
As the Balm of Gilead,
God is speaking to you
In you and as you.

T H A T . V O I C E
Guiding, loving, clarifying
Breathing, speaking, ever
Waiting for your perfect
Readiness, – receiving,
Drawing fully from the
Wellspring of your Soul.


Still vacillating? -rjs

S T I L L . V A C I L L A T I N G
Between perfect listening
And all the noise of people,
Politics, society, deadlines.
Dis-ease, fear, pain, death?

Quit your mind altogether!
“Think with your heart.”
Not the blood-pumping organ:
Be in your Soul, Spirit, God.

You’ll no longer have to strive
To eliminate errors of thinking,
Feeling, acting, lulling to sleep,
Dastardly, hypnotic, hate-filled
Mesmeric meanderings from…

“Matter as such does not exist,”
Quantum physics laboriously
Proved repeatedly. But the whole
World scurries around to learn
All it can about “That which isn’t”!


No subject and object -rjs

N O . D U A L I T Y

When we come to grips with this life-changing reality, everything starts to come together seamlessly. All separation disintegrates as we see unity everywhere, in everything and everyone around the world, past, present and future. Gary Renard has much to say about this in his best-seller “The Disappearance of the Universe.”

“There isn’t really any such thing as a subject and an object, there is only oneness. Still unknown to you is that this is an imitation of genuine oneness, for few have learned to make the distinction between being one with the mind that has seemingly separated itself from God, and being one with God. The mind must be returned to Him. 4 Yet traditional non-dualism is a necessary step along the way, for you have learned you can’t really separate one thing from anything else —nor can you separate anything from you. As hinted at earlier, this idea is well expressed by the models of quantum physics. Newtonian physics held that objects were real and outside of you with a separate existence. Quantum physics demonstrates that this is not true. The universe is not what you assume it to be; everything that appears to exist is really inseparable thought. You can’t even observe something without causing a change in it on the sub-atomic level. Everything is in your mind, including your own body. As aspects of Buddhism correctly teach, the mind that is thinking everything is one mind, and this mind is completely outside the illusion of time and space.”

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

Is Spirit getting c O m P l i C a T e D? -rjs

I S . S P I R I T . G E T T I N G
c O m P l i C a T e D ?

Has Awakening to Full Spirituality
become rather cOmPliCaTeD Lately?
Let’s see now: There’s reading and
Listening and communing and
Praying and Meditating and Stillness…

JUST NOW I heard the Holy Spirit say
in my spirit: Do one thing only and
you’ll have all the others covered.
But It didn’t say what that was, only
that that’s what I was doing.

So let’s retrace my steps … back …
back … back … Oh, yes, “I heard”.
I must have been … LISTENING !

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

I don’t even exist in an individual way on any level -rjs

N O T . S E P A R A T E D . F R O M . G O D

No, we don’t have a separate spirit or life from God. There isn’t any! When we really see this glorious fact, we’ll burst wide open, never again thinking that “within” signified, in some magical way, “inside a body”. There simply isn’t one, even as an analogy! Gary Renard brilliantly cautions:

“It doesn’t do you much good to know you’re not here if you don’t have the whole picture. Sure, it’s a step in the right direction, but the kind of thing I’m speaking of right now is not just that I’m not here, but that I don’t even exist in an individual way —not on any level. There is no separated or individual soul. There is no Atman, as the Hindus call it, except as a mis-thought in the mind. There is only God.”

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

Spiritual healing ability -rjs

T H E . H A R D E S T . P A R T

The hardest part of developing spiritual healing ability is learning to completely let go of all contrary arguments to the absolute Truth of the Allness of God.

It is most empowering to take a single absolute Truth and go very deeply into it. Be sure to make it very personal … until you actually realize that there is no person at all. You can’t just flippantly make a declaration and expect the utterance of words to have healing power.

It’s easier than that! Uttering a quasi-religious word again and again will only end in disappointment; but understanding and experiencing God’s omnipresent Allness brings amazing results.

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

W H E N . Y O U’ R E
R-E-A-L-L-Y . R E A D Y

Are you in need?
Want health and healing?
More wealth and abundance?
Need some answers?
Been trying trying trying to connect?
Ready to give up?
Completely ready?
Good. Give up! Dump it!
Say “I don’t care anymore!”
And mean it.
Ego, take a flying leap –
I’ve had it with you.
I’m not interested in anything at all
but God.
You’ve got to really mean it
Or it ain’t worth squat.
World mind go ahead
Let out one last screech
Coz you’re good as dead already!
I forgive you one and all
For all you’ve ever done
And for what you’re about to do
Or may never do
I forgive me too for my asinine
Made up scenes of faults ‘n blame.
I forgive the things
That never even were.
I have no vested interest
In the things of a world
That never was.

DrRobinStarbuck 2018

Think with your heart -rjs

W H A T H A P P E N S . . .
when you heed the dictum “Think with your heart”?

You soften, right? You see beauty instantly where you had only seen darkness. You’re pulled away from all those awful images that were vying for attention moments ago. You’re also strengthened one hundredfold. How? Why? What just happened?

Let us examine. To what extent was an organ in a body giving you thoughts or intuitions? No, no, no – that’s your soul lovingly guiding you. Your soul!

Now for the tough one – is your soul material, half-and-half, or Spirit? You got it! Pure Spirit! It has its own function, but is clearly in the Fifth Dimension, eagerly awaiting your recognition of the Sixth Dimension (Spirit) and beyond (Christ).

So, what’ve we got to lose? Let’s just simply