Category Archives: Robin Starbuck

Language again, ugh! -rjs

Here is the comment

“Consciousness, the level of perception, was the first split introduced into the mind after the separation, making the mind a perceiver rather than a creator. Consciousness is correctly identified as the domain of the ego. The ego is a wrong-minded attempt to perceive yourself as you wish to be, rather than as you are. Yet you can know yourself only as you are, because that is all you can be sure of. Everything else is open to question.” ~ Holy Spirit or Jesus in A COURSE IN MIRACLES

RJS: I have tremendous respect for ACIM. Tremendous. The discrepancy is very simple to explain if one will take into consideration how terribly sadly limited human language is. TERMS MUST BE FOREVER CLARIFIED by the person using them! Rupert Spira is so good at driving this point home.
Well, here goes: If you’re using the term consciousness or awareness to imply ego and don’t deviate from that implication, fine.
If you happen to be referring to a total absence of things – things that have names and labels, you’re then merely pointing to Absolute Pure Awareness, Spirit, God, without names labels – just a pure ocean of Absolute Awareness.
It’s simply not being used the same way that paragraph in acim is employing it. No reference to human ego, human mind or even human existence is intended.

First-hand lifelong experience, not ego -rjs

C O U N T E R – P R O D U C T I V E

Just wanted to tell someone of my deep distress, thinking their sympathy would lessen the pain. Guess what – it did! For a brief spell, and then it came flooding back worse than before. And I had succeeded in rendering my friend powerless to help.

At what point are you ready to make your commitment stick? Next week? Next attack? Next year? Next lifetime? 2-3-4,000 years from now?

People are always looking for the easy way out and they’re the ones who need good, strong spiritual discipline the most!

All of the above can prove to be the best news you could possibly imagine. You’re being given the opportunity to go way, way beyond anything this little mortal, so-called life can afford.

I know I have to say this again and again, so I will: YOU DON’T NEED TO DO ANYTHING TO BECOME ENLIGHTENED, CONSCIOUS OR DESERVING !!! Okay??? And my first-hand lifelong knowledge does not make me an ego-maniac.

Back to the topic. If you’re not a great reader (1) that can be healed as it was with me. (2) you can listen to seminars with great eagerness and expectancy. YOU need to DO something!

You can discover that you are a powerful force in the world by seeing through the entire illusion of the world – just like Jesus did/ does.

You can discover it IMMEDIATELY so that any further discussion on what to do is absolute total sheer joy. You’ll hardly be recognizable as you let all your former burdens, failures and disappointments evaporate! You’ll love like you’ve never loved before and it’ll be amazingly genuine. Every single care you had been harboring lifted, you are NOW FINALLY FOREVER FREE !!


One room pure Spirit -rjs


A few months ago I was reading some Joel or Robert or somebody and got a lil tidbit to try out. I imagined a spot in the room filled with nothing but pure Spirit, God. It was the upper left-hand front corner of my living room. I glanced around the room and every time my glance went back there I felt the presence of pure blissful Spirit.

Finally I summoned the courage to see Spirit in the other upper corner, but soon corrected it: I wasn’t to skip over there so unceremoniously but rather go back to where I knew BY EXPERIENCE that God was. Then I laboriously traveled from the upper left-hand corner to the right upper corner, taking Spirit with me.

The entire front area where wall and ceiling meet was aglow, loving and warm! Now that I knew the right way to extend the coverage I laboriously mentally walked it from upper right corner to the upper corner behind me on the right. And then the upper left behind me. Once I laboriously “walked” my Spirit realization back to the upper left, the entire ceiling was now sacred and pure. Not even the slightest hint of a fearful, unconfident, unloving thought dared to approach the entire ceiling! It was glorious!

You guessed it! A little tug here and a little tug there and at long last I pulled the presence of Spirit down as well. Suddenly the entire room was filled to the brim, flooded, with only God, Spirit, Perfection.

I swear to you that as I walked around my entire apartment I could literally absolutely FEEL the purity, love and light specifically in that room. I would leave the room and find the glow still there whenever I returned to it. Not a single compromising thought stood a snowball’s chance of surviving in my entire living room. The FEELING, the living, palpable EXPERIENCE of it was unmistakable and undeniable. It lasted for weeks. Imagine now extending that gift throughout the whole world!


Coming out of deep illusion -rjs

I F . I T . I S . T R U E

If it is true that Spirit, God, is all as Quantum Physics’ “non-existence of matter” implies, then doesn’t it behoove us to dig a little deeper spiritually? Wouldn’t you like to know what really is going on and how much more its awareness can impact your life?

Let’s revisit the illusion now since that’s where we walk everyday. Like it or not, our awakening is gradual – not necessarily slow – but graded. We need to eat and sleep, work and play. But as we learn just how illusory it all is we can embark on the most exciting journey of our life: our exit from this world.

Going deeper into the illusion, we come face to face with the issue of death and reincarnation. How is that not the destiny of all material so-called life? And what’s the deal with karma? It also makes perfect sense for any unenlightened mortal!

Am I whetting your appetite for something better? It’s all about awakening. To your consciousness. Which is what you are! Imagine yourself expanding: you contain the room, the building, the country, the world. That’s what being Spirit means.

But what about reality? That is reality! – the only reality! It’s everybody’s present and permanent reality but most people won’t awaken in this lifetime.

How about you?


Routing out Mental Malpractice -rjs

H A V E . Y O U . EVER . H E A R D . O F

It’s worth being made aware of. When things seem to start going wrong even though you’ve been well plugged in spiritually with much consistency, it could be that your distress is caused by another’s mental malpractice.

The easiest way to describe it is to contrast mental malpractice with its antipode – prayer. In meditation or prayer, one seeks to connect lovingly with God, remembering that God’s entire creation includes everyone, bar none. Mental malpractice is beholding this creation with a selfish, self- serving desire to do harm – either on purpose or inadvertently.

In this hypnotic world we call home, much jealousy, egotism, and downright cruelty are the norm. We think it’s all happening “out there” when in fact nothing exists outside our own consciousness. People subconsciously or semi-consciously project their own insecurity onto others, which, if not challenged, could – seemingly – register a deleterious effect.

It’s all taken care of by the alert person who maintains constant spiritual contact. A simple negation is all that’s needed. But for those of us who tend to step out into the seductive world of everyday living, a general sense of vulnerability seems to reign.


Breaking up and out -rjs


Learning to trust that one’s teacher is within oneself brings huge rewards. It implies wherever you are – in any circumstance – you have the best guide, friend and lover ever with you.

Should I read this? watch that? come here? go there? All needed answers tend to arrive before the question is fully formed!

We need to go way, way beyond the fetters of crippling religiosity and our own omnipotent friend is showing us just how to do it: how to let go, surrender, and move on fearlessly. There’s so much more wisdom to awaken to once we’re really willing to break free!
