Category Archives: Robin Starbuck

You’ve arrived -rjs

Y O U ‘ V E . A R R I V E D !!!

You need to know now
That you have arrived.
Not a ticker-tape parade
But a knowing …
A deep, deep down knowing
That you’re here, you’re fully
Prepared, you’re ready
This IS your eternal life.

Nothing outside has changed
Not a thing. But you’re here.
You’ve always wanted to be
Right here – right where you are!
All the old stuff sits frozen
Unable to call the shots
Anymore. You’ve gotten to the
Place you’ve always dreamed of!

You could scream and shout
Hallelujah I’m here! Or, better yet
Just enjoy your brand new
Capacity to love.
This fulfilled dream of a lifetime
Cannot fluctuate, cannot fade
Cannot betray, cannot die.
Bask in it, sweet one, you’re here!

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

Safeguarding Enlightenment -rjs

S A F E G U A R D I N G . E N L I G H T E N M E N T

We see trillions of stars bursting on the night sky, always as the Creator caused them to be, in sublime perfection and beauty, like a song of victory and harmony for all mankind and we wonder how that same Creator might reach into our little lives and overpower us with His restorative Love … and healing. There is a dire need for expansion in our apprehension of God, the Holy Spirit, and His power on earth, in heaven and far, far beyond. We, mere mortals, for the most part, just don’t ‘get’ it – very much to our detriment!

Quantum mechanics comes rushing to our rescue with vindication that progresses from the seemingly nonsensical … through making a little sense … to ultimately making perfect sense! The miraculous has happened and our minds have undergone expansion! We need this expanded consciousness to allow miracles a place to unfold, survive and thrive!

It is my hope to present quantum physics in a way that will shed immediate light on why physical, emotional and even economical healings are as natural as setting a course for outer space! Before going too far askew from our intended goal, let’s first deal with spiritual healing in this realm! This book [ENLIGHTENMENT: Your Soul understands by DrRobinStarbuck] is intended to give you just about the most unbiased insight into modern Christianity – WITHOUT RELIGION – imaginable.

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

“I want nothing else but God.” -rjs

You just said – silently – but
More emphatically than ever before
“I want nothing else but God.”
Your eyes are closed but stuff
Wants to invade – don’t let it!
There’s only the perfection of
Spirit here and everywhere.

Slowly … very slowly now …
No, don’t open your eyes … slowly
‘See’ a little something, ‘See’ it
As it really is, in Spirit. Perfect.
‘See’ that your oft repeated
Request is fully full-filled.

See in God, don’t vacillate, don’t
Waver, see clearly now.
Let another thought in and
CATCH IT !! Don’t start thinking
You as a limited being must do,
Do, do anything. Don’t you know
This realm of infinite awareness
Is the only realm there is
Coz it’s the only ONENESS alive!

One problem only -rjs

Every problem you have ever had
is simply your unawareness
of your invisible self.
You are laboring under the illusion
of a self separated from God.

You keep wandering off, don’t you?
Wanting to solve all these problems
All these god-forsaken problems
The very best way you can
But you don’t know how to!

Even when you hear that you’re
only ever snipping off the tips
and never ferreting out the roots
you still really don’t know
quite what to do!

All of the “problems” and “mistakes”
can be instantly boiled down to one:
a false belief in a separate self –
lack of awakening to the fact
of your invisible being!

One way or the other
there’s a glorious bright side.
The extraordinary good news is
you still have a wonderful journey
of finding your identity in the Invisible.

DrRobinStarbuck 2017

See Spirit spiritually -rjs

WHEN WE ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT SPIRIT, we need to be aware that it’s a whole ‘nother realm. We run into so much trouble trying to blend the two realms, like mixing oil and water or comparing apples with oranges.

The Spiritual realm is not one millimeter or one nanosecond away: it’s right here! But here’s the kicker – it’s here INSTEAD. That is unbelievably wonderful news and here’s why: it is the HEALING of all the woes of the flesh – every last one of them! How’s that?

What is true in the Spirit oftentimes isn’t true in the flesh, and vice versa. Jesus lived in the flesh – or so it seemed – but saw right through the flesh all the time. When we “see” a body healed and whole the body obeys. When we see a world healed and whole it obeys. You really can’t prove me wrong coz you’d first have to “see” the healing.

So try it, I dare you! It gets easier and easier with practice.

What if? -rjs

What if all that stuff that keeps going on in your head were not true at all? What if it never happened? What if all the people that you think about all the time were never born into a material body? What if you had never been born into a material body? What then? What is going on? Are you capable now of seeking the answers to these questions and accepting the answers as your real life, never having failed in any way? Isn’t it about time that you let all the junk go? If you say God is your mind what in the world are you saying? What does it mean? The main problem that mankind has with regard to awakening to spiritual living is that they always always always want to think everything through materially rather than make the change to thinking spiritually. You need to start with spirit stay with Spirit conclude with spirit and never look back!

DrRobinStarbuck 2019

Same beliefs years later? -rjs

IS YOUR ENTIRE BELIEF SYSTEM pretty much the same now as it was five years ago?
And do you really think that’s a good thing?
Don’t you know the Holy Spirit has been imparting tons of fresh revelation?
Can’t you see there are things He can tell us now that He couldn’t tell Peter, James and John?
God never intended for the Bible to become itself a religion.
Hey, He never intended for religion to become a religion.

when Separate Self has been put to rest.
What unspeakable freedom to explore
the highways and byways of God’s inexplicable Kingdom!

But that gosh-darned ego-maniacal self,
generated by the genius of mortal man
will not … no, cannot … loose its hold
coz it was never more than pure illusion.

We will never, ever see that
Glorious Day of awakening if we
first consult with our Rule Master, our
pre-programmed robotic Separate Self.

Get yourself indignant!
Stand for it no more! Say – and mean it –
“I Am (the image and likeness of) God
with the never separated mind of Christ!”

DrRobinStarbuck 2017

To feel feel feel, or not -rjs

I feel angry, I feel jealous, I feel lonely,
I feel hurt, I feel afraid, I feel abandoned, …
Who is this “I” that feels all these things?

Human Psychology saith:
“It’s all you. Feel your emotions, dear.
Let them flo-o-ow through you.”

They fail to conclude however
that they’re telling you to let negativity
do its maximum damage on your psyche.

Would that these well-meaning gurus
had a little more Godlike wisdom.
Your separated self is pure unadulterated delusion.

The “I” that pops up
and obliges these multifarious attacks
seemingly from one’s own soul . . .

… shows you one thing only: a presence.
Your separated self is delusional:
Your Christ-self is there instead.