Category Archives: Quantum world

Mind, God, is matrix of matter

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force…. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
— Max Planck, 1944

With these words, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, described a universal field of energy that connects everything in creation: the Divine Matrix. The Divine Matrix is our world. It is also everything in our world. It is us and all that we love, hate, create, and experience. Living in the Divine Matrix, we are as artists expressing our innermost passions, fears, dreams, and desires through the essence of a mysterious quantum canvas. But we are the canvas, as well as the images upon the canvas. We are the paints, as well as the brushes. In the Divine Matrix, we are the container within which all things exist, the bridge between the creations of our inner and outer worlds, and the mirror that shows us what we have created. … In Divine Matrix, you are the seed of the miracle, as well as the miracle itself.
Gregg Braden

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force…. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”   — Max Planck, 1944
“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force…. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
— Max Planck, 1944

Quantum associations

A Bible teacher once told me “In Him we live and move and have our breathing!” We both giggled at his creative interpretation but it was just what I needed at about 4 1/2 years old. This was my foray into the world of quantum mechanics as I was already making associations between God’s be-ing and my breathing! Genesis 2:7 tells us that “… the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” While we can’t see the underpinning of quantum physics on our entire uni-verse, we can certainly learn to appreciate that it’s with us, in us and all around us – as is its Creator, God!
Robin J. Starbuck

In Him we have our breathing!
In Him we have our breathing!

Miracles explained In quantum language

As we seek to uncover more and ever more of the infinite ebullient nature of God, we can appreciate the contribution that science affords in the language of quantum physics. String theory, coupled with the non-locality of soundwaves wants to explain the alignment between itself and the supernatural discourse with its Maker. We no longer have to wonder whether there is ample support underlying the miracles that we’re experiencing with such speed and regularity. Yes, it’s God and His tireless efforts to draw us to Him in the here and now: not a waiting game anymore but a divine awakening of magnificent proportions!
Robin J. Starbuck

Miracles explained In quantum language
Miracles explained In quantum language

Spirit realm far more real than physical realm

Many have stated that the spirit realm is just as real as the physical realm; this is in fact a huge understatement. The truth is that the spirit realm is far more real than the physical realm. In fact, if you were to die this very second while reading this book, you would immediately be dwelling in the spirit realm. You are one heartbeat away from existing entirely in the spirit realm. Yet some live their entire lives denying the existence of the spirit realm.
Dr. Jonathan Welton
The School of the Seers

Learn to be a seer
Learn to be a seer

The glory of a Creator

The quantum world specifically reveals the glory of a Creator who is the supreme Mathematician and Physicist, who intricately designed the atom (the fundamental building block of matter) as a miracle of precision golden mathematics.

God is omnipotent, supreme!
God is omnipotent, supreme!
The ultra-fine tuning of the mathematical constants discovered within the atomic and sub-atomic world and throughout the entire universe are as much a revelation of the mind of Christ as the Scriptures themselves, if we concede that mathematics is an informational language and a legitimate expression of the “Word of God.”
Phil Mason
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth

Bridge between supernatural and natural

“As a servant of Christ with a wealth of experience in the supernatural, I have concluded that the non-local world of quantum mechanics represents a divinely created “buffer zone” between heaven and earth. The strange world of the quantum exhibits attributes that form a bridge between the supernatural world and the natural world. I have come to the study of the quantum world with an unwavering conviction of the reality of a supernatural God.” (Phil Mason, Quantum Glory: The Science of Heaven Invading Earth)

The quantum world per se is not supernatural but there are aspects of it that lend themselves to creativity and intervention of a supernatural nature.

Bridge to supernatural
Bridge to supernatural

Too voluminous to mention!

This is what living 24/7 in the spiritual realm, where God resides, is all about: Phil Mason recalls many, many examples of God’s healing love when he had his mind opened to the possibility of divine supernatural intervention in the physical realm all of which typify a life given over to following Christ:

“I have witnessed a resurrection from the dead! I have seen and heard with my own eyes and ears a broken bone “pop” back suddenly into its correct position. I have watched legs and arms grow centimeters right before my very eyes on numerous occasions. I have seen God remove a chunk of glass from a woman’s foot and watched the shock on the woman’s face as she unwrapped the bandage and realized that the glass had been supernaturally removed! The chunk of glass appeared on the ground alongside her shoe! I totally love that miracle!”

As if that weren’t enough, Mason goes on to recount: I have been used by the Lord in so many healings that I have truly lost count. I have had words of knowledge that have resulted in instant healings of severe and chronic pain. I have laid hands on deaf ears and seen them instantly opened! I have smelled the supernatural fragrance of the Lord. I have seen the visible glory cloud descend on a building that was experiencing a glory explosion. I have seen the temple of the Lord filled with the smoke of His glory and, along with others, have simultaneously smelt smoke in the room during a time of intense intimate worship.”
Phil Mason
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth

Voluminous proof
Voluminous proof

Supernatural intervention and spontaneous acts of creation

There is no question on God’s green earth that the supernatural realm(s) – of extra-dimensionality are the domain of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Father God and His manifestation in us, the yet virtually untapped Holy Spirit.

Phil Mason confesses himself to us: “As a servant of Christ with a wealth of experience in the supernatural, I have concluded that the non-local world of quantum mechanics represents a divinely created “buffer zone” between heaven and earth.”

Mason continues, “The strange world of the quantum exhibits attributes that form a bridge between the supernatural world and the natural world. I have come to the study of the quantum world with an unwavering conviction of the reality of a supernatural God. I do not believe that the quantum world is itself supernatural, but it has definite features and qualities that permit supernatural intervention and spontaneous acts of creation.”
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
Phil Mason

spontaneous acts of creation
spontaneous acts of creation

Can we, like Max Planck, challenge the autonomous claims of matter, and heal ourselves?


“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you this much as a result of my research about atoms: There is no matter as such.

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
Max Planck, 1944
Nobel Peace Prize winner
Florence, Italy (speech)
“The Nature of Matter”

Imagine what this means to you and me, wanting to order our bodies to heal, but fearing that we may not have enough influence in the realm of the supernatural!

There is No Matter!
There is No Matter!

Extra-dimensionality answers earthbound problems

Extra-dimensionality answers earthbound problems

Extra-Dimensional solutions
Extra-Dimensional solutions

“Why does she concern herself so much with the origin and underpinnings of the UNI-VERSE?” you may rightfully ask.

In fact, I care very deeply about the rift that has emerged – and is spreading – between different Christian factions. If all Christians would look up – way, way up – they’d dis-cover that eternal, immortal, omnipotent God has the absolutely perfect spiritual answer to every possible question, and infinitely more.

God is, after all, entirely spiritual, perfect and eternal. Issues being debated, on the other hand, aren’t. As a matter of fact, anything less than eternal is as fleeting as a gossamer web.

Redemption is one example of an attribute of the eternal: it cannot be messed with by our multifarious reinterpretations. Given freely to mankind by God, setting up a new covenant, redemption simply is. Salvation can be argued about til the cows come home, but nothing we might do or conclude can contribute one jot or one tittle in the infinite scheme of things.

Jesus acted in a dimension beyond our meager comprehension when he calmed the storm, fed the multitudes, transported himself through locked doors and healed untold millions. Thank God he could and did!

God’s love for us supercedes any victory that may be gleaned by quarreling over scriptures. We treat other ‘Christians’ like pariah because they’re following a different track (albeit temporarily) than ours. But God, in his multi-dimensional existence can smooth everything out in the blink of an eye. We just need to lift our sights high enough.