I have been hit so hard by the raw power of God that I have been knocked to the ground in ecstasy. This has happened far too many times to count.
Phil Mason
Quantum Glory
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
—Albert Einstein
The reason He raised you up into the heavenly Places is for you to see things from His perspective. When you know that you are seated with Christ in heavenly places your view of this world will change.
Mwanga Leonard Arapsotyo
E n T a N g L e M e N t … had always conjured up a highly negative connotation in my life – something I’d want to avoid at all costs. But, as we observe God’s precious kingdom unfolding, we know we must revisit this construct with ever greater vigilance.
Can we see God’s presence in Gregg Braden’s definition of Entanglement as it applies to quantum mechanics? Is Jesus anywhere to be found? Braden argues,
….. “Quantum entanglement suggests that once particles are connected, they remain connected on an energetic level, even when they are physically separated from one another. And the really interesting thing is that whether the separation is only a few millimeters or an entire galaxy, the distance doesn’t appear to affect the connection. Quantum entanglement exists in the real world, but we can’t see it. We can feel it, however, once that filament of connection is forged.”…..
Gregg Braden and Lynn Lauber
Tales of Everyday Magic
I must confess that I am striving – for the life of me – to glean precious knowledge about our uni-verse without losing track of the fact that God – our God – created all of it. Jesus alone is the way, the truth, and the life and it’s all in there: connected in a divine entanglement!
Dr. Robin J. Starbuck
“The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”– Einstein
MKC : .. He might have been onto sumthin wink emoticon
PMF : .. Can you go into your past, not just mentally but physically and can you go into the future?
Robin Starbuck : .. If you’re looking for the scientific (physical) answer, you can start a search using the info below. If you’re looking for the miraculous, the realm where Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, walked on water, turned water into wine, fed the multitudes, etc., the answer includes knowing God. Quantum physics straddles the two ‘worlds’.
AHS : .. A lil bit of more light on the subject please..thanks Robin
Robin Starbuck : .. AHS, Please see comments above (to PNF) and below:
Robin Starbuck : .. RESEARCH: Einstein’s general theory of relativity – a generalization of special relativity to include gravity (based on the principle of equivalence) – (physics) the theory that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts.
“The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”– Einstein
(Dr.RJ Starbuck)
How often do you ponder the concept of eternity, and for how long? Doesn’t it boggle your mind a bit to try to fathom infinity with no time constraints whatsoever?
…. Time is of your own making,
…. Its clock ticks in your head,
…. The moment you stop thought,
…. Time too stops dead.
………. (Silesius, 17th cent)
Can you imagine being non-local? Jesus was at times. Always at one with his Father, God, Jesus could place himself wherever he needed to be while Abba, reclining, …
“the high and exalted One says—he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place.”
Isaiah 57:15 NIV.
While God transcends the temporal realm, the quantum world flips back and forth between our time-ridden existence and that of eternity. Silesius concludes our conundrum:
…. Do not compute eternity,
…. As light year after year,
…. One step across that line called Time,
…. Eternity is here.
He who can kiss the joy as it flies
lives in eternity’s sunrise.
It behooves us, as sincere seekers of Truth, to reclaim the entire realm of the quanta, that is, to broadly proclaim that the Father of Jesus Christ is the Creator – the Builder and Maker – of the universe! Invisible waves of energy which constitute the quantum field are intimately held in the loving hands of our God, ready to be visited by us as we open our consciousness to His Oneness, Allness and absolute Everywhere-ness! Selah.
Dr. Robin J. Starbuck
-from my living room! G O D , Creator of the universe and beyond, including the quantum world, is here now – within and without.
with the Holy Spirit speaking through you?
What do you see and hear
When God uses your eyes and ears?
And what does it feel like
When Jesus does your feel-ing?
How can you communicate
When God does all the talking?
What then is living like
With God at the very helm?
And what in the world happens
When you run out of questions?
(Dr. Robin Starbuck) “The God who made the world and everything in it, this Master of sky and land, doesn’t live in custom-made shrines or need the human race to run errands for him, as if he couldn’t take care of himself. He makes the creatures; the creatures don’t make him. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us. He’s not remote; he’s near. We live and move in him, can’t get away from him! One of your poets said it well: ‘We’re the God-created.’ Well, if we are the God-created, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to think we could hire a sculptor to chisel a god out of stone for us, does it?
Acts 17:24 MSG
ASTROPHYSICS AND QUANTUM PHYSICS ATTEST TO GOD AS CREATOR. Extra-dimensionality which goes beyond height, width, length and time is borne out by Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity and then extended into quantum mechanics’ scalar fields and big bang models. Owing to the fact that space-time theorems abound we can deduce that time and space had a beginning and therefore extrapolate the undeniable fact that both time and space are created entities.
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D., tells us in his ground-breaking book, Beyond the Cosmos: WHAT RECENT DISCOVERIES IN ASTROPHYSICS REVEAL ABOUT THE GLORY AND LOVE OF GOD:
“The limits on our abilities to know truth and visualize truth merely remind us that we are the creatures, not the Creator. But the limits do not stop us from seeking to gain a clearer picture of who He is through studying both His inspired Word and His creative work. Each will reveal His glory in its own way. Even if the windows through which we gaze on His realm have a few ripples and dark spots in them, we will be awed at the majestic beauty we see. He has left the curtains open. He invites us to look in.” Astrophysics and quantum physics attest to God as Creator
Gradual Growth VS.”Old man” gone, “New man” here
The latter could be called a paradigm shift in the lexicon of quantum mechanics, meaning that there’s no step-by-step progression in our putting on the new man. [2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.]
In a human being’s laudable efforts to live a godly life on earth, a blueprint is most welcome while in his deepest yearnings to know more of the God who gave him breath while holding the universe together, a major expansion of consciousness is the order of the day.
The Bible doesn’t tell us that we should do a comprehensive research on how to set up a program of the daily progress and maintenance of putting on the new man after weeding out the old; it simply says “Do it!” or, better yet, “It’s done!” Jesus didn’t say “Avert your eyes while I slip into my superman outfit!” He simply did a paradigm shift and was transported through walls, translated the disciples to the other side of the lake, turned water into wine, a couple of small fish into a substantial spread for multitudes, healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons instantly, instantly, instantly!
In each of the above cited cases, Jesus shifted paradigms (in modern parlance) and the deed was done without our watching the medicine seep in or the disease take its course. God functions in the supernatural: to wit, He is at once everywhere and needs no preparation on our part to reach us with His blessings.
Perhaps the entire mortal construct of gradual, painstakingly earned progress has seen its heyday! A courageous abrupt upheaval of the Old Man, the Old Covenant, the Old kingdom is indicated – to usher in the New! Paradigm shift
WHAT’S WRONG if anything WITH “NEW AGE” and/or QUANTUM PHYSICS claims?
Said simply, New Age uses God without ascribing to Him the omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence that are exclusively His. They tell me that I am God, that I have limitless spiritual power and that I can create my own reality. This ALMOST makes me feel good – until I remember, not some yukky religious mantras, but the fact that I have Jesus in all His glory … I have Him living on the inside of me as the Holy Spirit … forever and forever.
I know Jesus lives within me, not just because of some blind (religious) faith, but because God says so in His Word. Remember that? – the Bible, which spells out how it is and why it is that there is a unique position for the Creator of the universe, who is not me! But, omigoodness, I do have the full raising-from-the-dead power alive and well living on the inside of me [smiley-face] And that’s a helluva lot of power!
With THIS attitude in mind, I take a look at quantum mechanics – a very l-o-o-o-o-ng look and I can finally say I find IT lacking nothing! People want to grab parts and particles of this amazing phenomenon which has now – finally – reached revelatory status … they want to twist the findings to suit their own mishmash of a mixture of pure physics (which, in its unadulterated state, is as pure as mathematics) and that just plain doesn’t ‘work’.
Dear God, please tell me what else You want me to tell Our readers ‘cuz I haven’t a clue …. Oh, yes! Okay, just elaborate the point We’re making. Okay.
I hope I didn’t just lose anyone or offend anyone by using the pronoun “we” when referring to God and His scribe (in this case, me): I was blessed with this relationship with God before I was yet 5 years old. I (alone) have had a very hard life but We (Him & me) have been having one long, glorious adventure.
Back to the quanta! What an enormous blessing there is for all who love Jesus, to explore. The world of subatomic particles and waves and strings and holograms and entanglements and quarks and music and math – – they all exist here and now. But the amazing thing is that they all actively sing praises to their Creator – our Creator – just exactly like we do! Amen. The Bridge is Compassion
I’d like to clarify here that neither supernatural healing nor individual applications of quantum theory are the domain of the New Age movement. Jonathan Welton shares his experience with the former:
“I also began to research the New Age movement. I found it fascinating that people without religion were operating in the supernatural. Through my research, I discovered the movement had its beginnings inside Christianity, and only over time did it grow apart. This pattern has repeated itself often; a very high percentage of those in the New Age grew up in Christian families and later left. Their reason for leaving is one that none of us want to hear. Inside the Church, they felt rejected and uncomfortable being supernatural individuals. Thus, both individual New Agers, as well as the whole history of the movement, started within Christianity and developed out and away from it because the supernatural was unwelcome at church. This is not just a random coincidence. The fact that the six major founders of what has morphed into the modern New Age movement essentially had Christian roots is a sign of something significant.”
Jonathan Welton
New Age Masquerade
It is my (rjs) hope to help bring much-needed separation and clarification to somewhat muddied waters where a system and a religion and a science all tend to get intermingled and ultimately terribly confused. New Age vs. Quantum Physics