Category Archives: Quantum world

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The tools scientists have used to deal with paradoxes in the physical world can also be applied to gain important insight into various paradoxes in Scriptures. Difficulties that have plagued the Christian community for centuries are not only clarified when ‘seen’from the point of view of one living in a higher dimension, but those same difficulties also become the basis for strong proof of the supernatural inspiration of the Bible. This book [QG] will provide food for thought for any student of the Word, and will, no doubt, begin a new area of biblical research to which others can contribute.”
–David Rogstad, physicist
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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In order to be faithful to the biblical worldview we must always maintain a strong differentiation between the Creator and the creation whilst affirming the seamless relationship between the Creator and His creation. Perhaps we could say that the energy of the Holy Spirit is the power source that excites and energizes these created strings that are themselves a manifestation of energy that exist within other dimensions.
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
~ Phil Mason

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Thousands of scientists have spent countless millions of hours studying and postulating various theories about the world of quantum physics. Some of the most complex mathematical equations ever conceived by the human mind have been developed in an attempt to crack the mysteries of quantum mechanics. As the world’s greatest physicists and mathematicians have sought to plumb the depths of the mysteries of the quantum world, they have found themselves staring straight into the creative mind of God.
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
~ Phil Mason

If string theory turns out to be an accurate representation of quantum reality, then the whole physical universe is actually a manifestation of energy at a sub-atomic level, all of which is created and sustained by the creative Word of God. But as we begin to speak of the entire universe consisting of energy it must be asserted that from a biblical perspective this is a created energy and not the actual energy of the Holy Spirit.

Scientists have performed experiments with atoms and their subatomic particles such as electrons. If you paid attention in school, you saw the diagram of an atom with the electron orbiting it like the earth orbits the sun. The interesting thing is that scientists have discovered that the electron that is shown orbiting the nucleus is not always there in particle form. It exists in a wave state (like a cloud, everywhere at once) until someone looks at it. When the scientist observes it, it suddenly appears as a dot (particle). What we all want to know, is, “How does it know someone is looking at it?” It obviously is responding to the observer’s interaction with it.
Annette Capps
Quantum Faith

“For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:23

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“… Jesus Christ “sustains the universe by the Word of His power.”(Hebrews 1:3) Remember that Jesus said, “The words that I speak to you are Spirit.”(John 6:63) … Our human words create natural sound … [while] … the words of Christ are an expression of the supernatural sound of the Spirit. When Christ speaks, His words release the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. The word of God is living and active. Obviously it is not natural sound that sustains the universe. Instead, it is the energy of the Holy Spirit that sets in motion an invisible wave pattern that is everywhere present throughout the entire universal quantum field. It is a spiritual sound that is continually generated by the Spirit of God. This biblical revelation opens up some interesting ideas about the nature of the physical universe at the quantum level. From the revelation that the Word of God sustains the universe we can speculate about the relationship between the voice of God and the quantum building blocks of matter. … String theory postulates the existence of unimaginably minute strings or loops of energy that are allegedly the constituent ingredients of the quantum world. Not all scientists embrace string theory but it is strongly advocated by some of the greatest minds in contemporary physics today.”
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
Phil Mason

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Those who have a firm belief in God do not struggle with the idea of the existence of other dimensions. The existence of God, and hence the existence of extra-dimensionality, explains the relationship between the sustaining Word of God and the vibrating strings of energy that some physicists believe constitute the “material”universe. That is why some theologians find string theory highly attractive. It substantiates something which is the very currency of biblical revelation. If string theory is correct, God sustains the entire physical universe by vibrating the very strings of energy that He created by the word of His power. If the strings were to stop vibrating the entire universe would collapse because these strings of vibrating energy are the building blocks of sub-atomic particles and sub-atomic particles are the building blocks of matter. The one thing that string theorists never discuss is what causes the strings to vibrate! Why would a string just continue to vibrate forever unless it was being energized externally from another source of energy? This is one of the mysteries that emerge from string theory, but it is powerfully addressed by the revelation of the sustaining voice of God.
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
Phil Mason

After some reading of physics, quantum mechanics, and string theory, I actually began to think of God as the Pan-dimensional Infinity. However many dimensions there may be, God’s the master of all of them.
Jeff Maxwell

Generally speaking, people can be grouped into two categories of intellectual preference. The first group prefers explorations which require a precision of logical processes. These are the people who become interested in the natural sciences and mathematics. They do not become scientists because of their education, they choose a scientific education because it gratifies their scientific mental set. The second group prefers explorations which involve the intellect in a less logically rigorous manner. These are the people who become interested in the liberal arts. They do not have a liberal arts mentality because of their education, they choose a liberal arts education because it gratifies their liberal arts mental set. Since both groups are intelligent, it is not difficult for members of one group to understand what members of the other group are studying. However, I have discovered a notable communication problem between the two groups. Many times my physicist friends have attempted to explain a concept to me and, in their exasperation, have tried one explanation after another, each one of which sounded (to me) abstract, difficult to grasp, and generally abstruse. When I could comprehend, at last, what they were trying to communicate, inevitably I was surprised to discover that the idea itself was actually quite simple. Conversely, I often have tried to explain a concept in terms which seemed (to me) laudably lucid, but which, to my exasperation, seemed hopelessly vague, ambiguous, and lacking in precision to my physicist friends.
Gary Zukav
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
An Overview of the New Physics

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It is my personal conviction that the science of quantum physics has been hijacked by New Age teachers in their eagerness to assert that nature itself confirms New Age beliefs about the nature of the oneness of all reality and the power of the mind to create and manipulate reality. My own study of quantum physics in the light of biblical revelation has given me an entirely different perspective. I believe with all my being that God is the supreme Quantum Physicist, that the world of the quantum has been beautifully and intentionally crafted by a personal God to respond to His voice, and that God alone has the power to alter reality at a quantum level for His glorious redemptive purposes.
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
Phil Mason

………WHAT IF …
…………..OnlyBelieve …
What if heaven is right here instead of just up there? The theory of quantum non-locality gives cogency to the notion that the spiritual world, the other world, is real and within arm’s reach. Perhaps even closer!
David Crabtree Senior Leader DaySpring Church, Castle Hill, NSW, Australia

Robin’sNote: It’s closer!!!

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String theory is immediately attractive to those whose minds are steeped in biblical revelation. As followers of Christ we are inducted into a realm of revelatory knowledge that enables us to view the world around us through the very eyes of the Creator. What we discover is a world of extraordinary elegance and beauty no matter where we turn our attention. From the sheer visual majesty of the universe with its staggering aesthetic beauty to the compelling evidence of extraordinary mathematical fine-tuning at every level of the physics of the cosmos,….

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There is an elegance and a beauty to string theory that makes it extremely attractive to theologians who are already accepting of the concept of the extra-dimensionality of the realm of the Spirit. Extra-dimensionality is the “stuff”of biblical theology! …
[T]here is an aesthetic and mathematical elegance at the smallest level of physical creation. In the sub-atomic world proposed by string theorists, each string vibrates at a different frequency. The idea that every string vibrates differently is the factor which determines whether a particular string will result in the formation of a quark or a lepton, a meson or a hadron, a baryon or a neutrino. Don’t be intimidated by these terms; they are building blocks of the more familiar sub-atomic particles (protons, neutrons and electrons) and according to string theory these particles are constituted by strings that vibrate at different frequencies.