Category Archives: Quantum world

Mind-body connection

Materialism left out the mind-body connection. Mind isn’t material. Yet our thoughts cause our bodies to move, something we take for granted the minute we get out of bed in the morning but which stands as a great mystery. When you break the body down into organs, tissues, and cells, you can’t find the slightest trace of a thought, and yet the mind must be related to the body. How? Reductionism left out the holistic nature of the body. Trillions of cells cooperate to sustain one another, acting to preserve overall balance and health. Up to a quadrillion neural connections in the brain generate a microscopic electrical storm, and yet the result is organized thought, not a jumble of static. As skilled as medical science is at dissecting body and brain, it has little to say about the experience of life as a whole, yet that experience impinges directly on who gets sick and who stays well.
Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D.
Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit
Vice chair of neurology
Massachusetts General Hospital.
Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy
Professor of Neurology
Harvard Medical School.

The Music of the Spheres

The Music of the Spheres
Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician (6th century BC) spoke of what he called the “Music of the Spheres.” As a mathematician, Pythagoras was intrigued by music and the mathematical equations that undergirded the creation of music. He regarded the movement of the sun, the moon, the stars and the planets as a mystical expression of music. Because of his mystical and philosophical orientation he was inspired to explore the relationship between geometry, mathematics and music. String theorists are now proposing that the elementary particles of the sub-atomic world are a form or music; a “music of the quantum world” if you like. Professor Edward Witten is one of the greatest physicists of our time. His scientific brilliance has been frequently likened to the brilliance of Einstein. Witten is one of the founders of string theory and he has proposed the idea that each string vibrates at a different frequency and that each unique frequency determines what sort of sub-atomic particle it becomes. According to string theory, an elementary particle is not a point but a loop of vibrating string. Just like a violin or piano string, one of these “fundamental strings”has many different harmonics or forms of vibration. For a piano string, the harmonics consist of a basic note –such as middle C –and its higher overtones (one, two, or several octaves higher). The richness of music comes from the interplay of higher harmonics. Music played with a tuning fork, which produces only a basic note, sounds harsh to the human ear. In string theory, different harmonics correspond to different elementary particles. If string theory proves correct, all elementary particles –electrons, photons, neutrinos, quarks, and the rest –owe their existence to subtle differences in the vibrations of strings.
~ Phil Mason
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth

When God speaks His creative word the entire quantum field can be rearranged, collapsed or restructured at His command. There is a remarkable convergence between these theological concepts in the Bible and the emergence of string theory. To my mind, biblical theology powerfully supports string theory, not just because of the convergence of notions of extra-dimensionality or of elegance in design but because of the energising relationship between the Spirit of God and the strings that perhaps constitute nature at its very smallest scale. String theorists suggest that these strings vibrate at different frequencies to create a sub-atomic symphony of music.
Quantum Glory
The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
~ Phil Mason

Many, many dimensions

Physicists have uncovered strong evidence that extra dimensions do indeed exist. Yet predating these physics discoveries by more than nineteen hundred years are the words of the prophets and apostles who penned the sixty-six books of the Bible. These ancient authors, under the inspiration of One who exists both in and beyond the universe and the universe’s ten space-time dimensions, described phenomena—such as the creation event, miracles, Jesus’ post-resurrection capacities, as well as paradoxical doctrines—that require the existence of extra dimensions, or the functional equivalent of extra dimensions. These writers assured their readers that God’s ways and thoughts are beyond our human limits, but that “eternity,” some unknown reality beyond this universe, is somehow inscribed within us. Now we have the opportunity and the privilege to see from a new perspective—and to integrate—what yesterday’s Bible authors and today’s physicists affirm about reality beyond the cosmos.
Beyond the Cosmos
Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.

Sorry, my friend, but physics is beyond the constraints of mathematics. It is sheer wonder at the way things truly are and an almost divine interest in how that is describably so. Physics, unencumbered by the tediousness of mathematical equations, is sublime godlike enchantment!

Do you dance the Wu Li?

One of the greatest physicists of all, Albert Einstein, was perhaps a Wu Li Master. In 1938 he wrote: “Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. In our endeavor to understand reality we are somewhat like a man trying to understand the mechanism of a closed watch. He sees the face and the moving hands, even hears its ticking, but he has no way of opening the case. If he is ingenious he may form some picture of a mechanism which could be responsible for all the things he observes, but he may never be quite sure his picture is the only one which could explain his observations. He will never be able to compare his picture with the real mechanism and he cannot even imagine the possibility of the meaning of such a comparison.”
Most people believe that physicists are explaining the world. Some physicists even believe that, but the Wu Li Masters know that they are only dancing with it.
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
An Overview of the New Physics
~ Dr. Gary Zukav

Quantum Faith

Being the daughter of Charles Capps, how many times do you think I have heard that “things obey words”? Many times, I can assure you! Well, bringing things down to their atomic level and learning that scientifically these particles respond to people, has had a significant effect on my faith. When Jesus spoke to the fig tree and said, “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again” (Mark 11:14), then that fig tree dried up from the atomic level because of His words. When He spoke to the winds and the waves, they obeyed Him. He was teaching us the undeniable Biblical principle that THINGS OBEY WORDS. Jesus did not demonstrate this just to prove He was the Son of God. He demonstrated it and then told his disciples that they too can speak words of power. He wanted us to have the revelation that we are powerful spirit beings who can speak to the mountains in our life and they will obey us.
Annette Capps
Quantum Faith

takes a long time for things to manifest from the unseen into this seen realm. It especially takes a long time when you dig up your seed every day to see if anything is happening yet! The seed will produce in its time if you leave it alone. Do you believe that the words you speak come to pass? From this time on, listen to what you are saying to the things around you. Are you speaking curses to your checkbook? Are you telling it to dry up from the roots? How about your children? What are you telling them? They will obey your “prophecies” of failure and delinquency.
ACapps QF

Look deeper – subatomically deeper

As I studied the theories of quantum physics, I was reminded of a prophecy given by my father, author and teacher Charles Capps, “Some things which have required faith to believe will no longer require faith, for it will be proven to be scientific fact.” Mustard Seed and Quantum Physics When Jesus said in Luke 17:6, “. . .If you have faith as a mustard seed, you would say…”(NASB), He was speaking of the smallest seed that could be seen in His time. If He were here today, He might say “If you had faith as an atom…” or even smaller, “If you had faith as a quark (which is a subatomic particle)…”. The point He was making was that small things that cannot be easily seen manifest themselves and affect things in this larger world where we live. Quantum physics is the study of things so small that we cannot see them, yet everything we see is made of these subatomic particles. Remember, Hebrews 11:3 says: “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.”
Annette Capps

I like that E=MC2 stuff that happens in the spirit. Time loses its effect on matter as light explodes in my spirit, birthing miracles directly from the unseen real outside of time. Things which appear are not made of themselves but are created from substance just beyond the veil where the great high priest over the house of God has His continuing ministry. He loves it when we breach the divide and bring back the power of the kingdom.
~ Frank Hanks

Link to quantum

If you’re looking for the scientific (physical) answer, you can start a search using the info below. If you’re looking for the miraculous, the realm where Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, walked on water, turned water into wine, fed the multitudes, etc., the answer includes knowing God. Quantum physics straddles the two ‘worlds’.