I couldn’t agree with you more. The world of matter, for those who reject Planck’s – and therefore Einstein’s – findings that “matter as such does not exist” – for those people as well as the billions of people who are not privy to quantum physics – to all of them the world of matter is rock solid!
Category Archives: Quantum world

Quantum physics has concluded with extensive experimentation as far back as 1803 that light exists as undifferentiated waves until observed. Undifferentiated waves are NOTHING. It then, when observed, becomes a particle state and the observable world is seen. Therefore, all things we see in our field of vision DO NOT EXIST WITHOUT OBSERVATION. This includes our brain, commonly believed to be the source of our thinking and awareness.
Physicist William Bray explains:
“The general idea is that the matter, which makes up the physical brain, is nothing more than a large number of probability waves (potentiality) that require Consciousness in order to be matter. Furthermore, the ‘electromagnetic activity’ prized by researchers in Consciousness is nothing more than Virtual Photons, which literally pop into existence out of absolute pure nothingness, exist in a state infinitely dilated in time and therefore symmetrically both progressing forward and backward in time and space simultaneously, then disappear into this pure absolute nothingness again. And all of these processes require Consciousness in order to occur –they therefore cannot be the source of Consciousness.”
So why does this matter? Our very Consciousness, our awareness, our thinking processes originate outside our body, outside our physical being, though we experience them as localized to our body and brain.
When we consider the Power of God within us, we do well to identify with the Truth of our being, the truth confirmed by Quantum Physics: we exist even now as we have forever outside our bodies, and the reason Jesus said we have the power to cast mountains into the sea is because our Consciousness originates in the eternal world of Being with and in God.
Even mountains are constructed by awareness. They exist in particle form only when our Consciousness projects them into being. Otherwise, even mountains, exist only as the undifferentiated wave form of light. As Bray concludes:
“HERE (the visible world) mathematically does not, cannot exist, but (we are) currently residing in an infinite domain, for all practical purposes, a heaven or Heaven –at this very moment, eliminating the need to describe such a place altogether, this place (our visible world) is merely a construct, a perception.”
When Jesus and Paul say “you are seated with Him in the Heavenlies at the very right hand of God” we can take that at face value. And we can also believe that Jesus was not lying when He said “even greater things than I did you will do.” Because Jesus knew that when we realized our Consciousness is not trapped in a brain, but actually creates our brains along with every other visible thing, we would then share the power of creating health in place of illness, abundance in place of poverty, peace instead of war, and of changing the very fabric of our visible world.
And when we pray together for a particular person or thing or event, we are collectively closing our eyes to “what is here” and it ceases to exist and bringing about a new outcome. Collectively we are even more powerful than individually in recreating the “particle reality” of a particular world. In other words, let us pray together to eliminate illness, poverty, violence, in our lives, in the lives of those we know or hear about, and in the total world, etc. And let us realize it is our own Consciousness which is producing every physical thing we see in the world.
~ Steve Farrar
Not quasi-physical vibrations of any frequency
All motion, all time, all space, all material consciousness is the relationship of one set of vibrations to another set and that is not the world that Christ Jesus walked in. He discovered another world where there is no vibration. My Kingdom is not a world of vibration.
~Herb Fitch
The Revelation of
Saint John the Divine
Recommended Reading:
Hey Robin I’ve just read quantum glory for the 4th time through. Could you give me a few more of your recommended reads that fall into that same category ?
Lance Dodd
Recommended Reading:
Well, Lance, first I’d have to recommend ●Quantum Dimensions of Healing by Dr. Robin Starbuck
●Beyond the Cosmos, Dr. Hugh Ross
●The Divine Matrix, Gregg Braden
●Entanglement, Gregg Braden
●The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukav
●Quantum Dimension, Lawrence Dawson
●The Self-Aware Universe, Amit Goswami
●The Elegant Universe, Brian Greene
●God Created the Integers, Stephen Hawking
●Physics and Beyond, Wenger Heisenberg
●The Creator and the Cosmos, Hugh Ross
●The Study of Mathematics, Bertrand Russell
●My View of the World, Erwin Schrödinger
Quantum mechanics explains
3 of Nature’s Greatest Mysteries May Be Solved Thanks to Quantum Biology
Plant cells with visible chloroplasts. By: Kristian Peters, Wikipedia Commons.
Quantum mechanics is known for weird occurrences and bizarre outcomes. Consider superposition where a particle can be in two places at once, while also occurring in two different states—as a particle and a wave. What about quantum tunneling where a particle can pass through a solid object like a ghost. Or quantum entanglement where two particles form a relationship, be they an inch apart or a thousand light-years away. One particle might also vanish from one area, only to pop up in another. Einstein called this, “Spooky action at a distance.”
Though strange, the field has advanced our understanding of the natural world immensely. Now, by applying quantum mechanics to biology, we’re beginning to unravel some of science’s biggest and longest running mysteries. The burgeoning field of quantum biology is today, helping us to understand bird migration, photosynthesis, and maybe even our sense of smell.
Since the 1930s, scientists have suspected a quantum phenomenon behind photosynthesis. In 2007, a team of scientists produced the first evidence that this is the case. They hailed from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), at UC-Berkeley. First author Greg Engel, a biophysicist now at the University of Chicago, led the study from which, the field of quantum biology was essentially born.
Quantum mechanics may help solve some of biology’s mysteries. By: Varsha Y.S., Wikimedia Commons.
In photosynthesis, plants gather photons or light particles through cells called chromophores. These release quasi-particles called excitons which gather the collected energy and transport it to the reaction center. Here, it can be transformed into chemical energy, which the plant can metabolize. This whole process occurs in one billionth of a second, with close to 100% efficiency. The speed is necessary to avoid energy loss. Such energy can quickly dissipate into heat. Now here’s the missing piece.
Instead of traveling down one pathway or another, Engel and colleagues showed the exciton takes advantage of superposition. Researchers used a green, sulfur-breathing bacterium called Chlorobium tepidum for the experiment. It’s one of the first organisms to ever photosynthesize, and it’s been around for over a billion years.
Engel and colleagues brought the bacterium’s temperature down to 77º Kelvin (-321º F or -196º C). Then, they sent short bursts of pulsed laser light through the bacterium’s body. They followed the bursts using two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy. Engel and colleagues wanted to know exactly how the energy flowed through it.
What they found was that an exciton travels not in a straight line, but in a wavelike motion. Due to quantum coherence, which states that all parts of a wave stick together, the exciton can, as a wave, feel out all possible pathways, find the most efficient one, and take it. The results of this study were published in the journal Nature.
Scientists used superposition to explain photosynthesis. By: Jon Sullivan. Wikipedia commons.
Several other studies have observed the same phenomenon, photosynthesis operating through quantum coherence. If we could mimic such a system, we could make super-efficient solar panels and longer-lasting batteries—a crucial requirement if we’re going to transition to all-green tech.
Many scientists feel nervous about applying quantum mechanics to biology. After all, physicists study particles in tightly controlled environments. Whereas, in the wet and chaotic world of biology, things are changing all the time. It’s an environment that seems too volatile for superposition to take place in.
MIT physicist Seth Lloyd, using computer simulations, found that the surrounding noise might actually advance an exciton’s progress. Sometimes it gets caught up in the plant’s inner environment. When this occurs, molecular noise might shake it loose.
September 3, 2017
The European Robin. By: Charles J. Sharp. Wikimedia Commons.
Then there’s the migratory patterns of birds. It’s long been known that birds navigate through an internal, chemical compass that interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field. The thing is, that field is weak. So how do birds pick it up?
In one study published in the journal Nature, Oxford University researchers worked with the European Robin, who travels as far as thousand miles when cold weather is looming, from as far north as Scandinavia to as far south as North Africa. What they found was, when a photon of sunlight hits the bird’s retina, it releases two unpaired electrons. The spin of each orients itself to the magnetic field.
Physicist Simon Benjamin of Oxford, proved it was chemically possible in a 2008 experiment. He believes it works through quantum entanglement. Besides birds, insects and other organisms might orient themselves this way, as well.
Quantum mechanics may explain how our sense of smell works. Getty Images.
Now, for olfaction. Humans can differentiate between thousands of difference smells. One of the oldest and most distinct senses, science has struggled to understand exactly how it works. We know that molecules make it into the nostrils from the air. Somehow they interact with a receptor inside the nose. But how it distinguishes one substance from another is still unknown.
Rather than mere shape, chemist Luca Turin believes something else is at play. He hails from the BSRC Alexander Fleming institute in Greece. First, a molecule interacts with a receptor in the nose. Then, in Turin’s view, an electron in that molecule gets to the other side of the receptor through quantum tunneling. By doing so, it sends a signal to the brain, telling it what molecule this is. Turin said, “Olfaction requires a mechanism that somehow involves the actual chemical composition of the molecule.” As such, quantum tunneling is a natural fit.
In one experiment, the chemist found that two radically different molecules, boranes and Sulphur, smelled the same. Although different in shape, what makes both smell like rotten eggs may be the similar energy content present in their bonds. But far more research will be needed to prove that olfaction is performed on the subatomic level. Even so, the field of quantum biology is starting to reap significant breakthroughs. This could lead to technological innovations, as well as furthering our understanding of the nature of life on Earth.
Quantum weirdness
Quantum Weirdness Has Been Tested Beyond The Particle Scale For The First Time
A small tweak on a definitive experiment in quantum physics has allowed scientists to observe for the first time exactly how molecules behave as waves.
The results are solidly in line with what theory covering complex quantum phenomena predicts, so don’t expect any radical new physics here. But as with most quantum experiments, the implications of seeing such a counter-intuitive theory in action makes our head spin.
Researchers from the Universities of Vienna and Tel Aviv have recently collaborated on turning a two-decade old idea into a reality, replacing tiny particles with large organic molecules in a variation on Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer’s classic 1927 double slit experiment in order to test the limits of a law governing their behaviour.
“The idea has been known for more than twenty years,” says researcher Christian Brand from the Vienna Centre for Quantum Science and Technology at the University of Vienna.
“But only now do we have the technological means to bring all the components together and build an experiment capable of testing it with massive molecules.”
To understand the significance, it helps to go back to the beginning.
For the first quarter of the 20th century, scientists were wrestling with what seemed like two completely different Universes of physical laws.
One was the Universe of Newton, where falling apples and shooting stars behaved in similar ways, only differing in terms of scale.
The second was born when Albert Einstein suggested that the mathematics being invented to explain how light was absorbed and emitted wasn’t just a convenient way to crunch the numbers – light really was made up of discrete bits called quanta.
Enter stage left, Prince Louis de Broglie.
Because the idea of light being made of tiny shooting balls wasn’t messed up enough, this intrepid French physicist decided one way to make sense of the latest models of the atom was to describe electrons – those little spheres whizzing around a nucleus – as waves as well.
Famous names such as Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger subsequently found different ways to predict how an atom’s structure should behave, but one pictured electrons as continuous waves and the other as discrete bits of stuff.
The mad thing was, both theories were solid. By the same token, a thing couldn’t be a wave and a ball at the same time, could it?
American physicists Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer then took inspiration from an even earlier experiment that had demonstrated light was a wave.
Their version showed that a beam of electrons passing through a pair of closely-aligned parallel slits could produce a wave-like pattern of behaviour similar to light, backing up de Broglie’s hypothesis. Case closed.
Except ever since then, various versions of this double slit experiment have continued to mess with our minds, showing small objects like electrons and photons can behave as both particles and waves, depending on how we measure them.
Worse still, it’s not just a matter of the very tiny. In 2012, a new record was set in showing a molecule a whopping 800 atoms in size also has wave-like properties.
This latest experiment hasn’t smashed any records, but the researchers still used massive free-floating particles that weighed 515 atomic mass units, or roughly 42 carbon atoms in size. Not exactly tiny, and not easy to manage.
Their goal was to put some limits on the wave-like nature of big things like molecules by passing them through different numbers of slots.
It’s tempting to picture those waves as bunches of spheres jittering up and down like fleas on a hotplate.
Instead, an object such as an electron, a photon, a molecule, or (just to blow your mind) your grandmother, can be thought of as a blend of properties called a superposition that have different states at once.
The probabilities of those states, each describing its position and energy in time and space, is what we call waves. Seriously, stop trying to imagine it in a classical, physical sense, you’ll get a nose bleed.
For tiny particles, this probability can be inferred from measurements plugged into something called Born’s law.
More complex systems, such as molecules (and presumably grandmothers), demand extensions to this formula.
A little over 20 years ago a physicist named Rafael Sorkin determined you only needed the measurements from just two paths – such as those taken through dual slits – for certain extensions to Born’s law to still work. Adding a third, fourth, or hundredth should make no difference.
Thanks to the results of this experiment, we can sleep easier at night knowing Sorkin’s ‘two pathway’ limit stands for molecule-sized particles.
“This is the first time an explicit test of this kind has been conducted with massive particles”, says researcher Joseph Cotter the University of Vienna.
“Previous tests have pushed the frontiers with single photons and microwaves. In our experiment, we put bounds on higher-order interference of massive objects.”
While this is all well and good for physics, it’s also one more piece of evidence that shows quantum mechanic weirdness, such as existing as both particles and waves, isn’t just something that happens to unimaginably small things.
No wonder our head feels fuzzy.
This research was published in Science Advances.
What is matter and from whence came it?
Dark matter, the major constituent of all matter, is still a conundrum for scientists and cosmologists alike as they probe existing theories and propose new ones that hope to finally explain exactly what matter is … and isn’t.
The latter, fuzzy dark matter, is being called into question as cold dark matter has proven to be more consistent with data provided be theoretical physicists at University of Washington’s astronomy department.
Dr. Robin Starbuck
Ferion or boson
At a fundamental level, everything we know of in this Universe is made of the same few fundamental particles: quarks, gluons, electrons and photons, which combine to give us atoms, which in turn make up all the molecules, cells, organs and living creatures inhabiting our world today. But how do we go from these tiny scales where everything looks so similar to the huge diversity of what exists at a larger, more macroscopic scale?
The secret is encoded in a single quantum rule that governs how it all works: the Pauli exclusion principle.
Entanglement is weird & wonderful
Not always, mind you, but sometimes entanglement can be about as weird and wonderful as you can get! Our proverbial particle gets shot to the moon, leaving his counterpart behind but not forgotten because they are forever and ever connected in a bond that cannot be broken. They commune as if they were sitting right next to each other because, for all intents and purposes, it’s just what they’re doing!
The Weirdness Of Quantum Physics Just Got Weirder
The Weirdness Of Quantum Physics Just Got Weirder
Apparently, what we assume about how entangled photons come into this world is not entirely correct.
Photons — the fundamental particles of visible light — have been known to behave like particles in some instances, and like waves in others. And based on one of the most basic principles of quantum physics — quantum entanglement which says that when quantum particles are linked so closely together (or ‘entangled’), what affects one also affects the other — when photons are created in pairs, they originate from just single points in space. It seems we got that part wrong.
According to a study done by a team of researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the UK, entangled photons don’t necessarily have to come from a single location; they can just as easily originate from different locations.
Led by Professor David Andrews, the team was studying a process known as spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) wherein photon beams are allowed to pass through a crystal to produce entangled photon pairs. In theory, for each pair of entangled photons produced, the combined energy and momentum is supposed to be equal to that of the corresponding annihilated photon. Both photons should also show ‘correlated polarization’.
When the photons produced share equal amount of the input’s energy, the process is referred to as degenerate down-conversion (DDC). Before this experiment, it was always assumed that such paired photons originate from the same spot.
As Prof. Andrews explained in a statement they issued: “…the identification of a new delocalized mechanism shows that each photon pair can be emitted from spatially separated points, introducing a new positional uncertainty of a fundamental quantum origin.”
So now it’s known that entangled photons may or may not come from the same location. Moreover, it also appears that paired photons can behave differently once they are separated, even if they are supposed to be entangled.
“The paired photons can emerge with separations in their origin of hundredths of a micron – despite being entangled, it is as if they were not even born close together in terms of atomic dimensions,” Prof. Andrews told New Atlas.
What does this unexpected discovery imply for the science world? At the very least, this means that designing of quantum computers — those super computers that can theoretically perform calculations and solve complicated problems faster than any conventional computer can — may have to be re-thought and reassessed because the basic premise about how photons are generated now appears to be wrong. In other words, the weirdness of quantum physics just got weirder. And the little we know about it just became even more uncertain.
Will quantum physicists be thankful about this new information, or will they consider it an unwelcome disruption? We’ll know when the first quantum computer is finally built as this discovery could potentially expedite the process, or slow it down.
The research was recently published in the journal ‘Physical Review Letters’ under the title ‘Nonlocalized Generation of Correlated Photon Pairs in Degenerate Down-Conversion’.
April 1, 2017 WSP
Quantum Physics – Particles