Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith
From sense to Soul -JSG
Don’t APPLY Truth -JSG
Stop trying to apply Truth: Attempting to apply Truth is the action of the human thought. Truth is infinite; therefore, there is nothing to which you can apply Truth. It is the reality of being, and there is nothing inside or outside for Truth to act upon: Truth is self-acting and self-operative.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
Be still Videos -JSG
Understanding the body -JSG
Spiritual healing -JSG
Self-surrender is the price for transition -JSG
Fourth Dimension videos -JSG
Do you believe that is God’s word? -JSG
“Now we come to that place of recognition. Do you believe that this was the word of God? Do you believe that this was true? Do you believe that this was the Word as it is given to us in scripture? Do you believe that this is the very message that our Master was giving on the shore of Galilee? Do you believe that he was saying at that time the same truth you are reading here that you have water within your own being that is greater than all the water that is in Jacob’s well?”
Joel Goldsmith, “Showing Forth The Presence of God,” Chapter 7, Section: “Do We Trust The Word of God.”