Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

I, myself, am the Christ-Self -JSG

The more you recognize Christ as the identity of every individual, however, the less capacity he has left for being animalistic. That is what in this age is changing a great part of the world. Many who want to remain in their animal nature are having the capacity to be animalistic taken away from them by those who are seeing spiritually the true nature of man.

‘I, myself, am the Christ-Self. I, myself, am the real man, the spiritual man, the Son of God. All that the Father has is mine: all the divine qualities, all the divine nature, all the divine being. This is the truth about me and the truth about every man.’

The natural man comes along and says, “Ah, but”; and then that is when you, in your higher recognition, must turn and say, “‘Get thee behind me, Satan!’ I know all about the claims of Satan. I know all about the claims of the carnal man, but I stand on the dignity of my true nature. I know who I am.”
In the proportion that you see that, you are meditating. This is contemplative meditation, and it leads to an inner stillness and quiet, and then sometime when you are not thinking at all, when you are not even thinking of meditating, all of a sudden the truth will pop up: “Knowest thou not, thou art the Christ of God? Knowest thou not, thou art the temple of God?”
You look up, “Who spoke; who spoke?” It was the “still small voice.” You brought yourself to an inner stillness where you could hear that Voice by this continued realization of your true identity.
“A thousand shall fall at [the] side, and ten thousand at [the] right hand” of those who dwell in the truth of spiritual identity. But if you live consciously in the realization of the Christ and let the Christ dwell in you as your Self, you will bear rich spiritual fruitage, because all that the Father has is yours as the Christ. Divine sonship is your relationship to God. The more you abide in this truth and let this truth abide in you, the more it will be so unto you. The less you let it occupy your consciousness, the less spiritual Grace you will know.
Whether you say, “Christ in the midst of me is mighty,” whether you say, “I in the midst of me is mighty,” whether you say, “Christ goes before me to make the ‘crooked places straight,’” or whether you say, “I go before me to make the ‘crooked places straight,’” makes no difference because it is only a matter of terminology. You are recognizing your divine sonship, and this is what is necessary. You must know this truth without ceasing. You cannot wait for a problem to arise; you cannot wait for eight o’clock in the morning or seven o’clock at night. You can start that way as a young student, but you cannot remain that way for long. It must be a praying without ceasing; it must be a knowing of the truth; it must be an abiding in Bible passages and promises.
There must be a conscious dwelling in the realization of your true identity and the recognition that there is also a natural man hovering about. It will tempt you to be sick; it will tempt you to sin; it will tempt you to lose your temper, it will tempt you to do a lot of things; and some of them you will even fall for; but be assured that that natural man will have less and less place in your life as you abide more and more in the nature of your true identity. Know who you are, and live with it silently and secretly. Then you will know that I will never leave you or forsake you, because I am your Self. You can never be divided from your Self; and your Self is spiritual, divine sonship. To know this is illumination.

Joel S. Goldsmith

Living The Illumined Life.

Chapter Twelve: Spiritual Illumination;

With the Recognition of Christhood, the Natural Man Dies

Kindle: page 214-216