Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

Upward Dimension: Earthbound VS Landlocked -jsg

This Body Is Not Me
We are earthbound and we are landlocked until we break out by going upward. Only as our vision goes upward out of this body, out of this world of force, do we get up into a free strata, a free realm, where we’re no longer body locked, landlocked, earthbound, but where we are free souls. You know that all of this world, except the mystics or those on the mystical path, are locked up in their bodies. Their body is the most real thing to them. They’re fastened into it and can’t escape from it, and that’s where their misery comes—being landlocked inside of the body, being earthbound inside of the body and having no freedom.

The very first freedom that an individual attains is when they can look in the mirror and say that this body is not Me. This body is not Me. I am Me. I, I am Me. I am Joel. Not this body, this body isn’t Joel. I am Joel, and if the doctors searched from head to foot they couldn’t find Joel inside of this body for I am not here.

And that was the great mystical statement: “He is not here. He is risen”. That’s the symbology of the Resurrection. We are not entombed in this body. In our Resurrection we rise out of the tomb of this body and realize I am Joel. I am not body. I am Joel and I am not in a body. They could not search this body from top to bottom and find me for I am not here. I do not live in a body. I live in Consciousness. I live in God. I live and move and have my being in God therefore I fill all space. I am here and I am there and I am everywhere. I am where God is and God is where I am for we are one, and that one is not limited to time or to space or to place. And that’s why the materialist fears death because they think that with the end of the body, there comes an end of me. How foolish! I’m not in the body. I never was in the body. I won’t live in the body and I won’t die out of the body for I will never be in the body. And therefore, there is no need to fear death because death is just checking the body at a weigh station while we keep going on.

From – Tape 344 Side 2
1960 Lausanne Class
“Prayer – The Upward Dimension: Earthbound – Landlocked
by Joel Goldsmith

Breaking the Mesmerism – JSG

1956 Seattle Closed Class
Joel S. Goldsmith
167B – Breaking the Mesmerism

To be under the law of good and evil […] refers to cosmic law, or karma, that which the Master spoke of as: As ye sow so shall ye reap, or Paul spoke of as: If you sow to the flesh you will reap corruption. If you sow to the Spirit you will reap life everlasting.
As long as you are under the law of cause and effect you are under the Lord God. If you accept an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, if you accept any of these human means of solving life’s problems you are under the law, and you come under grace when that period ends.

Claim the Truth repeatedly in spite of all the protesting from the carnal mind
you’ll get it – you’ll feel&know it

JSG: Healing severe cases & many other topics

1953 Portland Open Class
Joel S. Goldsmith
711A – Two Major Principles of Infinite Way Healing

Two of these questions call for answers that ordinarily take up an important part of our closed class work, and I’m going to introduce that this afternoon and tell you that harmony in one’s experience depends upon an understanding of it, and that all spiritual healing work is based on it.
Without an understanding of it, spiritual healing work is impossible. It is true that some little faith healing is possible without it, and also that some little mental healing is possible without it, but mental healing hasn’t been very successful in the history of this country. It began auspiciously, sprouted beautifully, and then died on the vine. There is very little mental healing work going on in this country, and the reason is that the basic principle of truth has been omitted from most teachings. Now let’s get back to the question.
Q. Is it possible to demonstrate perfection in the case of abscessed teeth? Now let us add to that question: Is it possible to demonstrate perfection in the case of broken bones? Is it possible to demonstrate perfection in the case of insanity? Is it possible to demonstrate perfection in the case of cancer, consumption?
A. And the answer is yes. Yes, in all of these. It is possible. It is not only possible, it’s happening every day of the week, but such healings are based primarily on an understanding of the truth of being. Now, there is some healing without it, on the part of the few who are spiritually endowed, those who have by nature, or who have come into this world with a deep, deep spiritual consciousness. They often do wonderful healing work without knowing anything about the truth of being; without knowing the why or the wherefore of it. They merely have this deep inner spiritual sense, and disease disappears in the presence of their consciousness.
There are not too many of these, but here and there you meet them. Then there is some measure of healing work done by those who have studied some of the mental approaches to healing and who, during their study, have developed some spiritual sense.
Now, they may be all wrong in their knowledge of the healing principle. They may be far off the beam in their understanding of the truth of being, but somewhere through their study, through their zeal, through their integrity, through their desire, through their love of God they develop a spiritual sense, and they do some healing work. But actual spiritual healing, which is done through a knowledge of the truth of being, a knowledge which leads to the development of spiritual consciousness, must have an absolute basis in being, and that absolute basis in being must be known and understood.
Now the reason that there is far less healing work going on in the metaphysical world than there was thirty or forty years ago and even much less than fifty years ago—Oh much less than fifty years ago—is due to the fact that it seems difficult for the average student to put aside their personal sense of life, their personal problems, their personal human lives long enough to learn a principle, long enough to study and catch the vision of the principle.
It isn’t an easy thing to learn this principle while one is concerned with problems, with serious illnesses of their own, and more especially, if one insists on catching a glimpse of truth and then running out and trying to heal the world with it. It is far more important that a student do not go out into the world to heal anyone until they have caught the full vision of what they are doing, and then go out and really do the work.
So the answer to this is yes. It is possible to heal, to bring out perfection in the case of abscessed teeth or abscessed bodies or cancerous bodies or tumorous bodies, or any other form of discord if one has the correct understanding of the truth of being and through that understanding develops the consciousness of it.
Now remember, there are two parts to it. I could give you enough in any one afternoon of the knowledge of the truth of being so that you could perform all the miracles that have ever been performed in the history of the world in healing work if that knowledge were enough, but that knowledge isn’t enough. That knowledge has to be carried to the point of realization, and that is where time, effort, and practice come into the picture.
I will tell you this afternoon the full and complete truth of being. It will not make healers of you, but if you will take the truth of being, put it into practice in your own affairs in whatever problems are brought to you, not trying to teach it, no, no, no. Don’t try to teach it. Don’t tell it to anyone, not even your nearest relative or your dearest friend. Keep it to yourself until it has become part of your own being. Until by demonstration you know that it is yours. Then you can do all the teaching you want, but if you attempt it before then, you will be trying to teach something you do not know and both of you will lose. It will be the blind leading the blind.
Now, just to get these out of the way before we come to that:

The Blessed “I” – Joel Goldsmith

Where all of this time are you? Try now to see if you can locate yourself between your feet and your head – if there is any part of your body in which you can find yourself. Of course, the answer is no. No, you are not down in those feet or in your knees or in your stomach or in your chest or in your head. You just are not there.
The question now comes, Where am I? Where am I if I am not where I believe myself to be? I thought I was sitting in this chair, and I find I am not there. My body is; I see it. But I cannot find myself in this chair. I cannot find myself in this body. Where am I? Who am I? What am I? Why am I? This practice, this contemplation of I or meditation upon the I when continued for short periods – today, tomorrow, the next day – will always result in one answer. That answer is – I is invisible, I is incorporeal, I is spiritual, I is not limited to time or space. Once this perception is attained, you have the identity of I. You will know why you cannot be influenced by circumstances or conditions. You will know why you are the master of your fate and the captain of your ship, because you are an individual identity, an individual consciousness containing within yourself full dominion over your entire life.

You will find further that the nature of your identity, of the you that you really are, is God identity. In other words, what God is, I am. You will find that the nature of God is identical with the nature of the I that I am. Then you will understand Moses revelation – I Am that I Am. Not you are or he is or she is, not that there is a God up above the sky. I Am that I Am. I Am that I Am. I Am that I Am. I Am. I Am that. You will know then why the Master gave that as His full and complete revelation to the world. I and My Father are One. Had this been a relationship between Jesus and God, then of course He couldn’t have been the way shower for us. Then He could only have looked out on us with pity and said, “how sorry I am that you aren’t one with our Father – your Father and My Father.” But it was impossible for Him to say, “your Father and My Father” and then not know that this is the relationship He was revealing to the world of His identity. By virtue of being a way shower, showing us the way to understand our identity. “Know ye not that ye are children of God?” In other words, even as God is My Father and I am the Son, even so is God your Father and you are the Son. All that the Father is, you are. All that the Father hath is yours. Then you understand that “I of my own self can do nothing.” That is, the very moment that I cut myself off from that oneness with God, I am as a branch of a tree that is cut off and withereth. That is why it is a very sad thing, sometimes hearing metaphysicians going around saying, “I am God or I am Spirit.” It’s sad and tragic, because it is as if a branch of a tree were saying, “I am a tree.”
As Joel separate and apart from God, I must admit I am nothing and can do nothing and be nothing. Only in my conscious realization of my oneness with God can I say, “God constitutes my being. God is my true identity, and the quality of God and the quantity of God is the quality of my being and the quantity of my being. Therefore, since God is immortal, I am immortal. Since God is eternal, I am eternal. Since God is infinite, I am infinite by virtue of my oneness with God. For any human being even to claim, not only that they are God but the son of God or even spiritual, is mockery of truth – unless in the same breath they are realizing that this can only be true because of my relationship with God – because of my oneness with God. All that the Godhead is, is flowing into expression as my individual being.
Now do you see that I cannot be subject to environment; I cannot be subject to lack of education; I cannot be subject to what my neighbor thinks or does. For I and my Father are one, and what I see the Father do, I do. Not what I see my neighbor do and not what my parents did before me but what I see the Father do. Then I do, for I and the Father are One. The infinite nature of God’s being constitutes the infinity of my individual being. Therefore, “every soldier has a baton in his knapsack,” says Napoleon, which we can interpret to mean that the lowest and the least of us has the crown of Divine Sonship locked up within us, if so we recognize it and recognize its source.
You see, if you were sitting in a rubber boat out in the middle of the ocean and neither had a checkbook with you or it wasn’t any good and no supermarkets around, there would still be a demonstration for you to make, unless you want to give up and jump into the ocean. That demonstration is – here where I am fulfillment is. The place whereon I stand is holy ground. For all that the Father is, I am and all that the Father hath is mine. It doesn’t say that you have to be close to the corner delicatessen store. It says that the place where I find myself, even if I make my bed in hell, thou art there. Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, thou art there – eternal life, eternal harmony, eternal being. But it is only demonstrated by those who know, consciously know this truth. That is why in the experience of Rickenbacker, all was saved by one man. The others would have perished without him. He alone in that boat knew his true identity and was able to sit with folded arms and inwardly, quietly, peacefully realize, “here where I am, God is.” And demonstrated it for himself and for his companions, even though they didn’t know that he knew the secret of his identity. Rickenbacker has proved himself to be almost indestructible. Only by knowing the truth, and he knows it.
Now everyone of us has a life to live. Each one of us at some time or other is blaming others for our lack of demonstration or perhaps giving too much credit to others for our demonstration. The truth is no one could give us more than we can accept. On the other hand, no one can deprive us of anything once we know, consciously know, the truth of our identity. Once you begin to understand that this[body] is not you, this [body] is yours. You begin to have dominion over it. You begin to understand that it cannot do what you do not instruct it to do, what you do not permit it to do. This isn’t true only of your body. It’s true of your mind.
~Joel Goldsmith
The Blessed “I”

Treatment, Meditation and Prayer JSG

Meditation, treatment and prayer are not synonymous terms according to Joel Solomon Goldsmith in his YouTube presentation entitled “Treatment, prayer and meditation”. They are three different states and stages of spiritual consciousness. The first, treatment, is the least spiritual of the three stages that help us to reach the inner source of Being. Meditation includes both treatment and prayer which leads us to the ultimate realization of all – constant communion with God.

Meditation is not easy for the Occidental mind. Orientals are trained in it. It calls for a deep sense of humility. You’re not calling upon a God-power to act upon you, but upon the power that is within your consciousness, to escape. UNTIL YOU ACCOMPLISH THIS YOU’RE NOT BRINGING THIS POWER INTO YOUR EXPERIENCE.

People have read, researched, recited powerful truths and 20 years later found that it never did anything for them: IT WAS ONLY IN THE REALM OF THE INTELLECT. The kingdom of God is not in words but in power. Jesus said “My peace [NOT THE WORLD’S PEACE] I give unto you.”

“God is man’s life and man only goes along for the ride!” (William Saroyan). We become beholders of God’s work through us.

Far enough along spiritual path

“Anyone far enough along on the spiritual path to be seriously pursuing a study of this nature was undoubtedly on the Path before he was born into this experience. Whatever his former state of existence may have been, had he not been on the Path in some previous life-experience, he would not now be ready for a mystical teaching, nor would he have been led to the reading of this book. Once a person touches a mystical teaching, he is drawing closer and closer to the ultimate realization of the name and nature of God and of his true identity. Throughout all time, it has been true that when an individual realized the name and nature of God, that individual was free; and furthermore, in proportion as that individual could impart this realization or revelation, those who could accept and receive it were made free.”
~Joel S Goldsmith

Consciousness, meditation & true prayer JSG

Spiritual consciousness lifts us above every human form of limitation and permits us to enter a larger sense of life, health, and freedom. Where there is spiritual consciousness, there is no bondage to person, place, or thing, and there are no limitations to our accomplishments.

Meditation is the door to the realm of the Soul, and inspiration is the way. As we learn to take five or ten minutes each morning, noon, and night to sit quietly with a “listening” ear, as we turn within ourselves and learn to wait for the “still small voice,” we acquire the habit of meditation and develop skill in its technique until inspiration possesses us and leads us to the haven of our Soul. This is the beginning of our new birth, and here we learn the new tongue of Spirit. Life begins to have a new meaning.
Rightly speaking, there is not God and you, but God is ever manifest as you, and this is the oneness which assures you of infinite good. God is the life, mind, body, and substance of individual being; therefore, nothing can be added to any individual, and true prayer is the constant recognition of this truth.

~Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

Immortality – JSG

Immortality is attained in proportion as personal sense is overcome, whether here or hereafter. As we put off the personal ego and attain the consciousness of our real Self – the Reality of us, divine Consciousness – we attain immortality. And that can be achieved here and now.
~Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
(Putting on Immortality)

Spiritual illumination – JSG

SPIRITUAL ILLUMINATION enables us to discern the spiritual reality where the human concept appears to be. Spiritual sense discerns the reality of that which is appearing as concept. The development of spiritual consciousness begins with our first realization that what we are beholding through the senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell is not the reality of things. Disregarding appearances entirely, the first ray of spiritual illumination brings us hints of the divine, the eternal and immortal. This in turn makes the appearance even less real to us, thereby admitting even greater illumination. Our progress Spiritward is in proportion to the illumination which enables us to behold more and more of Reality. Because the human scene is entirely a misconception through misperception, any thought of helping, healing, correcting, or changing the material picture must be relinquished in order that we may see the ever-present Reality.
~Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
(Spiritual Illumination)

Similar Scriptures various countries

■ HINDU SCRIPTURE Theirs was the fulness of heaven and earth; the more that they gave to others, the more they had.

■ CHINESE SCRIPTURE And give unto him who is of kin to you, his due, and also unto the poor, and the traveller. And what good ye have sent before your souls, ye shall find it with God.

■ TURKISH SCRIPTURE It is more blessed to give than to receive. . . . Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

■ THE BIBLE As we realize our unity, or oneness, with all creation, we become more loving, gentle, patient, and understanding. Then only are we fulfilling the great teaching, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” and then only are we glimpsing the kingdom of God, the temple “not made with hands” – the man and universe of God’s creating. It is this spiritual man, the man of God’s creating, who has been given dominion over all the earth.