To those unfolding on the spiritual path, come the discordant experiences of human life, until the transition from “this world” has been completely accomplished.
The desire is to avoid or escape these inharmonies of mind, body, or economic affairs – but this cannot be done, since the discords result solely from the battle with Spirit and “the flesh,” that is, with spiritual consciousness and material sense.
To those on the way, harmony in human affairs often is a lack of spiritual awakening; and, therefore, when the battle, leading to the overcoming of “this world” is on, the initiate will remain as quiet as possible under the adverse circumstances, endeavoring to refrain from fighting erroneous conditions and insofar as possible “letting” the warfare go on until the moment of transition arrives.
When your spiritual study is sincere, the breaking-up of your material world –the desertion of friends, students, or family, a change of health or other outer activity — often ushers in the spiritual transition, or rebirth. This is the attainment of that which you have sought. A tremendous movement is taking place as the initiate discerns the difference between physical harmony and spiritual wholeness.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith
Never treat a person
Now I want to explain one reason why we never treat a person, why we never give a treatment to any person. If anything in my writings has led to the belief that I would ever give a treatment to any person, let me correct that concept now. ..I have never given a treatment to anyone, and I have never directed my thought to a person. I have never addressed the individual consciousness of any person.
Never have I said, “You are spiritual; you are perfect; you are God’s child.” Never have I allowed the name of a patient to come into my thought while I was “treating.” Never have I allowed the face, or thought, or outline of any face or body, to come into my treatment. I do not, I cannot, give a treatment until the person asking for help is completely out of my thoughts.
My treatment is based on lifting thought up to God and on eliminating any sense of person. I jump, as fast as I know how, up to the word God: I lift my thought over the person’s head, not because God is up there, but because for me it eliminates personality and person, and then I am in God. Then I come out from God, and let flow out whatever truth I know about God-all the truth I know about God. I never connect it with any individual.
And the reason is this: God is the only individual in the world. God is infinite individuality; God is the only place, the only person, the only power. God is the only reality.
If I turned away from God, I would be treating an illusion.
Joel S. Goldsmith
Consciousness Unfolding: God Revealing the Infinity of Being
Transition uses discordant experiences – JSG
The crucifixion of the self is accomplished when there is nothing left for which you wish to pray. To those unfolding on the spiritual path, come the discordant experiences of human life, until the transition from “this world” has been completely accomplished.
The desire is to avoid or escape these inharmonies of mind, body, or economic affairs – but this cannot be done, since the discords result solely from the battle with Spirit and “the flesh,” that is, with spiritual consciousness and material sense.
To those on the way, harmony in human affairs often is a lack of spiritual awakening; and, therefore, when the battle, leading to the overcoming of “this world” is on, the initiate will remain as quiet as possible under the adverse circumstances, endeavoring to refrain from fighting erroneous conditions and insofar as possible “letting” the warfare go on until the moment of transition arrives.
When your spiritual study is sincere, the breaking-up of your material world –the desertion of friends, students, or family, a change of health or other outer activity — often ushers in the spiritual transition, or rebirth. This is the attainment of that which you have sought. A tremendous movement is taking place as the initiate discerns the difference between physical harmony and spiritual wholeness.
The Infinite Way
Siddhartha became Buddha = Christ – JSG
Siddhartha, who had left his home and family in search of truth, finally received enlightenment and became the Buddha, the Enlightened One, or as we term it, the Christ of his day.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
Can’t understand spiritual wisdom with our human intellect
How frequently do we attempt to understand spiritual wisdom with our human intellect! This leads to mental indigestion because we are attempting to digest spiritual food with our educated mentality. It will not work. Truth is not a reasoning process; therefore, it must be spiritually discerned. Truth does not as a rule appeal to our reason, and when it appears to do so, we must search deeply to see if it really is truth. Be suspicious of a truth that seems reasonable.
~Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
Praying to an image of God is harmful(rs) – JSG
If God is infinite, it must be self-evident that God cannot be contained within the mind, yet we go on believing that some concept of God in our mind is the infinite God. If the Spirit of God were as close to us as to be within our mind, we actually would be children of God, and as such would be set apart from this earth. But, instead of having the Spirit of God, what we really have is only a concept of God, a concept which may envision God as a man with a long white beard sitting up on a cloud, as a man hanging on a cross, or as a hundred other different concepts. And what do we do? We pray to these images in our own thought and expect to receive answers from them. Is that sensible? Is it reasonable?
~Joel Goldsmith
A Parenthesis in Eternity
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It’s hard to believe that people do pray to such images even when they protest that that don’t see them literally: they’re praying to a SIGN OF SEPARATION at best! Spirit, God within everyone doesn’t need an image, or imagined form. RJS
Start anew re God – Meditating JSG
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It requires boldness and daring to release God, to acknowledge that we do not know God and that we do not know how to pray. It takes courage to be done with the old and to seek the new, to prove that we can live as children of God, as the very temple of God, glorifying Him.
Joel Goldsmith
A Parenthesis in Eternity
Stop opposites: GOOD and evil JSG
The belief in two powers is what traps us into
vacillating between the pairs of opposites,
harmony and discord, poverty and abundance,
life and death, sickness and health …
there is no good and there is no evil in any form …
this truth frees us and brings the peace that passes understanding.
The only devil is the knowledge of good and evil.
To be rid of the pairs of opposites,
we must stop the merry-go-round of the human mind,
and that actually is not as difficult or as impractical as it sounds.
I have been asked many times, “How do you stop thinking?”
And I have found one way.
The minute I can look at any person or condition
and know that it is neither good nor evil,
my thought stops and my mind becomes quiet.
That is the end of it because then
there are no thoughts left for me to think about it.
I do not think good of it and I do not think evil of it.
All I know is that it is, and then I am back at the center of my being where all power is.
Our mind is restless only when we are thinking about things or persons either in terms of good or evil,
but the mind is at rest when we surrender all such concepts.
Joel Goldsmith
The Thunder of Silence
JSG reading my diary
Joel must’ve been reading my diary except for three things:
• He wouldn’t know where it was.
• He passed on 50+ years ago.
• I don’t have a diary.
He said that very serious seekers of higher level consciousness often have some unhealed issues and that he was glad for his own unhealed issues coz they kept him on track.
Can you imagine that – Joel Goldsmith going off track?
I never could have imagined it until I thought of yours truly – me. I’ve been glued to the grindstone all my life. Oh, I’ve done stuff but could never go astray very much. Joel said for him being 80% was perfect.
His 80% has blessed the world beyond belief.
I myself am quite content at 70% – that’s about how much I’d trust my ‘self’.

Spiritual power’s purpose
“Spiritual power never operates for your good or my good; it cannot be used; it cannot be channeled or directed. There is no way of praying for your particular good or mine because in the eyes of God there is no “you” or “me” separate from all the other children of God. There would be no way to gain God’s grace for you or for me or to direct God’s presence or power to this individual or that individual. This is a personalized concept of Deity that has wrecked the religions of the world and has made prayer as ordinarily practiced ineffectual.”
“Only when God is understood to be a presence and power universally and equally available to all, only in that consciousness in which we do not see each other as separate and apart from the divine Being, can spiritual power flow. If we were to sit quietly, recognizing the invisible presence and power of God permeating all being, anyone who is receptive and in tune with divine love would receive blessings and benediction, Grace in some form or other. It might be as comfort, as peace, as greater health, or as some form of greater abundance, but it would happen; whereas, if an individual were to try to direct God’s grace to someone, he would be outside the realm of spiritual power, and he would fail.”
-Joel S. Goldsmith – “The Altitude of Prayer” – Page 55