Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

Live solely by Spirit of God JSG

When the sacred and secret name of God – the I – has been revealed to you, you have the Word. The fruitage of that Word is the grace of God – peace, joy, harmony, and abundance. With that sacred and secret Word in the forehead, you walk up and down this earth: You are seen as an ordinary man or woman, but your presence is felt as if you were a saint. You do not live by might or power: You live solely by the Spirit of God which is now within you – by the Word of God, by that secret Word, that sacred Word, that Word of power – not material or mental, but spiritual. The Word never has to be uttered because it continually utters itself. You do not speak it; you hear it and you rest in its assurance.

Joel Goldsmith

No resolutions in material realm JSG

More and more, people are beginning to realize that freedom from fear, insecurity, want, and ill health is not to be found in the material realm. Wars will not end wars; investments will not ensure security from want. Medicines alleviate pain, but do not produce real health. Some greater power than can be found in the human body or thought must be tapped to give us the happiness and harmony and peace that are our birthright. This power is available to everyone because it is already a part of our being – in fact, it is the greatest part of our being.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

The Soul JSG TIW

THE SOUL is a part of man which is little known and only seldom realized. Often those in the depths of some deep sorrow break through the mist of material sense to the recesses of their inmost being, where they discover the Soul, or Reality, of being. They become Soul-conscious, and find new values, new resources, new and different strength, and an existence of an entirely different nature.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

No need to manipulate human realm JSG

Consciousness expresses and fulfills Itself, so we need never attempt to manipulate anything in the human picture. We are beholders watching the activity of God express as our life, our supply, our health, our relationships, our peace, and our fulfillment.

If our work is not the fulfillment of our destiny, it will leave us: we need not leave it. If our home is not God-bestowed and God-governed, it will leave us and take form as something more satisfying. Inharmonious relationships will fall away. We are not doers: we are watchers, beholders. In being beholders we turn within to watch God being.

We need never run from anything. We need never try to change anything in the picture. We face each experience, every picture, and let the outflow of God- consciousness take over, dissolving the hypnotic illusion of the human picture and revealing reality.
Joel S. Goldsmith
Message for the Ages:
Not Appearances But Is

Great discoveries= Parenthesis in Eternity JSG

Think of the discoveries and inventions of past centuries, and then remember that an entire century is of no more importance or significance in the mind of God than is one grain of sand on all the beaches of the world. Think of what is yet to be revealed! Think of the marvels which already exist and have existed since time began, only awaiting to be revealed!
Joel S. Goldsmith
A Parenthesis in Eternity

No need to heal world JSG

In healing work, we must turn from the structural universe which we see. We must remember that we are not called upon to heal it, change it, alter it, correct it, or save it. We are first of all to realize that it exists only as illusion, as the false sense of life. From this vantage point in consciousness, we behold through spiritual sense the “house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

Come to Christ to be cleansed

When you come to the Christ, come with a sincere desire to be cleansed within. You are not merely coming to a teaching from which you expect to receive more or better human conditions.

You are not merely seeking to have your human existence made easier, healthier or even a bit longer — but you really are asking to be lifted entirely above the human level of life to an awareness and demonstration of Life eternal — the spiritual consciousness of Life and its harmonies.

Do not then hold on to the personal sense of good that has so long obstructed your vision of the Christ. Be willing; be prepared for the Christ to dispel all personal sense — even that which is humanly good.

Joel S. Goldsmith
Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture
Cleansing the Temple

Reasons for No Details of Problems JSG


Now I want to explain one reason why we never treat a person, why we never give a treatment to any person. If anything in my writings has led to the belief that I would ever give a treatment to any person, let me correct that concept now. ..I have never given a treatment to anyone, and I have never directed my thought to a person. I have never addressed the individual consciousness of any person.

Never have I said, “You are spiritual; you are perfect; you are God’s child.” Never have I allowed the name of a patient to come into my thought while I was “treating.” Never have I allowed the face, or thought, or outline of any face or body, to come into my treatment. I do not, I cannot, give a treatment until the person asking for help is completely out of my thoughts.

My treatment is based on lifting thought up to God and on eliminating any sense of person. I jump, as fast as I know how, up to the word God: I lift my thought over the person’s head, not because God is up there, but because for me it eliminates personality and person, and then I am in God. Then I come out from God, and let flow out whatever truth I know about God-all the truth I know about God. I never connect it with any individual.

And the reason is this: God is the only individual in the world. God is infinite individuality; God is the only place, the only person, the only power. God is the only reality.

If I turned away from God, I would be treating an illusion.

Joel S. Goldsmith
Consciousness Unfolding:
God Revealing the Infinity of Being

Soul is higher than plane of body & mind JSG

Higher even than the plane of body and mind, there is the realm of Soul, the kingdom of God. Here we find the reality of our being, our divine nature – not that body and mind are separate or apart from Soul, but that Soul is the deepest recess of our being. In the realm of Soul, we find complete tranquility, absolute peace, harmony, and dominion. Here we find neither good nor evil, pain nor pleasure – only the joy of being. We are in the world, but not of it because we no longer see the world of sense as it appears to be but, having awakened our spiritual sense, we “see him as he is” – we see through appearances to the Real.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way