Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

Can’t project healing onto patient JSG

Joel Solomon Goldsmith

When you are praying or meditating for someone else, do not try to transfer thoughts to him, do not try to know what is right for him or best for him, but sit in a state of complete receptivity, and then let the Father function as your consciousness. You may not receive any message for your patient or student, but you do not need any. He will receive it, and he will receive it not from you, but from the Source of you. Your consciousness acts only as the instrument of contact, and you yourself may never know what the message is, or even whether any message has been received”
― Joel S. Goldsmith

Breaking up of former self JSG

The crucifixion of the self is accomplished when there is nothing left for which you wish to pray. To those unfolding on the spiritual path, come the discordant experiences of human life, until the transition from “this world” has been completely accomplished.
The desire is to avoid or escape these inharmonies of mind, body, or economic affairs – but this cannot be done, since the discords result solely from the battle with Spirit and “the flesh,” that is, with spiritual consciousness and material sense.
To those on the way, harmony in human affairs often is a lack of spiritual awakening; and, therefore, when the battle, leading to the overcoming of “this world” is on, the initiate will remain as quiet as possible under the adverse circumstances, endeavoring to refrain from fighting erroneous conditions and insofar as possible “letting” the warfare go on until the moment of transition arrives.
When your spiritual study is sincere, the breaking-up of your material world –the desertion of friends, students, or family, a change of health or other outer activity — often ushers in the spiritual transition, or rebirth. This is the attainment of that which you have sought. A tremendous movement is taking place as the initiate discerns the difference between physical harmony and spiritual wholeness.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

Prayer prior to our enlightenment JSG

Before our enlightenment in truth, we prayed for things and persons; in other words, we sought to gain some personal end. With his great vision, Emerson wrote: “Prayer that craves a particular commodity, anything less than all good, is vicious.” Then this wise man defines prayer for us: “Prayer is the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view. It is the soliloquy of a beholding and jubilant soul. It is the spirit of God pronouncing His works good. . . . As soon as the man is one with God, he will not beg.” Prayer must not be understood as going to God for something because, as Emerson continues, “Prayer as a means to effect a private end is meanness and theft.”
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

Prayer must be directed within JSG

To many, prayer means supplication and petition to a God in a place called heaven. That this prayer has resulted so universally in failure to attain its ends must prove that this is not prayer and that the God prayed to is not there listening. Human thought eventually realized the lack of an answer to such prayers and turned to a search for the true God and the right concept of prayer. This led to a revelation of truth as understood and practiced by Christ Jesus and many earlier revelators. Here we learn that “the kingdom of God is within you,” and therefore prayer must be directed within to that point in consciousness where the universal Life, God, becomes individualized as you or as me.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

The “Old (mortal) man” didn’t die: never there JSG

There is that part of us which has never sinned, never been sick, was never born, and will never die, and the activity of God is to reveal that man. To our sense, that may remove sin, disease, or lack, but that is only to our limited sense. It does not really do it any more than light removes darkness. What light does is to reveal the absence of darkness, the nonentity of darkness, the nonexistence of darkness.

So it is that what we call a human being, “the natural man,” has an existence only in the universal mind which is separate and apart from God. The whole of the human experience is an imaginary experience, a dream-experience, taking place in the universal mind which does not have its seat in God.

The proof of that is that in the moment that you can still that mind and open the door for the Spirit of God to come in, that man is not there any more. That man of sin, disease, and death is just as absent as is the darkness when light touches it.

We say that the “old man” has “died” and the “new man” has been “reborn,” but where did the “old man” go?
He did not go any place: he was not there to begin with!
Joel Solomon Goldsmith
Beyond Words & Thoughts:
Toward the Experience

No more affirm-deny conditions JSG

There comes a time in our experience when spiritual inspiration reveals to individual consciousness a state of being free of mortal conditions and beliefs. Then we no longer live a life of mental affirmations and denials, but rather receive constant unfoldments of truth from Consciousness. Sometimes this comes through no other channel than our own thought.
Joel S. Goldsmith

Answered prayer JSG

[Prayer is a great issue to have clear. What’s really fascinating is that very reliable spiritual thinkers like acim and jsg verbalize it differently but if you read enough of them you see there’s no final conflict. What neither of them agree with is any religious approach whatsoever.]

Rightly speaking, there is not God and you, but God is ever manifest as you, and this is the oneness which assures you of infinite good. God is the life, mind, body, and substance of individual being; therefore, nothing can be added to any individual, and true prayer is the constant recognition of this truth. Conscious awareness of our true being – of the infinite nature and character of our only being – this, too, is prayer. In this consciousness, instead of seeking, asking, waiting, in prayer, we turn our thought inward and listen for the “still small voice” which assures us that even before we asked, our Father knew and fulfilled the need. Here is the great secret of prayer, that God is all-in-all and God is forever manifested. There is no unmanifested good or God. That which we seem to be seeking is ever-present within us, and already manifested, and we need to know this truth. All good already is, and is forever manifested. The recognition of this truth is answered prayer. Our health, wealth, employment, home, and harmony are then not dependent on some far-off God, are never dependent on a channel or person or place, but are eternally at hand, omnipresent, within our very consciousness; and the recognition of this fact is answered prayer. “I and my Father are one,” and this accounts for the completeness of individual being. Properly speaking, there is not God and you. It is impossible to pray aright unless this truth is understood; and unless we know our real relationship to Deity, prayer becomes but blind faith or belief rather than understanding. It is our conscious awareness of the oneness of Being – the oneness of Life, Truth, Love – that results in answered prayer.
Joel Solomon Goldsmith
The Infinite Way

Not healed coz my work JSG

What this says to me is that I don’t get to have good health and other favors because I did my prayerful work (the un-thought implication being that others are left out). No, I get to see everyone healed, whole and happy!

Health does not come through my understanding. This health must come as the activity of the Christ, not because of my understanding — not because of what I know, or do not know. I am a willing instrument, Father. I am willing to be still; I am willing to let the activity of Thy being be my being and Thy grace the sufficiency unto this individual or this situation. “I can of mine own self do nothing. . . .” I, the Son, am but the instrument for I, the Father.”
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Art of Meditation

Meditation > awareness all day JSG

Through meditation, we become aware of the presence of the Christ, and this awareness remains with us all day and all night as we go about our human existence. This awareness enters into our every experience and prospers every endeavor. This consciousness of the presence of the Christ is a light unto our feet and a guiding star unto our aspirations. It is the Presence that goes before us to make the crooked places straight. It is the quality in our consciousness that makes us understood and appreciated by others.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way


HERE IT IS !! . Joel is explaining how it is that everything does have existence – just not the way we sometimes perceive it!
[The dots ●●● to ●●
are my addition RJS]

Through false education, which constitutes finite sense, we have come to fear certain individuals, things, and conditions, not realizing that . ●●● as these are coming to us through the avenue of consciousness they are all God-being, Consciousness-appearing, Spirit-substance.●● . Material consciousness is the false finite sense which beholds the universe and man as limited, as being both good and evil. Spiritual consciousness is the awareness of the individual as God-being, as having only the mind of God and the body of Spirit. It recognizes the entire universe as mind-appearing and governed by divine Principle. Spiritual consciousness is the ability to see beyond the appearance to reality. It is the recognition and realization that as God is our mind, all that appears to us is in and of God which is our only consciousness. Spiritual consciousness does not overcome or destroy matter or material conditions, but knows that no such conditions exist which finite sense presents. It translates the appearance for us, revealing the true nature of that which is appearing.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way