YOU’LL . L <3 V E . IT !!!
To refrain from seeking the "help" of God is to be
functioning in reality.(114)
No longer reaching out to God, no longer seeking God's
help is to be awakening out of the dream into reality.(115)
Whenever there is a sense of "needing" God, one is
functioning in the dream.(116)
God is not power in the sense of power over evil, sin,
disease, or death. God is not power in any sense involving
battle, that is, overcoming or destroying.(117)
God is life. God is love. God IS. Nothing else is. Only
God IS.(118)
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
Functioning in Reality
Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith
This is most difficult path JSG
Make no mistake, this is the most difficult of paths; this is the most difficult life there is. It is far easier for a person to become a Croesus with fabulous wealth or to attain great fame than to succeed in attaining the spiritual life. It is far easier to accomplish anything in the human world than in the spiritual because in the spiritual world you and I are called upon to “die” before we can attain what we are seeking.
Joel Goldsmith
A Parenthesis in EternityW
Supply is within JSG
There is a belief of separation between us and God – our good – and this we correct by realizing, “ ‘I and my Father are one’; all that the Father has is mine; the place whereon I stand is holy ground.” In the recognition of the infinity of our being, we realize the truth of the Bible, we realize the truth of these promises. They are no longer quotations, but statements of fact, and that brings us to the point of demarcation between “knowing the truth” and “taking no thought.” We are realizing truth now as an established truth within our own consciousness – the truth of our being. We are not taking thought to make any good come to us; we are not giving ourselves a treatment to make something happen to us, but we are realizing the truth, knowing the truth of our own identity, of our oneness with the Infinite, with our infinite capacities. The reason for realizing and knowing this truth is that through the ages we have come to be known as man – as something other than God-being – and unless we now consciously and daily remind ourselves of the true nature of our being, we will come under the general belief that we are something separate and apart from God.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
No unsolved problems JSG
No Unsolved Problems in Consciousness
There are no unsolved problems in Consciousness, and this same Consciousness which is our individual consciousness is the only power necessary to establish and maintain the harmony of all that concerns us. It is our turning within that brings forth the answer already established. Our listening attitude makes us receptive to the presence and the power within us. Our periods of silent contemplation reveal the infinite force and constructive energy and intelligent direction always abiding in us. Thus we discover in our mental realm our Aladdin’s Lamp. Instead of rubbing it and wishing, we turn within in silence and listen – and all that is necessary for the harmony and success of life flows forth abundantly, and we learn to live joyously, healthfully, and successfully – not by reason of any person or circumstance outside ourselves, but because of the influence and grace within our own being.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
Never a failure
Now let us go within and learn that there is never a failure or a disappointment in the whole realm of our consciousness, nor will we ever find delays or betrayals when we find the calm of our own Soul and the presence of an infinite Principle governing, guarding, guiding, and protecting every step of our journey through life.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
Dealing with all issues JSG
We bind ourselves by believing that there is a power outside of us – a power for good or for evil. All power is given to you. And this power is always good because of the infinite Source whence it flows. The recognition of this great fact brings a peace and a joy untold, yet felt by all who come within range of your thought. It makes you beloved of men. It brings you recognition and reward. It establishes you in the thoughts of men and becomes the foundation of an eternal good will. Whenever you are faced with a problem, regardless of its nature, seek the solution within your own consciousness. Instead of running around here and there, instead of seeking an answer from this or that person, instead of looking for the solution outside of yourself, turn within. In the quiet and calm of your own mind, let the answer to your problem unfold itself. If, the first or second or third time you turn in peace to the kingdom within, you fail to perceive the completed picture, try again. You will not be too late, nor will the solution appear too late. As you learn to depend on this means for the working out of your problems and experiences, you will become more and more adept in quickly discerning your mind’s revelation of harmony.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
God constitutes our being
We do not have to go anywhere to find God: we carry God within us, not in our mind and not in our body, and yet the kingdom of God is within us. God constitutes our being; God constitutes our life; therefore, our life is as eternal and immortal as God’s life, for there is only one Life. God constitutes our consciousness; therefore, our consciousness is the same consciousness as the consciousness of God. There are not two: there is only one. “I and my Father are one. . . . He that seeth me seeth him that sent me.”
Joel S. Goldsmith
A Parenthesis in Eternity, p.29
First, last and only concern
Let the activity of Truth in your consciousness be your first and last and only concern, and the Christ of you will also reveal Itself in an individual, infinite way. There is no evil. Let us therefore stop the resistance to the particular discord or inharmony of human existence which now confronts us. These apparent discords will disappear as we are able to cease our resistance to them. We are able to do this only in proportion to our realization of the spiritual nature of the universe. Since this is true, it is evident that neither heaven nor earth can contain error of any nature, and therefore the unillumined human thought is seeing error in the very place where God shines through, discord where harmony is, hate where love abounds, and fear where confidence really is.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
Improved belief > healing JSG
As we improve our concepts of idea, body, or manifestation, we term this improving of concepts, healing. Actually, nothing has happened to the so-called patient or his body – the change has come in the individual’s consciousness and becomes visible as improved belief or healing.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
No further search for reason to fail JSG
God is the mind and the life of the individual. Any mental hedging or inner reservation on this subject will result in ultimate failure. There is but one universal I whether it is being spoken by Jesus Christ or John Smith. When Jesus revealed, “He that seeth me seeth him that sent me,” he was revealing a universal truth or principle. There must be no quibbling about this. You either understand this truth or you do not – and if you do not, there is no need for you to seek any further reason for failure to heal.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way