Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

Not improving human condition JSG

“As you approach work in The Infinite Way, do not start out with any idea of first trying to be more spiritual or trying to be more honest or trying to be more moral or trying to be better in any way, because we’re really not interested in self-improvement, and we’re not interested at all in human improvement or human betterment. Our work is not dedicated to making bad humans good or necessarily merely making sick humans well or unhappy humans happy.

The message of The Infinite Way is completely dedicated to admitting that presence of God, that Christ, into consciousness and letting It transform our lives from the material sense to the spiritual, not merely from the bad human sense to the good human sense. Our interest is not in that direction. Our interest is in surrendering the whole of the material sense, even when it’s good, and receiving in exchange our divine Sonship.”

Joel Goldsmith
543B- “Opening the Door to Me” 1964

Nowness of being JSG

As the calendar announces the opening of a New Year, we have a good opportunity to meditate on the nowness of being which we know is present every minute of each day, a principle so clearly brought out in this letter. The world celebrates a New Year in the hope that it will bring peace and tranquility to a world filled with strife, dissension, and discord. We know that this hope will be fulfilled only when the light of Truth has permeated the consciousness of a sufficient number of dedicated souls, so that they can lift the world out of its hypnotic spell, and when enough love has been poured forth to dispel the darkness, the dream that holds the world in its grip.
Let us be diligent in our work for the world, for only when the spiritually minded unite with their Source and are thus able to see this earth here and now as heaven will this harmony be realized. Since now is the only time, this harmony is already here, and we need only recognize its presence. Then we will always have a happy New Year.

J. S. Goldsmith: Living The Illumined Life; Chapter One – The Now Activity of the Christ; Across The Desk; Kindle location: 457-465

Living through God JSG

If we make contact with the kingdom of God within us, we shall be living through God the rest of our days. Then spiritual sonship—God expressing Itself as individual Self-hood—will be revealed on earth. God formed US to manifest Itself on earth, to show forth Its glory, and that is our destiny.

Joel S.Goldsmith
Practicing The Presence, p105

Conscious Oneness with God JSG

Conscious Oneness with God Is Oneness with all Spiritual Being and Idea

    This is the miracle of mysticism. Your conscious oneness with God makes everything in this world available the moment that you need it. Nobody can keep it away from you, either, nobody. But this is only true if you are following the spiritual path. Conscious oneness with God is mysticism. Conscious oneness with God constitutes your oneness with all spiritual being and with every spiritual idea.
    For example, money is just a human concept, but it is a human concept of a divine idea, representing love, gratitude, sharing, and cooperation; it is a spiritual idea which cannot come to you, because it already is an embodied idea and activity of your consciousness. When you feel pressed for money, one of the reasons is that you are looking for it from some source outside yourself, when all the time it is hidden within your own consciousness. It is already within you, but you are looking for it in a person, place, or thing.
    In the many, many stories told of the search for the Holy Grail, for the gold cup from which Jesus is supposed to have drunk at the Crucifixion, the seekers always came home, impoverished and broken in health, dropping wearily and despondently at their own door. In every version, is told the story of the person who gives his whole life and fortune to the search in the outer world only to find the long sought for treasure on his return home: He finds it in his garden, perhaps hanging to the branch of a tree; he reaches forth his hand at his own table, and it appears.
    The story of the Holy Grail is symbolic of the treasure hidden within our consciousness, within our own being, there by virtue of our oneness with God. That is only another way of stating: My oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all spiritual being and with every spiritual idea or thing. To me that represents one of the highest statements of spiritual truth. It is in my writings in just that simple language, so simple and direct that sometimes people do not recognize it as 'the pearl of great price.' This statement: 'My oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all spiritual being and with every spiritual idea or thing,' ranks as one of the highest statements of truth, one which will bring you nearer the realization of heaven than any other.

Joel Goldsmith

Conscious Union with God, p 229

Turn from matter & “I” is the way JSG

“ ‘ Wither shall I go from thy spirit?’ Here where I am, God is, and I need only turn from material edifices, material kingdoms, and retire within to the spiritual edifice, the temple not made with hands, to My kingdom, the spiritual kingdom, and there, within the temple of my own being, within this invisible, spiritual sanctuary which my consciousness is, I can hear the voice of God. There I can bear witness as It utters Its voice. I can hear the still small voice, and I can watch the earth of error — sin, disease, lack, limitation — crumble as this voice says, ‘Be not afraid, it is I. Fear not, I with thee.’ “

Joel Goldsmith
The Mystical I
Chapter 4
Entering The Inner Sanctuary


“I is the way. The presence of I in you is really the way.”

Joel Goldsmith
The Mystical I
Prayer Becomes An Inner Communion

How to learn and demonstrate JSG

So it is with a spiritual message. You are never going to learn a spiritual message by looking or by hearing. You are going to learn a spiritual message when your heavenly Father, that is your spiritual consciousness, is awake and reveals to you this is truth. This is the Christ. This is reality. Then are you going to be able to accept it, receive it, respond to it, demonstrate it.

1955 Johannesburg Closed Class Joel Goldsmith, 702B : Nature of the Messiah Continued

Say “I” – JSG

The “I” is the only Life there is. Now say “I”; that is the real eternal changeless You. The physical body isn’t that “I.” It’s merely an instrument that you—“I”—use.

Joel S. Goldsmith



In spiritual reality, where all healing takes place,
“I” is a very beautiful word.
Can u say “I” “I” “I” (=God)

Purpose of mystical teaching JSG


The purpose of a mystical teaching is to reveal the son of God within. It is not to instill in us the worship of another deity in the person of the founder of a new religion. True, every spiritual teacher must evoke gratitude and appreciation because of his life of dedication, but not worship. The real mission of the teacher and his teaching is to turn us back within ourselves until we, too, like the teacher, receive impartations. When this begins in our experience, the earth melts, the problems disappear; the discordant experiences of earth are resolved and dissolved—not by any wisdom that we have, not by what we have learned in books, but by the thunder of that silence which is within us.
Joel S. Goldsmith
A Parenthesis in Eternity

Relationships JSG

Do not be concerned about your relationships with people.
Consciously maintain your relationship with God, and this
will take care of everything else.(119)
Keep your realization of your relationship with God
sacred and secret. This relationship, maintained in silence
and secrecy, appears outwardly as harmonious human
relationships and experiences.(120)
God is the cement between you and your brothers and
sisters of the human, animal, vegetable, and mineral
When thought dwells on person, place, or thing, you are
functioning in the dream.(122)
When your thoughts unite in spiritual contemplation,
every person, place, or thing becomes a spiritual delight.(123)
Joel S Goldsmith
The Infinite Way