Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

God IS fulfillment JSG

We must understand the nature of God as fulfilment. That precludes the possibility of thinking of God as that from which we are going to get something. God is fulfilment. God is fulfilling Itself, just as the sun, shining and pouring forth it’s warmth and light, is fulfilling itself as the sun. We do not pray to the sun to send out more light or to give more warmth. If we were going to utter any kind of a prayer in regard to the sun, our prayer would be an inner realization that IT IS – the sun is shining; the sun is warmth; the sun is light.
So it is with God. We should never think of God as that from which we expect to derive some good.we should never think of God as that which can bring peace on earth. There is no such God. The only God there is, is a God who is life eternal.
Joel S. Goldsmith
Practicing The Presence

God is closer than breathing JSG

Always remember that to know God aright is to know that God is closer to you than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet. There’s nothing closer to you than breathing and nearer than hands and feet than yourself. Your Self, spelled with a capital S-E-L-F. That Self, which is the self of you and the self of me, it isn’t personal, it’s spiritual and universal, that Self is God and it is where you are, and that is why Scripture says:
The place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
Is there any other God but Me? … I know not any.
I and the Father are one.
Son, thou art ever with Me and all that I have is thine.

I is that magic word, and “I” is within you. The moment we begin to know that, we begin to understand why meditation is the important step in life. You see, “I” is at the center of your being, but as a human being trained to keep your thoughts out here, to be thinking always of person and place and thing and circumstance and condition, you cannot get back inside and tabernacle with God; you cannot get back inside and commune with God. God is hidden under a thousand generations of mortality.

God is hidden under hundreds of generations of people steeped in spiritual ignorance. God is hidden under orthodox religion. God is hidden under all the layers of human-ness, of self-righteousness, self-protection, all the self’s that we build around our selves so that we can’t reach It.

And if we are to reach it, it’s going to be in quietness and in confidence. It’s going to be in stillness. It’s going to be in silence. And when we learn then to abide in quietness within … in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.

When we learn to be so still that we can get into where the poet told us to, “closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet,” we are going to contact “I”, the divine Selfhood of each of us, which is within our own being. And when we contact It we will be as the Master was: in communion with the Father within me.
Joel Goldsmith
176A – The Letter and the Spirit

Pilates in us JSG

Jesus did not deny crucifixion, nor did he audibly assert, “I am not afraid of Pilate.” He did not “handle the error” of crucifixion, or “affirm freedom.” He turned from both crucifixion and freedom, and declared God to be the only power acting in the consciousness of man, even of Pilate.

Consciousness Unfolding, page 135 by Joel S. Goldsmith.

God is Being, not a being

God is being, but not a being. God is being you and being me. So to set up a God separate from that Being produces the sense of separation that keeps us in ignorance. That personalizing of God, personalizing I, is the “veil” that brings about man’s sense of separation from God.

Joel Goldsmith, “The Mystical I,” Chapter 6.

Forget the world JSG

The first rule of spiritual wisdom is to forget the world: Forget about doing good in the world; forget your fellow-man. Concern yourself, first of all, with establishing your sown spiritual integrity and with realizing your own spiritual identity. It is a rich perfume which escapes from you without any conscious effort. Then you do not have to go up and down the world being a “do-gooder.”

The Infinite Way LETTERS 1959, page 11 by Joel S. Goldsmith.

No fear JSG

“Do not fear effects, do not fear outer conditions. I, the I of your being, I am that part of you which was never born. I brought you into this experience; I will carry you through it; and I will carry you on into the next experience, even unto the end of the world.” ~Joel S Goldsmith

Isaiah 41:10 (KJV)
10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Heir & Joint-heir JSG

If this is the presence of God, it’s infinite and it fills all space. And therefore everything must flow out from here. And when you take your position as that, then you are beginning to perceive the nature of spiritual sonship. Now, if you are a spiritual Son of God, you are an heir of God and joint-heir to all the heavenly riches. How then would you dare look out here? How can you call yourself a Son of God in one breath and then ask somebody, or expect something of somebody in the next breath? Do you see that?

1955 Johannesburg Closed Class
Joel Goldsmith
702B : Nature of the Messiah Continued