Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

Human improvement not permanent JSG

Let “I” “Die” That I May be Revealed
If I go into meditation thinking of myself or of a human being whom I would like to heal, enrich, or make happy, then I am back in the metaphysical world, and probably even in the psychological or psychiatric world that has as its goal improving a human being, which improvement usually is not permanent. But if I am on the spiritual path, I go within and drop the human self, that human sense of “I” and refuse to make any attempt to improve it, heal it, correct it, purify it, or enrich it. I ignore the appearances and abide in this “I”;
The Mystical I; Chapter 9 JSG

Mystical Consciousness JSG

Awakening Mystical Consciousness – Excerpt – Chap.7 Page 105
By Joel Goldsmith
Concepts or Is?
If I were to ask you what you think about the Bible, your opinion would most likely be different from the opinion of everyone else reading this book. There seems to be very little agreement on the subject of the Bible. But no matter what you or anyone else believes about it, it is what it is; and what it is no one really knows. If you had been asked a year ago about it and then again today and again a year from now, probably none of the three answers would agree because your concept of the Bible changes with the unfoldment of your consciousness.
So, too, whatever you may be thinking about a person is wrong. I do not care what you are thinking. Whatever it is, it is wrong because what you are thinking represent your concept of that person at the moment; and that concept changes from moment to moment and from year to year.
You must learn not to hate or fear your concept of life, whether it is a concept of humanity, of sin, or of disease, because it is only a concept. There is no real power in concepts. What you are considering as person is not person: it is a concept of a person. But that concept has no power. All power is in God. For example, whatever your concept of me may be, there is no power in it that can touch me. If you think I am good, it makes no difference to me. If you think I am bad, it makes no difference. Your thinking has no power over me. God maintains and sustains me, and I am not subject to anything but God. There is no life in your concept of me. Life is in me, not in your concept of me.
It is much the same about everything you see, hear, touch, taste, or smell: you never really know what it is. A diamond may be beautiful and it may be valuable. Whatever beauty and value there is, however, is in the diamond, not in your opinion of it. You may think it is a rhinestone, but your thinking has not touched the value of the diamond. You have not changed it or its quality. You may think it is perfect, and it may be imperfect. You may think it is imperfect when it is perfect. Yet it is what it is, and the value is in it, not in your concept of it. Out-of-doors there may be sunshine or rain. All the thought you think about the sun or the rain have no effect on either one.

It’s true of you too JSG

The truth is that I am the embodiment of all the qualities of God. But how dare I make a declaration like that about myself, knowing myself humanly as I do? How dare I make that statement for myself unless I also make it for you? How dare I say that I embody all the God-qualities, that I am as eternal as God, as immortal as God, that I am the Christ- son of God? How dare I say that and leave out any individual anywhere on earth-past, present, or future-any individual in hell or in heaven? I dare not, I dare not! It would be spiritual wickedness to announce my Christhood and refuse to accept the fact that this is a universal truth. God is bidding every individual on the face of the globe to awaken to his true identity. “Awake thou that sleepest!” Christhood is our true identity, not good humanhood, not bad humanhood.

Joel Goldsmith, “The Mystical I,” Chapter 9

Right here, right now, as me, God is. JSG

Can you see now that sooner or later, and it might just as well be sooner, as a matter of fact it could just as well be this minute, that you will have to agree that right here is the fullness of the Godhead bodily; that right here, all that God is I am; that right here, all that the Father hath is mine; that right here, the saying is true, the teaching, Son thou art ever with me. Son, Joel, thou art ever with me, God. That must be right here because here’s where Joel is, that’s where God must be. Then right here it is true that I and the Father are one and all that the Father hath is mine – here!
1955 Johannesburg Closed Class
Joel Goldsmith
702B : Nature of the Messiah Continued

Don’t push ppl away* JSG

From – Awakening Mystical Consciousness
By Joel Goldsmith
Excerpt – Chap.7 Page 116

Do Not Try to Become Free of Persons or Conditions
Healing is all based on not judging by appearances, not putting value in concepts, but in every case realizing, “You are an effect and you have not power.” Never try to become free from anyone or anything. No person in reality has any power, and this truth will be your freedom. You will not be free from anything or anybody, but you will be free the very minute you know there never was power in a condition, a circumstance, or a person. They you will find yourself as free as you are free from the water on the desert once you know it is not water but only mirage.
When you are free from the mirage on the desert, you have not become free from water because there was no water there. So it is when you discover you are free from person or condition; it is not really true because there never was a menacing or dangerous person or condition there. You are free now from a mirage, from a belief that there is a power, a person, or a presence outside of God. Every person is the presence of God because God is present as person, as individual you or me.
You are not separate and apart from God and, through this work, going to get back to God. Through this work, you are going to awaken out of the dream that there can be any separation. If you have been dreaming you are drowning in the ocean, awakening does not take the water away from you; and it does not take you out of the ocean. It reveals to you that you are in bed. So this work never takes you out of sin, disease, or lack. It wakes you up, and then you look around and realize you are in heaven. You have been there all the time, dreaming you were in hell.
As long as you are seeing a person or a condition as having power and are judging good and evil, you are in the dream. The moment you can withdraw your judgment and realize, “You are neither good nor evil; you are neither dead nor alive; you are neither rich nor poor: you are Spirit,” you are waking up, out of the dream, to the mystical consciousness of oneness. When that realization comes, the dream is no longer there. This is something that must be done individually as well as collectively.
This truth that I am giving you has been revealed throughout the ages many times and in many ways, and it is a truth that will make people free. We could be free of sins, disease, wars, lacks, and limitations right now if we could be made to accept this truth.

Go to doctor JSG

Nonresistance: Day Ten
A letter from Joel.

November 27, 1963

Dear Friend:

Do you have a doctor? If so, follow their instructions.Your husband is right if he gets the best medical help and neither you nor he need to make any apologies or excuses to anyone else. I have learned in my long years of study that it is wiser to let the best human help be God’s instrument, when we are already hypnotized with something.

We can kid ourselves and say, “It is nothingness.” That is the tragedy of the metaphysical world. We are all trying to evolve higher, but it is a matter of grace and states of consciousness, and no one can walk on the water before his time. Therefore, I learned from inner resources that it would be wiser to take the best method right at the moment, get comfortable, get our peace of mind, and keep on pursuing.

You don’t know how many times I’ve had to assure students that it would make no difference to God whether we go to a doctor or a dentist. Most seem to fight body attention. In this way they are resisting evil to the extent that they deeply sublimate their fear of something physical within themselves and try to get spiritual help. But in hanging on to the fear, the healing never comes. I think that each of us has to rely on inner intuition and make a move from that level.

There was a time when I had a physical problem, and inner intuition told me that I had better see a physician, because it was not yielding to spiritual treatment from one who does great healing work. I had accepted a condition as being real to myself, so I took the steps of seeing a doctor and he stopped it for me in one day’s time. Now with the imminent fear taken care of, the prayers penetrated and brought about the healing.

I have seen too many people kidding themselves by hiding their fears under metaphysical treatment, and in this day of changing times, words and thoughts are becoming ineffective.

The ONLY power is Spirit, and it is better to get our peace and keep on pursuing the Light!


(This is from a little out-of-print booklet called, Writings by and about Joel S. Goldsmith)

The body JSG

Joel Goldsmith’s Meditation on Body Each Day,
p.112 Spiritual Healing.
“My body has neither qualities nor quantities of good or of evil. It has Neither sickness nor health, is neither large nor small, has neither life nor death: My body is the temple of God, God-substance expressed as form and embodying and including all the qualities and quantities which constitute God, the I am, the Soul.

My body has neither youth nor age. It is as ancient as God and as young as each new day. My body is not governed by laws of matter or of mind, but by the grace of God for ‘Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory.’ God is the light of my body. In my body is neither material darkness nor mental ignorance, for God unfolds, discloses and reveals Himself as body – as temple, a place of holiness and peace. God’s grace sustains His body, which my body is.”

Universal malpractice JSG

The Now Activity of Christ – Fear

You will eventually discover that the substance of illusion is the same whether the claim is a cold, a headache, a cancer, consumption, a broken bone, poverty, or unemployment. . . . It is nothingness, the ‘arm of flesh,’ appearance. Behind it is the activity of a universal malpractice or hypnotism which is produced by the universal belief in two powers.


No duality coz already have it JSG

If there is a you conceiving of a God, thinking of God, hoping for God, searching for God, there is duality and failure. The moment there is the realization, “I Am That I Am,” not “I will be; I long to be; I hope to be: I would like to be worthy of”; then God has become incarnate as individual being: God the Father manifest as God the son, but still just One. God the Father is God the son.
Until you can see that I, God, am expressing my Self as I-Joel, and therefore all that I-God has is I-Joel’s, because we are not two but One, you will be missing the mark. Only this realization of oneness can stop you from wanting something or someone external to yourself. As long as there is a want or desire, there is a sense of separation.
One of the Infinite Way Wisdoms states that “desire is sin.” Why? Is it not because if I desire integrity, am I not acknowledging that I do not have it? If I desire companionship, am I not acknowledging that I do not have it? Even if I desire God, is it not an acknowledgment that I do not have It? All this is sin, because I and the Father are one, and all that the Father has is mine.
As I abide in the Word and let the Word abide in me, I have no desires. I am living only in this moment, conscious of the fact that whatever I need an hour from now will appear, whatever I need tomorrow will appear, whatever I need next year will appear. Why? Because I now embody it. I have meat that the world knows not of.
What I have to do is to be patient, live in this very moment, feel assured that all that the Father has is embodied in me, and that it is unfolding every moment in accordance with my need. If my need this moment is dollars, then those dollars will appear at the moment they are needed, often before that. If my need is transportation, at the right moment it will be waiting for me. Whatever the need is becomes apparent, not because I desire it, not because I want it, not because I need it, but because I already possess it.

J. S. Goldsmith: The Art of Spiritual Living. Chapter Nine; The Consciousness of the Individual; Why Desire is Sin; Kindle location: page 149-151