Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

The New Horizon JSG TIW:ch.11

     ● THE NEW HORIZON ●   

THE SENSE which presents pictures of discord and inharmony, disease and death, is the universal mesmerism which produces the entire dream of human existence. It must be understood that there is no more reality to harmonious human existence than to discordant world conditions. It must be realized that the entire human scene is mesmeric suggestion, and we must rise above the desire for even good human conditions. Understand fully that suggestion, belief, or hypnotism is the substance, or fabric, of the whole mortal universe and that human conditions of both good and evil are dream pictures having no reality or permanence. Be willing for the harmonious as well as the inharmonious conditions of mortal existence to disappear from your experience in order that reality may be known and enjoyed and lived. Above this sense-life, there is a universe of Spirit governed by Love, peopled with children of God living in the household or temple of Truth. This world is real and permanent: Its substance is eternal Consciousness. In it there is no awareness of discords or even of temporary and material good. The first glimpse of Reality – of the Soul-realm – comes with the recognition and realization of the fact that all temporal conditions and experiences are products of self-hypnotism. With the realization that the entire human scene – its good as well as its evil – is illusion, come the first glimpse and taste of the world of God’s creation and of the sons of God who inhabit the spiritual kingdom.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
The New Horizon

There is no evil JSG

Let the activity of Truth in your consciousness be your first and last and only concern, and the Christ of you will also reveal Itself in an individual, infinite way. There is no evil. Let us therefore stop the resistance to the particular discord or inharmony of human existence which now confronts us. These apparent discords will disappear as we are able to cease our resistance to them. We are able to do this only in proportion to our realization of the spiritual nature of the universe. Since this is true, it is evident that neither heaven nor earth can contain error of any nature, and therefore the unillumined human thought is seeing error in the very place where God shines through, discord where harmony is, hate where love abounds, and fear where confidence really is. The work on which we have embarked is the realization that we are individual infinite spiritual consciousness embodying within ourselves all good. This is the song we will sing, the sermon we will preach, the lesson we will teach, and until realization comes, this is our theme, our motif. It is the silver cord of truth running through every message. Nothing can come to you; nothing can be added to you. You are already that place in consciousness through which Infinity is pouring. That which we term your humanhood must be still so as to be a clear transparency through which your infinite individual Self may appear, express or reveal itself.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way
Metaphysical Healing

Our Real Identity JSG

The Invisibility of Spiritual Identity Joel S. Goldsmith

    Many of you in metaphysics have been taught every person is a spiritual idea, the child of God, and that cats, dogs, and flowers are spiritual ideas. That is not true and never was. A spiritual idea is perfect and eternal in the heavens. A spiritual idea never changes, never lacks, never has a sense of separation from God, never grows old, and never dies. It can never be seen with the eyes, never. Just as you cannot see me because that “me” is a spiritual idea, so you cannot see a cat, a dog, a flower, or a tree. You can see only the form. The spiritual idea is the entity itself, which is the spiritual identity; but what you behold is your concept of that spiritual identity.

    You cannot see my hand. You do not even know what a hand is. Look at your hand and then understand that you are not seeing it. You are seeing your concept of it appearing as form. The hand itself is a permanent spiritual idea and never changes, never ages, or never dies. It is an instrument for your use, provided for you in the beginning; and it will be with you eternally.

    The purpose of The Infinite Way teaching is to lead you to that state of consciousness is which, when you see a discordant person, thing, or condition, you do not attempt to change it. Do not try to manipulate anything in the external. Realize you are not beholding anything but a concept that, in and of itself, has no power, presence, or reality the reality of what you are witnessing is eternal in the heavens, perfect. As you look at a harmonious body, a youthful body, or a physically perfect body, remember you are not seeing a spiritual idea. You are seeing your concept of a spiritual idea. When you understand that, you will begin to heal, and the healings will come quickly.
Awakening Mystical Consciousness
Chapter 5 - Our Real Identity, P.74
Joel S. Goldsmith 


JOEL GOLDSMITH “I” RECORDINGS 1951–613-A The True and False Sense of “I” 1952–13-B The “I” 1954–626-A Meditation on “I” 1956– 649-A&B The Principles of One Self & I-Ness 1956–136-A The Nature of God as “I” 1956–175-A “I” Say Unto You 1957–191-B A Meditation on “I” 1957–803-B “I”– A New Mediation – The Function of the Mind 1958–212-A The Mystical “I” 1958–221-B God is “I” 1958–227-B The “I” 1959–254-B More on “I” 1959–274-A The “I” Within 1959–276-B A Meditation on “I” 1959–290-A&B The Blessed “I” 1959–291-A I–ness 1960–304-B The “I” 1960–310-B “I” 1960–340-A “I” – No Power – No Darkness 1960–340-B “I” – Beyond Time or Space ; “I” – Unlimited Being 1960–350-A “I” in the Midst of You 1960 357-A 1960 London Private “25” – “I” 1960–366-A Meditation on “I” 1960–377-B The Nature of “I” and Secrecy 1961–392-B “I” Speaks Unto Me 1961–392-B Christ Reveals the “I” (Meditation) 1961–396-B From the “I” 1961–405-A The “I” Consciousness and 1962–463-B “I” Revealed 1963–513-B Attaining Dominion Through “I” 1963–515-A “I” as Consciousnes

No material nor mental power JSG

The mystical life rests on the premise that in the presence of spiritual consciousness neither material nor mental power is power. All spiritually illumined individuals are in agreement that they know nothing of the nature of any power with which to overcome sin, disease, lack, or inharmonious human relationships, but they also testify that in proportion to their attainment of an inner stillness, without any sense of needing a power, the discords evaporate. Joel S. Goldsmith

Demand for silence JSG

In the recognition of Omniscience, there is a demand for silence in the presence of
God. In the recognition of Omnipotence, there is a demand for silence in the presence of
God. In the recognition of Omnipresence, there is also a demand for silence. The only
form of prayer acceptable to God is absolute silence, a relaxing and a resting in the
conviction of God as Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence. To bring forth the
grace of God, the glory and the perfection of God, it is necessary to be still, so that in that
stillness the rhythm of the universe can flow forth as harmony.

The Mystical I: Chapter 11 JSG

I, Joel, sit behind my body JSG

I, Joel, sit here behind my body and view the world. I. Joel, look out and behold. First, I, Joel, realize that I am unbound, unlimited, free. I have neither restriction nor limitation except such as I mentally accept. For instance, I may mentally accept limited eye sight and thereby restrict my vision, but actually I am infinite and I have infinite or perfect vision and I use my eyes without limit or hindrance. I am not in bondage to physical organs such as organs of eyesight, nor are the accepted mental beliefs about eyesight binding upon me except as I mentally accept such beliefs. I am unbound. My vision is unlimited and unfettered and free. It is merely a matter of realizing that I am infinite. I am infinite. Infinity is the true nature of I, of my being.

I cannot be bound except as I accept mentally a person, circumstance or condition as binding, limiting or restricting. Heretofore, I have been bound by theology, that is, I have mentally accepted the theological belief that I, God, and I, Joel, were two. I, Joel, was to me a limited concept of I, God…I had accepted the theological belief of two-ness. It is very subtle, this belief of twoness, because oneness seems to set up a sense of claiming God-hood and Godhood is theologically something apart from manhood. But take the word “I”…is there actually any other Joel but I? Am I not Joel? And can I be limited by some thing, person or condition other than my acceptance mentally of limitation or bondage?

Here I sit…I, Joel. I am free…I am unbound…I am true being…I am all that I am. I look out and behold a body…my body…her body. What is that to me? Do they restrict or limit me? If…only if I accept mentally such limitation. The mind is the avenue of limitation, through acceptance of belief, the belief that I can be touched, reached, affected by outside forces, powers…or rather, that there are outside forces or powers. I am and must be the only power since I sit here as I…the intelligence, the life, the source of activity and supply.

The secret is in the word I. The secret is the awareness that I Joel, am the I…the unrestricted, unlimited, the infinite, the eternal I. But then I must first recognize this…I, Joel must first recognize this: the further that what I behold as person, circumstance, and condition are not limiting, binding, circumscribing, except as I would mentally accept person or condition as power, as power of limitation. As I write this, I feel no bloated egotism as if I were trying to be or claim something I am not. I “feel” that there is only this I that I am and that I am that unrestricted being. All sense of a lesser selfhood has disappeared. There is truly only one Self…and I am that being…I, Joel, am I…I, Joel, am Joel…Joel and I are not two but one and I am that one. It is as simple as that. Now I actually “see” and “feel” that I am I…that I am Joel…that there is no other I to Joel but the I that Joel is which is the I that I am. Also, I “see” that any sense of restriction or limitation is a mentally entertained one, not an actual condition. This must have been that moment of Mosses…the realization or actual knowledge that there is only one I. I Joel am I. Is that not true? This must be what Isaiah knew. There is no me but me…surely I am I. Is there any other I, any other Joel, any other Self? How can I get…acquire…attain any other I…this is the I that was in Christ Jesus. There isn’t any other. This I even as Joel has no limitation, no end, no bondage, since I am the power. Probably I is the power, the Life, the activity, the intelligence.

At the moment, I am peaceful, serene, calm. Outwardly nothing has changed…but there is a calmness, a peace, that “feels” only one I and seems to know I am that I…there is no other I about.

Watch. ..and pray.


I will never leave you, nor forsake you. JSG

I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I will never leave you nor forsake you wherever you are or whatever you are – Hindu, Jew, Christian, Muslim, atheist. It is My nature to be the very heart and soul of your being. Neither your stupidities nor your sins can come between you and Me.

You may temporarily separate yourself from Me, that is, you may think you have separated yourself from Me, and you certainly can separate yourself from the benefit of my Presence, but that does not mean that I have left you. You will find that at any moment, night or day, whether you make your bed in hell or in heaven, whether you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, at any time you like, you may turn and you will find that I am walking beside you. I am the everlasting arms underneath you. I am the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. I am that which sets a table before you in the wilderness. If you are hungry, I am the ravens that come bringing you food I am the widow sharing a little cake and a cruse of oil.

I will never leave you. I will be manna to you in your desert experience. I will be that which opens the Red Sea for you, if no other way opens. I AM THAT which I AM forever and forever. I have been That unto eternity and will be That, for I am in the midst of you. Whithersoever thou goest, I will go.

~Joel S. Goldsmith

Practicing the Presence

Person as Christ? JSG

“To call a human being the Christ is an indication that we either have been endowed with interior vision and are able to see the person as he really is, or that we are lying to him and to ourselves. No human can look upon physicality and with his mentality detect anything Christlike. All the human mind can be aware of is a physical body, and with it probably a personality, a personality that he may or may not like, or one that he may like today and not tomorrow. Only inner discernment, inner light, only an inner vision that beholds something the eye does not see and the ear does not hear can discern the Christ in any person.” ~Joel S Goldsmith

God, not human beings JSG

   God does not impart Itself to human beings. If God did, there would not be a sick or a sinful person; there would not be an accident; there would not be a war. Humanhood is something separate and apart from God, or it would not be in trouble. God appearing as man is not in trouble, is not dying, is not poor, or is not on a battlefield. You are that spiritual man only when you have learned to stop thinking in terms of good and evil. That is when you are God Itself in expression. When you are labeling nobody and no condition as either good or evil, you are the child of God; and you have dominion over everything.

From – Awakening Mystical Consciousness By Joel Goldsmith
Dominion Over Your Concepts