Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

Mystics say one Self, ego, being JSG

ALL THE MYSTICS OF THE WORLD have revealed that there is but one Selfhood, one Ego, one infinite Being. God created individual being, individual you and me, in the image and likeness of Himself, not through the act of human conception and birth, but He sent man forth into expression as the showing forth of all that He is and has—and this without any processes.

Joel S Goldsmith

What TIW is and isn’t. JSG

Secrecy 1/5
1963 Princess Kaiulani Sunday Series
Joel S. Goldsmith
Tape 515B
Good afternoon.
On August 16th this year, 1963, we entered into another phase, a higher phase of the activity of The Infinite Way, and all of the papers that have been done since that date and all of the tapes, which are included in two series since that date, carry us into this higher Consciousness. But it isn’t everyone, even among our students, who will feel called upon to enter a higher Consciousness.
Some will feel that they are doing very well as they are. They may feel no inner drive toward anything further or higher, and if so, there is still enough material for them to enjoy whatever degree of consciousness they have attained. And it may be that, at some later time, they will be ready for a higher step. Others, of course, will feel themselves immediately propelled into higher Consciousness.
And, first of all, to explain what I mean by higher Consciousness, I will explain that there are two parts to the message of The Infinite Way. There is the metaphysics of The Infinite Way, and there is the mysticism of The Infinite Way, and you will find both of these in every one of the writings and recordings. You may not have noticed the mysticism or may not have recognized it, but that would only be because at the time you were not yet ready for it and therefore kept yourself busy with its metaphysics.
Now, the metaphysics of this message are most important. It constitutes what we would call the letter of Truth, and the letter of Truth is absolutely necessary, if you are ever to attain a mystical Consciousness or understanding. There are those in the history of the world who have attained some measure of mystical Consciousness and lost its benefits, because they did not know on what it was founded, and eventually it was lost to them. When we speak of the metaphysics of The Infinite Way, we are talking about the revelation of God constituting individual being, your being and mine. We are speaking of one Power—the revelation that we are never dealing in this message with Truth over error or God over evil.
We are dealing only with God as Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience constituting God, Spirit, constituting man and the universe. Therefore, in our work, there is never an appeal to God for any reason, under any situation, under any conditions, because there’s nothing to appeal for since the nature of that which we have heretofore called evil is the arm of flesh or nothingness. Therefore, not to be fought, not to be battled, not to be overcome, not to be risen above, not to be destroyed but to be recognized as nothingness.
Every time that a healing has taken place through the message of The Infinite Way, you may be assured that it has not taken place because we have an influence with God or because God is doing something for us that God will not do for Protestants, or Catholics, or Hebrews. This is utter nonsense. The only reason that a healing can take place in The Infinite Way is because someone has recognized that since the nature of God is Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence that the nature of the error, the evil, the sin, the disease, the false appetite must be the arm of flesh or nothingness. And in the recognition of this, that which appeared as evil now disappears.
This is entirely in accord with the Master’s revelation, “What did hinder you? You, the paralysis. What did hinder you? Pick up your bed and walk.” No appeal to God there. Or to the blind man, “Open your eyes.” No appeal to God there. To the woman taken in adultery, “Neither do I condemn thee. Go.” No appeal to God there. To the thief on the cross, “I will take thee with me into paradise this night.” No appeal to God there. And so in the entire message of The Infinite Way, there is no appeal to God, and you will not find any in any of its writings or recordings for this reason: That our work is built on this letter of Truth that God, Spirit, the reality of your being is Omniscience, all knowing, Omnipotence, the all power, Omnipresence, the all and only of that which is Presence. Therefore, “resist not evil,” the Master says. “Resist not evil.”
Well, now you have the Principle. Now you have the letter. Now you have the metaphysics. Now, there are many different types of metaphysics. There is a type of metaphysics, no part of The Infinite Way, which has mind over matter. There is a branch of metaphysics that has thought as power, not The Infinite Way. There is a branch of metaphysics that has the error in your thinking producing the disease in your body, not The Infinite Way.
The metaphysics of The Infinite Way is based entirely on the teaching that God constitutes your being. And, therefore, there is no evil in your being. There’s no sin, no disease, no death, no lack, no limitation in your being, because God constitutes your being. And therefore, anything that you are experiencing of a negative nature, whether it’s in the form of sin, false appetite, disease, lack, limitation, unhappiness, all of this is a universal experience or universal concept, which in your ignorance you who have accepted.
Having been born into a world of both good and evil, you have been brought up to believe that there is both good and evil—good and evil people, good and evil conditions, good and evil laws. And you’ve even been taught, most of you that God is good and evil—sometimes good, sometimes evil, sometimes punishing. And as a matter of fact, some of you have even been taught that, if you have enemies, you can pray to your God and God’ll go out and destroy them for you. Nearly all of the Old Testament has a God that will go out and destroy your enemies for you, and there’s a lot of them in the New Testament too.
But you see that would make God evil to somebody or other, and why should this be since you and your heart and soul know that no one in all this world is better than another as a human. Some may temporarily be good but under certain conditions could be vastly different. Some today could be very evil and under certain conditions could be very good. And I can give you two very clear illustrations of this.

Early development JSG

“In the early stages of the development of spiritual consciousness, it is necessary to go through disciplines: mental disciplines, specific practice, and many forms of work that will not be used or be necessary later. In our earliest study, we fill ourselves full of truth through books, lectures, classes, or in any way in which truth can be imbibed. We spend hours and hours a day in reading, studying, meditating. We spend weeks, sometimes months, years attending classes, and we know the truth specifically about many things, probably about everything that touches our human experience.”

Joel Goldsmith
The Only Freedom
Chapter 6.

Prioritizing JSG

Rising to the Mystical

“..How long does it take a student of the Infinite Way to attain spiritual consciousness? I can give you half of the answer. A student cannot even begin to attain that consciousness until his goal is no longer that of meeting his personal problems of health, supply, or happiness. He must no longer be preoccupied with personal gain. The search for God-awareness must become the primary motive of study. When that is true, then the spiritual student is halfway ‘home.’ He must decide that the attainment of Christ-consciousness is his only goal and that having help for his other problems is of secondary importance. I am not saying that anyone should neglect human situations or obligations, but these should be secondary. It then might not take a student too long.”
“Attaining that mind “which was also in Christ Jesus” should be the primary purpose in life. It is an interesting thing for me to watch this work and see some students who are attaining it beautifully, and then watch those who are seeking a healing for a minor physical claim and complaining because they have not yet attained heaven. In other words, such students are still living for themselves and are making themselves the goal rather than having as their goal the attaining of heaven.”
“Our concern must be to lift the world into the higher dimension of consciousness where all the “things” of the world are added. ‘I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.’ Let us hurry about this business of being lifted up, so we can lift others into the higher consciousness. Then all problems will solve themselves.”
— Joel Goldsmith
Courtesy of Bill Skyles
Mystical Principles
Yahoo Groups

Joel healed his dad!

On another occasion, I was called to my own father’s side when he lay in an oxygen tent and, according to the physicians in attendance, was on his deathbed. I stood there with no words of wisdom that could change this appearance into health; I stood there just as anyone would stand in front of his own father in such a situation—but with this difference: I knew that if God uttered His voice, the earth would melt. Standing there, watching my father breathing through that apparatus, the words came, ‘Man does not live by breath alone.’ In less than five minutes, he signaled for the nurse to take the instrument away, and two days later he was out of the hospital.

Who decreed that that condition was evil? God did not; God merely said, ‘Man shall not live by breath alone,’ thus dissipating the belief that man lives by breath, and proving that he lives by the word of God.

Only as long as you entertain the belief in two powers, can you be in difficulty. You are free as soon as you begin to look upon all conditions with a ‘Who told you, you are naked? Who told you, you are evil? Who told you this is sin? Who told you this is disease? Who told you this is dangerous? Where did it come from? Did God ever say that to anyone?

curled from the postings
of Al Denninger – Practitioner,
The Infinite Way

Jesus’ purpose to reveal kingdom of heaven on earth

Aside from his healing ministry, Jesus was given another and greater work. And, that was to reveal the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. By his healings, Jesus proved that God was speaking and acting through him. And, never – before nor since – has there been such an exposition of witnessing God in action. To some degree, in the days immediately following, the disciples were able to carry it on. Jesus’ teaching mission was much more important than the healing, however. So, also, the major ministry of The Infinite Way is not healing, but teaching, and letting the healings accompany the teaching. The harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. And, so, what is most needed are students who can teach as well as heal.

The ministry of Christ is universal and is being brought to light through many avenues. It is this that will leaven the human scene until – eventually – there will be a day when no one needs healing.

Once, when the seventy joyously returned from a healing mission, they said to the Master, “Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.” But, the Master – with great understanding and compassion – replied, “Notwithstanding in this, rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you. But, rather, rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” In other words, rejoice not in the healing itself, but rejoice that you are spiritual and already perfect. Rejoice that there is but one Power; and, therefore, there is no one and no condition to be healed. God does not give us power over evil. Rather, God reveals that we are His children. And, with that revelation, there is no need for healing, because the Son of God never needs healing!

“These things I have spoken unto you that, in me, ye might have peace. In the world, ye shall have tribulation. But, be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.” When the Master spoke these words, he meant that he had overcome the illusion of this world. “These things I have spoken unto you that, in me, ye might have peace.” By which he meant spiritual peace – the Christ-peace, the peace that has no qualities, no degrees, but is always at the stand-point of perfection. There are no discords in heaven. And, once the Christ-peace is accepted in consciousness, there is no more need for healing. For, we will have realized that sin, disease, lack, limitation and death are not powers and have no place in God’s kingdom. Yes, even death will be overcome. For, there will be no conditions leading to death.

“I have overcome the world.” What is this I that performs such a miracle? I am that I am. Where is this I? I am within you – closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet. “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world . . . I have meat to eat that ye know not of . . . the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life . . . I am the bread of life. He that cometh to me shall never hunger. And, he that believeth on me shall never thirst . . . I am the way, the truth, and the life.” The Lord thy God in the midst of you will never leave you, nor forsake you and is available every day of your life as you cease struggling and fearing and retire into quiet, confident, and grateful communion with the Father, in the realization that the allness of the kingdom of God is within you.

The greatest healing principle in the world is to be able to recognize and rely on the I that is within you. When you come into this realization, your work will be a work of love, for I am fulfillment. All good flows to the individual who learns the password I. And, nothing of a discordant nature can come nigh the dwelling place of one who understands its profound meaning. Take this understanding of I into the secret chambers of your being, remembering always that it is only what you know in secret that can be shouted from the housetops. If you pray in public, you will receive the approval of men. But, if you pray and commune and show forth your love of God in secret, you will be rewarded by your Father who heareth in secret. Who is your Father? I am!

Let your prayer be: “Thank you, Father that I am. The kingdom of God is within me.” In this communion with the inner Self, the divine I, you need not pray for any thing. For, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. You have only to accept the abundant blessings that are continuously pouring out of you and through you. In this communion, ask only for awakening, understanding, and light – that you may be taught of the Holy Ghost and that you may “know the things that are freely given to us of God.”

Infinite Way Letter
August 1956
Contemplative Meditation
Be Taught of God

God as mother, sometimes father. JSG

Conscious Union with God

Chapter 1: The Basis of Spiritual Healing

Pages 16-17

Spiritual healing is brought about through the realization of the Christ in individual consciousness. God, the individual Consciousness of this universe, is the one and only consciousness. However, since God is the consciousness of me and God is the consciousness of you – and, because there is only this one consciousness – truth becomes effective in the consciousness of anyone who tunes in to it. Therefore, any truth that reveals itself within our consciousness instantaneously reveals itself to the person appearing as our patient. Sometimes, people who are not associated with us in any way, either as friends, relatives, students, or patients – someone in a hospital or a prison, someone on a desert island, someone who is reaching out for help to his highest concept of God – may be healed, even though they do not know us and we do not know them; or, even if they do know us, they may not know that we are on this path and, therefore, would not know why they were healed.

There is only one Life, one Consciousness, one Soul; but, that One is the consciousness of you and the consciousness of me. That is why we do not have to try to reach anyone. When we are in this conscious oneness, we become so much a part of one another that what one is thinking about Truth, or God, the other is hearing. But, no transference of thought is involved and should not be so construed. We are not one in our humanhood. We are one in the Christ. And, all that is being imparted is the divine idea flowing in consciousness. For that reason, those who are aware of the principle of one power need never be concerned about suffering from other people’s thoughts. All the suffering on earth, regardless of its form or nature, is a product of the universal belief in two powers; and, therefore, universal harmony will only be restored when God is revealed as Omnipotence. There is only one mind. And, that mind is the instrument of the one Spirit, or God. Human thinking, which is the product of a mind unaware of its proper function as an instrument of God, never rises higher than the person in whose mind it is taking place. For example, if someone were sitting here repeating, “Two times two is five,” our own mathematical sense would be a protection to us. And, we would not accept that incorrect statement. He might say, “You are dead!” But, our own sense of life would be a protection. And, we would not be troubled by such erroneous thinking. In some forms of mental practice, experiments have been conducted which prove that an individual cannot be induced to do

anything which violates his own integrity unless it is by his own conscious choice. No amount of human thinking, consciously directed at a person, can ever make anyone violate his own integrity. And, therefore, when anyone does wrong, it is because he himself is consciously violating his own sense of right. It all lies within one’s own being.

Never alone

N E V E R . A L O N E

“On this point hinges a tremendous revelation: we are never alone. Just as we attract to ourselves the companionship we deserve at any given moment, so in our invisible life there is companionship. As Jesus could tabernacle with Moses and Elias whom he looked upon as great teachers and spiritual seers, so do we today have those who are our companions on the spiritual path. You have yours, and I have mine — if so be we awaken to the realization that none of these has died, that our own is with us, and our own teacher is within us. Your teacher may be a man or a woman living in this particular parenthesis, or your teacher may be an invisible Presence and Power. Such is the mystical life.”
The Infinite Way
Joel S. Goldsmith

How precious to know that absolutely everything undergoes a spiritual transformation when we’re ready for it, including our companionship, as we go along on our glorious eternal ride.




“The life of every Infinite Way student should sing the song of thanksgiving daily and hourly, not merely on one day of the year. The real thanksgiving that rings in our hearts has no earthly trappings of blessing-counting. How limited a concept of this deeply spiritual activity it would be to look at the apparent abundance of our human life and stop there with our gratitude!

“No, our thanksgiving reaches the kingdom of heaven itself and rejoices, not in the loaves and fishes, but in the consciousness of the activity of God as our individual being and as the being of all those with whom we have contact. Thanksgiving is a spiritual experience that springs from inner wells of joy. It is the acknowledged fulfillment of spiritual consciousness that rejoices in its own beauty and bounty.

“We are grateful for the abundance of supply, harmony of relationships, and health of body, but we do not let ourselves stop at that level. We sing our song of thanksgiving out of the heart and soul of our Christ-identity which is our assurance of infinity.”

Joel S. Goldsmith
Spiritual Discernment
Chap 11

How wonderful to have this glorious Day raised to the real dimension in which it resides! May we all rejoice-a-plenty and savor the bounty of pure infinite Love!
