Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

Demand upon us is upon Christ of us

Whatever demand is legitimately made upon us is not made upon us: it is made upon the Christ of us. If some demand is made upon us that is illegitimate, we should take the same attitude, because if it is an illegitimate demand, it will never have to be met. The Christ will find a way to dissolve even that demand. That is important.

We never have to be afraid of an injustice once we have taken our stand as spiritual beings. If some persons seem to demand more of us than they have a right to demand, we realize that if the Christ of us can supply it, we are perfectly willing. If it is not a legitimate demand, the Christ will dissolve that demand made upon us. Otherwise It will meet it, once we have removed that personal sense of “I” that is self-righteous, has a need, or requirement.

Joel S. Goldsmith
Showing Forth The Presence
of God
Chapter 6, Section: “We
Let the Christ of our Being
Fulfill Every Demand”

The I that I Am -JSG


On the Spiritual Path you will be tempted, not a hundred times, but a thousand times, to believe in a selfhood apart from the I that I am; you will be tempted to believe that you are that separate selfhood, or that your son or your daughter is a selfhood separate and apart from God.

Each time it will be an effort to remember: I is God; I is infinite being: I is infinite individuality. Then when you have achieved that realization you can rest—but only for a few minutes, until the next temptation comes along.

Joel Goldsmith
The Master Speaks
Chapter 5

Consciousness is substance, law, & activity of universe -JSG

God is the substance of which this universe is formed, but when you understand that God is your consciousness, does it not even mean something more to realize that God made this universe out of consciousness, your and my individual consciousness, because there is only one?

Our consciousness is the substance, the law, and the activity of our universe, not a God-mind or God-consciousness here, not a God-substance seven thousand years ago, but the mind of you, the consciousness of you is the substance, the law, the cause, and the activity of your world, that is, of your experience.

Joel Solomon Goldsmith
Showing Forth the
Presence of God
Chapter 5
The Substance of
Universal Being

Non-attachment -JSG

Release God from all responsibility to you. Drop all concern for the things of this world. Take no thought for your food, for your health, or for your family life. Take no thought for the world’s peace; take no thought for the enemy—physical, mental, moral, financial, or political. Have no fear of the enemy, because your assurance is that God’s grace is closer than breathing.

Joel Goldsmith
Showing Forth the
Presence of God
Chapter 3

Place where thoughts do not come JSG

The words we speak are not power. Nor are the thoughts we think. But, if we sit in a complete quiet in the thundering Silence and keep our “mind stayed on Thee,” eventually we arrive at a place where thoughts do not come any more and — in a few moments — we begin to feel this inner peace that is known as realization.

Joel S Goldsmith
The Thunder of Silence

Chapter 14: When Ye Pray

Live on a higher plane of consciousness. JSG

What must we do to keep ourselves free of these suggestions, so that we can live above them? First, we must live on a higher plane of consciousness. So far as possible, we must train ourselves mentally to know that anything that exists in the realm of effect is not cause, is not creative, and has no power over us.

This brings up the important metaphysical point that I am the law, I am Truth, I am Life eternal. Since I am infinite consciousness, since I am the law, then nothing in the external can act upon me and be a law unto me. There is nothing from which we can ever suffer but the acceptance of illusion as Reality.

These things called sin and disease are not what we are suffering from, they are the forms the one error assumes. Regardless of the name you use, they are hypnotism, suggestion, illusion, appearing as person, place or thing—appearing as sin, disease, lack and limitation.

We must not live as though we were effect with something operating upon us. Let us remember to live as the law, as the Principle of our being.

Joel S. Goldsmith
Collected Essays, page 6

Indestructible life. JSG

Through the contemplative life, you can come to a whole new state of consciousness in which – while you are still aware that there are evils in the world – no longer do you sit in judgment on them or condemn them, no longer do you misunderstand them. Now, you have compassion; because, you understand why they are taking place. Furthermore, you know that they must continue to take place in each person’s experience until he is awakened.

When an individual is awakened to the fact that life is indestructible, immortal, and eternal, he cannot fear death. And, once he no longer fears death, he cannot know death. No one can experience anything that is not a part of his consciousness. And, when death is no longer part of his consciousness, he cannot die.
Joel S. Goldsmith
The Infinite Way,
The ContemplativeLife
Page 126