Category Archives: Joel Solomon Goldsmith

Index of Joel Goldsmith tapes

ONE 1-6

TWO 7-12

THREE 13-18

FOUR 19-24

FIVE 25-30

SIX 31-36

SEVEN 37-42

EIGHT 43-48

NINE 49-54

TEN 55-60

ELEVEN 61-65 skip repeated #


   I N D E X

●●● ONE 1-6 

#1 1956 Barbizon Plaza Private

…..Class, tapes 0155 

#2 He Uttereth His Voice tapes 238 

#3 The Presence of God AS – IS 

#4 There is No Law of Matter or   


#5 Where spirit is, there 

#6 The Practitioner of Spiritual


●●● TWO 7-12 

#7 A New Form of Practice 

#8 Instruction to Serious 

#9 Contemplation Develops the


#10 Spiritual illumination 

#11 The Messiah 

#12 Dedication 

●●● THREE 13-18

#13 Meditation, Sowing to the

……Spirit, Spiritual refreshment 

#14 No Power, No Darkness 

#15 Reason for Treatment 

#16 Simplicity of the Healing 

#17 Womb of Creation 

#18 The Spiritual Storehouse 

●●● FOUR 19-24 

#19 He Uttereth His Voice 

#20 The Invisible Work 

#21 Rising Above Concept of God

#22 Transition from Humanhood

……32:36 tape 8800

#23 Above the Law to Grace 316b

#24 The Art of Meditation, God Is.

……tape 48b

●●● FIVE 25-30 

#25 Holland 1957 tape 806

#26 SOUL FACULTIES tapes 1005

#27 God Consciousness Power

#28 For the Advanced Student

#29 The Practice That Makes You


#30 Laying the Axe at the Root. ..

……Tape 428

●●● SIX 31-36 

#31 The Fourth Dimension, tapes

……1002-1003, 3hr42min

#32 1st Step in Fourth Dimension


#33  HERB  FITCH!!!   16min.


#34 Scriptural Promises Explained


#35 Teaching the Infinite Way, tapes

……133,134. 3:51:56

#36 NOT JOEL but zoom guys

●●● SEVEN 37-42 

#37 The Sword of Spirit 57:39 

#38 “How to Heal” 

#39 The Importance of the God

……Experience tape 8807. 39:17 

#40 Experience of the Christ


#41 The Deep Pool of our Being


#42 Reality and Illusion 100:30

●●● EIGHT 43-48 

#43 From the Metaphysical to the

……Mystical 58:22 

#44 Confidential Material

……tapes612A, 1:43:46 

#45 Individual Spiritual

……Consciousness 53:46

#46 Gratitude for Joel S. Goldsmith,


#47 Spiritual Healing Without 

……Words or Thoughts 54:07 

●●● NINE 49-54 

#48 Infinite Way Message It’s

……Practice. 1:53::24 tapes240

#49 Meditations, tape177b, 1:00:48

#50 Practicality of Spiritual Living. 

#51 Preparation for Easter

#52 A Higher Meditation 53:03

#53 True Withinness tape 1008

#54 Your Self is Divine. tapes437. 

●●● TEN 55-60 

#55 From the Law 1:01:27 

#56 Proving Carnal Mind No Power


#57 Selfless Prayer 1:02:28 

#58 Atmosphere of Prayer 54:50

#59 The Experience of Oneness

#60 Prayer as We Must Understand

……it, 101:00

●●● ELEVEN 61-65 

#61 Not Wrong Thinking But One

……Power 2:03:05 

#62 God is, tape 23

#63 Atmosphere of God, tape 5

#64 Attaining Healing

……Consciousness, Part 1

#65 Attaining Healing

……Consciousness, Part 2

No Me (h-m)

Rupert & Joel -RS, JSG


A word substitution lends itself greatly to healing in the below quote of Rupert Spira, [brackets, mine]:

“If separation [disease, lack, any problem] were real, we would have to get rid of it. However, separation [disease, lack, any problem] is an illusion.

“Attempting to get rid of an illusion only asserts its apparent reality, thereby strengthening it.”

The bottom line is that all materiality – its ups and downs, sickness, disease, death are unreal in Spirit, therefore unreal. Apply this truth to any ailment – fully and completely – and watch said ailment dissipate (an intransitive verb meaning of its own accord).

Then elsewhere Rupert Spira advises us “At a certain stage, our former interpretation of God or reality changes…as our knowledge is expanded…so that the model or prevailing paradigm can no longer accomodate our expanding knowledge.”

We would do well to keep our language very, very flexible in order that it might accommodate our never ending awakening!


God is working out ITS life as our individual CONSCIOUSNESS -JSG

God is working out Its life as our life. God is individual life. God is working out Its life in what appears to be the form of our lives.

God is working out Its life as our individual consciousness. God is working out Its plan in us and through us.

In this knowledge we relax and become beholders. It is no longer our life: It is God’s life unfolding individually.

God appears on earth as individual you and me, and as we step aside, we begin to see God shining through.

The harmonies that we experience are in the degree of our knowing that this is God’s life.

It is only your life or my life when we take hold of it and try to manipulate it or do something with it or try to make something of it.

Rather should we become beholders of God fulfilling Itself on earth, God appearing individually on earth, God incarnate on earth.

God actually is living on this earth as you and as me.

When we desire only a God-experience, heaven itself will open and pour itself out at our feet in the form of every kind of good.

Let us be expectant of a Christ- experience, of a God-experience, expectant of some kind of a spiritual impulse felt within. That is the demonstration we are seeking.

Practicing the Presence
Chapter 2
Joel S. Goldsmith

Qualities of God are yours -JSG

Spiritual sonship is your true identity, Spiritual sonship with all the fullness of its meaning is your true identity. In spite of any appearances that may now engulf you, you must know the truth of your relationship to God. You must know the truth of your true identity as God manifest, God revealed, God individualized, God expressed. That is your true identity. The qualities of God, therefore, are the qualities of your individual being.

Joel Goldsmith, Chapter 10, ‘Start the Flow to God’, from SHOWING FORTH THE PRESENCE OF GOD.