“Well, what am I supposed to do?” What you’re supposed to do now is this. As long as you have two, you’re not doing it. And when you have only one, you’re doing it. As long as you have God and a human race, God and people, God and anything, God and you, you’re not doing it. You’re still among the dead because there isn’t God and anyone. There’s only God. And as long as you find something in your life that is imperfect, you’re insisting that there is God and because being God alone means there can be no imperfection. Therefore, when you accept any imperfection, you are denying God is the All and Only and so that’s the answer to what are you supposed to do. You are supposed to be true to the fact that only God is and, therefore, there is no other one. God has no opposite and that which is imperfect is not happening except in an image in time and space, made of atoms, called the dead or mortal self. Get yourself out of that image.
Category Archives: Herb Fitch
Constant inner watchfulness HF&memes^
[… I]n your fidelity to the Allness of God, you cannot also accept anything that denies the Allness of God. That should be clear. So you’ve got a constant inner prayer, a constant inner watchfulness without ceasing to know that God, being All, only perfection is. And the moment you have accepted the suggestion of imperfection anywhere in anyone, including in yourself, you
are not being faithful to the One. And you’re in a separated sense of life. You’re back into the body of atoms. You’re living in the mortal sense of self and for you the Christ teaching has not taken root,
[… I]n your fidelity to the Allness of God, you cannot also accept anything that denies the Allness of God. That should be clear. So you’ve got a constant inner prayer, a constant inner watchfulness without ceasing to know that God, being All, only perfection is. And the moment you have accepted the suggestion of imperfection anywhere in anyone, including in yourself, you are not being faithful to the One. And you’re in a separated sense of life. You’re back into the body of atoms. You’re living in the mortal sense of self and for you the Christ teaching has not taken root,
When did hypnotism begin?
God is All. You can’t have an imperfect world. It must end. You say, “Then why did it begin?” And the question should be, “When did the hypnosis begin?” Because the old world never was. It was a belief of that man in the body of atoms. There never was this world. There is only My Kingdom. And the realization that there never was this world is the revelation of the New Heaven and the New Earth. That’s when you change universes because you have changed Consciousness. You’ve been “transformed by the renewing of the mind.”38 You are regenerated. You are reborn into reality, and that is deathlessness.
~ Herb Fitch
A high state of consciousness
[…T]he false sense of self can be isolated, can be controlled, can be limited and finally can be denied. “Deny thyself.” Then you find yourself following in a different kind of a journey. You’re outside of the self, outside of the form. You’re not in the moment of time that is passing anymore. You’re not dying, you’re not aging, you’re not in the middle of karmic law. There’s a different “you,” and it’s not in a form at all. It’s a High state of Consciousness. The old self is dead, and there is a new Self there which is the only Self that ever was there. And until you have your experience with that Self, you’ll be in separated sense of self, which can never be sustained by the Father.
~ Herb Fitch
Rjs on Herb Fitch via RB
RB: He [Herb Fitch] seems to be a fascinating writer/teacher.
There’s something else going on with him. Good (as in skillful, having great technique) writer or teacher … I don’t know … His undiluted message is so powerful that it’s life-changing. I used to quote and/or paraphrase Joel Goldsmith a lot because he was so reaffirming of the ‘healing’ track I’ve been on since childhood. It was glorious and impassioned me to spread the good news. But now Herb Fitch, Joel’s student, has gone beyond with a totally no-nonsense message. I feel that weeping right under the surface of my sensibilities and I haven’t felt quite this right since … ever!
All that I have been seeking, I am. How could I be the Child of God and be less than a perfect child? Could the Child of God have lacked anything? What was all my striving and seeking, but the belief that I was not the Child of God. And so not being the Child of God in my consciousness, I went out to secure those things which the Child of God already was born with; already has. I merely denied my inheritance. I denied my identity. I and three billion others.
~ Herb Fitch
All matter vibrates, and all motion in matter is caused by your reaction to those vibrations. Now when you look at an object, you think it has color, but it has no color whatsoever. Your reaction to its vibrations give it its color. Your reactions to its vibrations give it its length, its depth, and its width. The qualities of matter are your reaction to the vibrations of that matter and those vibrations are electrical impulses.
~ Herb Fitch
Having been slain for the Word means that in their human-hood, they learned to align themselves with the Will of the Father, dying to personal self; that’s how they were slain. Dying to personal will. Dying to personal ambition. Dying to personal desire. Becoming one with the Will of the Father, they were slain. They entered the state of transition. They died to the false sense of self and were born of the Spirit and made their transition walking through the experience of death without being touched.
Always remember then that the killing and the slaying is a symbolic term for the dying daily to personal will, personal sense of self, a separated me who walks the earth separate and apart from a separated someone else. All of us walking apart from a God. And that sense of separation from each other and from God, only begins to stop as we learn to become one Will, one will with the Father’s perfect Will.
~ Herb Fitch
Deny thy self, pick up thy cross, cross out that which is not of God and follow Me. And John is doing exactly that. His weeping is finished. He has been told no longer to undo, he has undone all the human selfhood of his past. He is now about to be made a child of the resurrection.
~ Herb Fitch