Category Archives: Herb Fitch

“Visibility”quantum physics can learn from HF

Quantum physics, explaining the illusive, even illusory, nature of matter can learn a thing or two from our beloved Herb Fitch who advises us in The Infinite Way, Series 3 – The Christ:

“If you look out at heaven or reality – whatever you wish to call it – you will find that you cannot see all of it but there is a place where you become aware of something. That place where you become aware of heaven, to your senses it becomes earth. At the moment that you are able to make a contact through your senses, that which is heaven to you becomes the earth. It is translated by your senses. It doesn’t change from heaven to earth; but now you look at that which is heaven and misperceive it to be the earth.”

Herb is hereby preparing his eager students to literally think outside the human or mortal mind, given the fact that he’s speaking of a realm or dimension in which matter is unheard of. He continues in his usual most exacting manner:

“There’s a line of demarcation where the veil apparently begins, where Spirit becomes matter. It is not a line of ether: It is a line where the mind misperceives the truth.”

We see clearly that Herb wishes to drive home the fact that mankind is MISPERCEIVING basic level quantum mechanics MOST CONSISTENTLY and PREDICTABLY:

“The outer limit of your mind misperceiving the truth of that point and all the way in now recreates its concept of heaven and in that concept you live as a mortal being although nothing about you has ever changed. The Christ is still the Christ. The Christ is still present. The light is unchanging – it can never be influenced in any way and in it is the grace, the guidance, the love, the fullness of all of your true self, and all this brought into a sharp material focus by the five senses becomes a disconnection – the ignorant separation from the very self of all being.”

It’s nothing short of a DISCONNECTION that Herb has directed our attention to and in no uncertain terms. I am reminded of early computer-ese, GIGO (garbage in, garbage out)! The moment we allow for the possibility of matter as a palpable entity, we may as well throw our mental doors wide open to the vicissitudes it entails such as sickness, disease, death, reincarnation, et al.

[Transcribed Herb Fitch from seminar:
The Infinite Way, Series 3 –
The Christ, mp3, side 1]



Cheryl Andre Chaisson I feel this is so in line with Brother Joel Goldsmith’s teachings.




Rich Morton Very much so. Walter Landon stated the same thing years ago.




Robin Starbuck But doesn’t she say “matter is Spirit, slowed down to visibility”?



HF mysticism above metaphysics

NOW means not one split second before or after. Therefore no Bible “promises” were ever kept. There were none. There are only statements about present facts throughout the Bible. That’s mysticism and it’s a higher realm than metaphysics. This is for advanced students of Joel and Herb.

Herb Fitch is my hero


Never wishing in any way to replace his teacher, Joel Solomon Goldsmith, Herb made sure that his students knew every minute when he was quoting his beloved mentor. It was clear as crystal when he spoke and is easily transcribed using quotation marks, clearly citing the seminar and the exact subtitle.

Herb Fitch had his students read directly from his Source so that his students grew to love Joel as he did. He never wished that anyone would attribute Joel’s contribution to himself.

Herb Fitch had plenty to say of his own and left no doubt in the listener’s mind when he was speaking. If I (RJStarbuck) may audaciously offer my super-summary: Herb tells us that if we don’t do the hard part, the due diligence, we should not expect results! He painstakingly drives this home to us with every breath.

Herb never lacked the integrity that could have cast everything he’d ever said (later, written) as plagiarism because of his profound, heartfelt love for his precious Teacher.



By Herbert Fitch

We have a purpose for this seminar, a multipurpose. We want to become aware of the realm of the Soul in such a way that we become aware of our own Immortal Identity, here and now. We are going to break the mesmerism of the senses. We want to break material sense. We even want to break the consciousness of body and to develop a consciousness out of the body. We wish to build confidence in the presence of the Kingdom of God and we wish to develop a capacity to live consciously, continuously in the present Kingdom of God here and now.
Now this may sound somewhat ambitious but we are already committed to certain facts which would be well to recognize, especially for those of you who may not have heard our commitments to this point. Those of us who have been studying by tape together are committed now to living here in the finished Kingdom of God with the knowledge that it is possible and that in doing so, we will release into experience those qualities of the Father which must be present where God is.
And that in the release of these qualities the Word will be made flesh and will express Itself as a new body, a new self, a new identity, a new series of activities, all taking place within the Kingdom of God and appearing to our visible senses as an activity from outside of our senses so that that which is the Divine Image and Likeness will be presented to us instead of the human image. And we have called this the transmutation or transformation which we have been undergoing ever since the first ray of Spirit attracted us and pushed us on the path of Life. This transmutation from mortality to Immortality on the earth, in which the Divine Image walks in place of the mortal image, is the commitment which we’re now following.
And this series of classes is merely a continuation of that commitment, a clarification of it, and an expansion of our capacity to bring that commitment into specific experience, all in preparation for that which is no longer death but transition. We believe the Enoch experience is not only possible but inevitable for everyone who walks the path of Spirit and it is our function to demonstrate that in our lives.
Now all of you have been dedicated. It’s impossible to be here tonight without having been dedicated to finding Truth. You have found it in many ways, you have walked many paths and even now as we say we walk the Infinite Way, we are still walking a path and we haven’t come to the conclusion of it.
Now we wish to clarify one thing tonight and that is that all your dedication is in vain, all your effort, all your desire, all your sincerity, everything that you are willing to put into the work of finding Truth is in vain unless you are willing to accept the authority of Christ. There is no other authority on this earth and Christ is not a person. When Christ speaks, you have heard a command and violations of those commands, whether they are voluntary or involuntarily, performed by you, outlaw you from the Kingdom of God and make it impossible for you to fulfill the purpose toward which we are now committed.
You will find that when you wish to obey the Commandments, the two Commandments, or obey any of the other commands given by the Father, Resist not evil, Judge not and so forth, that you will not have the capacity to fulfill these commands, no matter how hard you try, if you remain a human being.
And because transmutation is necessary for transition and transition is our committed goal, I cannot have you believe that a human being can make a transition. There is no such thing. The flesh cannot become Spirit. Mortality can never become Immortal. The human can never see God aright, and it must be known and accepted, and therefore a dedication which still insists that you are human and mortal is a very denial of the words, be ye perfect as your Father; Son thou art ever with me.
Every time you consciously or unconsciously deny that you are the Son of God, you are pushing the Kingdom away and for you transmutation and transition are words without meaning. And so, that is clarified. We who seek this transition cannot be human. That is one of the reasons why a class of this kind is so unusual. It is more or less accepted and whoever comes to this class in the future will know that humanity is not their estate in the eyes of God. God has no human children!
But that is only a beginning. If you were in a canoe trying to get to Europe, it would be a very long voyage and if you were the only passenger on your little canoe, you probably would never arrive and you would do what we do in this human world – you would die. And maybe someday another life would start out again in your canoe and you would never arrive; it isn’t possible.
You cannot get in a row boat and row your way from here to Europe and so if you try and try and try and keep trying lifetime after lifetime, you’ll always fail. And you will discover if you have not already discovered it, that when you apply all of your energy and all of your love of God, you still find your self in that little row boat, rowing and rowing and rowing in an ocean so big that you never seem to arrive at the other side.
All this rowing in the canoe is really no different than the way we live as human beings. I’d like you to see it this way. You’re free to roam in space; you can get in a plane today and in five hours you can be far away. Man has done much with space – the Space Age. But if you stop and think for a moment, although you have total freedom in space or at least relative freedom, you have no freedom in time. In time you live minute by minute. You can be a good Christian Scientist, a good Unitarian, a good Orthodox, religion or an unorthodox religion, you can be in … you can be an Infinite Way; you can be in anything you wish but if you are living in time, you’re in a canoe trying to row your way to Europe; it can’t be done.
You are living minute by minute and just to see how confined we are, think for a moment, think of all your yesterdays and find out if you can live in them now? They’re gone and there’s no way you can live in yesterday, no way.
You can’t live in tomorrow right now –there’s no way. You can’t even live one hour from now. You’ve got to live in this specific minute and then you’ve got to live in the next minute and this minute is gone, you can’t live in that again. You are living in minute by minute by minute by minute and each minute comes from a place you do not know and it goes to a place you do not know and in that minute you live and only in that single minute or less in that second. You just take these minutes and put them one after one, after one, after one and you find you are restricted to them. You can’t get out of them. And so you are rowing your canoe in this minute and the next minute and the next minute.
And we die in those minutes and we suffer in those minutes and we see things we love destroyed in those minutes. But God didn’t make those minutes. Those minutes were not made by God and God isn’t living in those minutes and the Son of God isn’t living in those minutes.
And as you continue to live in those minutes, you are denying your Identity. You cannot live in the passing minute and be the Son of God. Christ does not live in the passing minute. You are denying your Sonship and the Fatherhood of God as you continue to live in passing time.
Now it doesn’t make any difference what religion you profess, if you continue to live in the passing minutes, you are denying God to be your Father and you are denying yourself to be the Son of God.
And so, that’s why tonight is important. It’s the key. And you can walk past it, you can turn the other way, you can ignore it and you can continue to violate the simple truth that God is not in time, Christ is not in time. And you, the Christ of God cannot be in time and if you continue in time you simply say I am not the Christ; I’m a human being, I’m the flesh.
You cannot be perfect in time. Everything in time must die. The Father says be ye perfect as your Father – dying is no way to be perfect. If you continue in time, you die in time; if you live in time you die in time. And the Father says my word must be obeyed and I say be ye perfect as your Father.
Now if you continue to live in time and die in time, you cannot be perfect as your Father. Your Father is not dying in time but you are; therefore, to be perfect as your Father, you must not die in time; you must live!
And if you don’t live in time there’s only one other place to live and that’s outside of time. In order to fulfill the command, be ye perfect as your Father, you must live outside of time in which people die. And not only that, when are you going to be perfect as your Father? God is perfect now – do we plan to be perfect tomorrow? To be perfect as a Father, we must be perfect NOW, as our Father is perfect NOW.
And so NOW, we must be perfect and that is a statement by the Father that NOW you are perfect outside time. Outside time NOW you are perfect. Inside time you are not.
That is one of the great secrets of the commands and promises in the Bible. You think they are commands and promises but they are not; they are much more. Resist not evil is not a command – The meek shall inherit the earth is not a promise. It sounds like it in the third dimension conscious- ness; in this third dimensional level of this world, those things to us sound like commands but they are not. They are statements of that quality, that Truth which is part of your Real Self.
Your Real Self does not resist evil. Your Real Self does not judge. Your Real Self has already inherited the earth. It is telling you that which you do not know about your Real Self and because you live in a false self you think it’s a command to you but it’s not. It’s a revelation of that which is true of your Real Self. And you’ll find that every word spoken by Christ which sounds as a command and a promise is a statement of the reality of your Real Self and of the Divine qualities that are part of that Real Self.
And furthermore, those words that are coming to you as commands and promises are coming to you from your Real Self. If you wanted to know more about you, where would you go? Before you have asked, I have answered says the Father and here is the Christ speaking to you, telling you who you are because the Christ that is speaking in the Bible to you, is your Real Self.
I am come and I say unto you; and who is this I that says all of this? I the Christ is your Real Self telling you what your false sense of self would like to know about yourself but doesn’t know. And I say unto you, Resist not evil. Why? Because your Real Self never resists evil and therefore, if you are resisting evil, you are in your false self and when you are able to not resist evil, you find that you are in your Real Self because that’s the nature of your Real Self.
Your Real Self is pure in heart. Your Real Self is the speaker through which the Voice of the Father comes and approaches us as one of the Prophets or Jesus or the Buddha. But always when the words in the Bible speak to you, they are the words of your Real Self telling who you are and the Truth of what you are. And when you read it that way, and then turn away, you’re only turning away from your Real Self.
But when you know that, you find you don’t turn away any more. You listen because you want to really know about your Real Self and here It is, it’s been here for two thousand years. Your Real Self has been talking to you and the false sense of self, not having known that, thinks well, I wonder if I’m supposed to obey that or if that a command or how can I do it.
And now, you are living in time and you do not know what is outside time but your Real Self does and the Truth that you are presented by your Real Self comes from outside time. It is presented to you in your time sense to teach you what is outside time; things that your senses cannot find or discover or know in any other way.
So your Real Self says, Blessed are the poor in heart, theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; theirs is the Kingdom of God. They will see God face to face and you puzzle it out and you puzzle it out, without never once realizing this is coming to you into your time sense by your Real Self living outside time which knows the Truth and that’s why Christ is your only authority. Christ lives outside time.
We, in mortal sense, live inside time and we have been invited to live outside time. You cannot be perfect as your Father unless you live outside time.
And then a doubting Thomas says, Well how, how can I live outside time? Take a look at some of the clues you’ve already been given in the Bible and may not have recognized:
The nobleman says, Heal my son and Jesus says, Go thy way, thy son liveth. And He says this at a certain time and when they come to the nobleman’s house, the servants I believe run out and tell the nobleman. He says, what time did it happen that my son was better. And they give him the exact time and he says, Why that’s the right time that this man Jesus said to me, thy son liveth.
Now that was an instantaneous healing. And what is an instantaneous healing? It was a statement that in Christ there is no time.
When Jesus is on the mountain and His disciples are rowing frantically on the lake and He hears the call. Instantly He’s walking on the water; within an instant He is there. Why? In Christ there is no time; but Christ is YOU.
Christ living outside time appears instantly anywhere. When He steps on the ship instantly it is on the shore; again telling you there is no time in Christ.
The Son of God has no time. The devil says, the cosmic mind says, Here I give you all the kingdoms of the world all wrapped in a yellow ribbon. Take them. Why does He refuse? Just two words; he offers them the kingdoms of the world in time. Time is a mirage. The Christ accepts nothing in time.
Where was Jesus crucified? And the secret of that has always been misunderstood. He was crucified in time but he wasn’t in time. A mirage was crucified in time. You cannot crucify the Christ in time; the Christ is outside time and therefore it appears to.
Always, we have had with us the Inner Word about Christ living outside time and Christ being the first born, the Son of God, the only begotten – Christ being the hidden Identity of all who walk the earth; Christ being Yourself; to know Christ aright, to know God aright, you cannot live in time.
You’re saying that’s me over there but I’m over here. You’re saying I matter but I am Christ too and you’re not. As long as you continue as material being in time you are rejecting Identity.
Now Joel had an experience you remember: he was in his automobile on his way I think to Pasadena – I may have the place wrong, and he arrived in an impossible amount of time, much earlier than he could have. It just wasn’t possibly humanly and when people hear the story, they sort of smile. Maybe they think that Joel’s watch was wrong or that he possibly had his mind on something else and it only seemed that way to him but he was telling us the great secret of living outside of time. And then, we are told to remove the time sense. And we say, it’s impossible! It is for human beings but it’s not impossible for God, it’s not impossible for the Son of God.
Think of every disease you ever heard of; where is it? It’s in time and God didn’t create disease – that’s why it’s existent in time.
Think of every evil you know; where is it? It’s in time. There’s war in time, there’s unemployment in time, there’s inflation in time, there’s sickness in time, there’s suffering in time, there are atrocities in time – every evil on this earth exists in time and no where else. And outside time is the perfect finished Kingdom of God; it is timeless. You know God isn’t going to be any older tomorrow. You say, I’m twenty years old, I’m fifty years old, I’m sixty years old. Who are you speaking about? You know Christ has no age. You are just saying I’m not Christ, aren’t you?
We have all these ways of escaping into the false mortal sense and denying the Christ. We are all Peters; I don’t know him. Every time we come into any statement that is about something in time and we believe it happened, we are piercing the Christ.
There is nothing happening in time that is not a mirage. There is nothing in time that is not a mirage and that is why we must get out of time. You stand at a certain point and your life moves by; it moves and it vanishes. Every moment it is vanishing more and more; finally it’s smaller and smaller and smaller and finally, it just vanishes completely. That’s why we are called mortals because we are living in ever perishing minutes that die.
And we can’t pull them back and reclaim them. And then we come back in another body, and then another body and then another body; we’re still rowing that canoe; still coming back into time.
And so, let’s look at time – what is it? How are we going to step outside of time when so many millions of people have gone before us and died and they couldn’t step out of time – our parents and their parents, our ancestors; they couldn’t step out of time? They all died in time. Are we going to do that or are we going to find a way to step out of time and follow the Master who could say Thy son liveth? Why? Because you see him dying in time, I see him where he is. He’s outside time and he lives outside time. Everyone lives outside time but doesn’t know it. They think they are living in time.
The physicist says that time is –well, he sees it as an electron and he says the length of the life of an electron seen by the naked eye or by the instruments of science becomes what we call the moment of time. And then the astronomer measures time another way. He says that there are two ways; we look at the angle of the sun or the angle of the Vernal Equinox and that gives you time. And then there are others who say that higher space enters into lower space and that causes the feeling of time. Others say and I have said that time is caused by the relationship or the ratio of the atoms of our senses to the atoms of those things around us.
But this is only a relative truth. It’s still about material time. Now all time as we know physical time is based on fallacy and you can see it very easily. For instance, it will soon be night, and why is it night? Has the sun stopped shining or are we merely turned away from it? Do you realize the sun never stops shining and we have twelve hours of darkness? But the sun is always shining! It’s always shining and what’s more, it isn’t moving around the earth. It’s right up there and it’s shining. We have flipped over and then we flip back. We flip over and back. And every time we flip and then back, we say that’s another day.
But the sun is always shining. That is the Eternal Day and when we flip out and in, out and it, that makes night and day but it isn’t night and day at all. It hasn’t stopped the sun from shining. It simply that we turn away from it and we come back to it and we call that a day or a night. And because we turn away from it and then come back to it, we say that moment that turned away and came back, that is now yesterday. And the next time, we haven’t done it yet, but the next time we turn away and come back that will be tomorrow. In other words, we have been fooled. We have created yesterdays and tomorrows simply by flipping the earth on its belly back and forth.
But the sun keeps shining. And the ancient prophets knew there was an Eternal Day – on the seventh day God rested because there was no more time; time is no more. Time has never been; time has never passed by. We are simply flipping and flopping inside the Eternal Day – this is one day. And whether you die and reincarnate, you still come back into this same Eternal Day; you never really go out of it. You can’t. There is just one day and we all live in this one Eternal Day and in it we create the illusion of a changing day that will come tomorrow. But that tomorrow is already here in this Eternal Day now and every other tomorrow.
It isn’t tomorrow at all. It’s the Eternal Day and all that’s happening is that we are squeezing a little more out of the tooth paste jar. A little more tooth paste today, a little more tooth paste tomorrow; you turn back and forth, back and forth right in the same Eternal Day and that Eternal Day is always there.
When you live in that Eternal Day and let the flip and the flop of the earth, the day and the night, the passing and the coming of tomorrow and the going of yesterdays, you’ll find that your life isn’t vanishing at all. It only seemed to. You can’t get out of this day if you try. No one can. You either die and come back into this day and you call it reincarnation or you pass into the next day.
Think for a moment of those seven days, the six days of creation and on the seventh day he rested and you will find those were six days and this is only one of those days. This Eternal Day is but one of those days and within this one day, we come back and forth into the material sense. But time isn’t moving; that’s as illusionary as the sun coming up tomorrow morning and the sun doing down tonight – it isn’t coming up and it isn’t going down – when you stop and think it’s there; we are doing all that turning in this earth.
Now Christ in the form of Jesus had overcome the belief of passing time, of tomorrows that become todays and go into yesterdays. And there was no aging in Christ, there was no dying in Christ, there was no moving of time in Christ. It’s simply false consciousness. Lazareth died to our human sense in time but it was the same as thy son liveth. Outside time there’s no dead anything; outside time there’s only Life. And there’s no inside time because time is illusion of the cosmic mind.
You can actually experience the non-reality of time. Now how long does it take you to die – you can’t die in a second; it takes you sometimes months, sometimes a year, sometimes days but each passing minute is not even connected? They are all separated. And then it passes and then it passes. You can’t die in a minute; you are dying in these unseparated passing minutes that aren’t even passing. You simply cannot die; there’s no way to do it.
When you remove the illusion of passing time and when you meditate upon this seriously, you will discover you can feel the nothingness of time, the illusion of time, you can feel the Eternal Day, you can feel the earth flipping and flopping inside this vastness with the sun moving nowhere and you can know why I can feel that illusion. It’s so clear.
Nothing is happening. This is the cosmic sense of time and it makes us all think we are growing older. It makes us think that the minutes are running away. It even causes what we call our ecology. It makes us think that our environment …. Why? Because you have the illusion of that which does not move from the future into the present, and then into the past, but you think it is.
And so the whole world moves in this flow of invisible time that isn’t moving. And it is for that reason and that reason alone that we experience death, and evil and error. When we say there’s a shortage; there’s no shortage except in time. When we say there’s a lack or a limitation – if you’re living outside time, it doesn’t touch you.
Now there’s a Soul language in the Bible, a Soul language and when you begin reading it as a Soul language, it talks to you. You’ll find that things you never dreamed of were telling you to step outside of time but you didn’t know they were saying that to you because you weren’t reading the Soul language. You were a mortal being reading the words of someone called Jesus Christ and there were the two of you. Here was you and there was Jesus and Jesus was saying this and once more, he was saying it two thousand years ago. You didn’t quite register that this was your Higher Self outside time telling you that which you didn’t know inside time and were saying, look I know something you can’t possibly know and I’m telling it to you. Here it is: You can’t serve two masters. You can either serve God or mammon.
Now, you can’t serve God in time because look at anything in time and it’s not God governed. Time is in this world and this world is not the Father’s Kingdom. If you want to serve God, you cannot serve God in time, in this world; you must live outside time to serve God. And that’s Soul language. Soul language is saying, you think that I am just giving you a command again but I am not. I am revealing the nature of Reality.
And then there’s this great intelligence, this incredible intelligence saying to you do this in such a way that you say, Well, I can’t do it. I can’t do it and then you find yourself being forced to rise to capacities you didn’t know you had. How can you serve God in time, keep failing at it, and then finally die and think you’ve fulfilled the command to serve God and not mammon?
And so what has it been doing; it’s been forcing you finally to come to a place where you say, well I’ve done everything I know, what’s next? And that’s always the purpose. These commands are placed just beyond your reach.
Remember when Joel said, I was told to love my neighbor but there was this one fellow – I just couldn’t. So I said, God you do it. We thought that was cute. He was telling us that no human being can love his neighbor; you cannot do it. You’ve got to know your neighbor to love your neighbor. You can’t say that’s Christ – that isn’t doing it. While you say, That’s Christ; you will find that in some subtle way you are denying the Christ of your own being or somebody else’s Christhood. And so we can’t just, you know – pick a – someone who is Christ because this is what you are trying to do and turn around and have a relative you think is somebody you would rather not have for a relative.
There has to be an across the board acceptance that time is presenting to us a motion picture of the senses. And if you don’t come to that point of view, you will forever be chasing mirages in time. You’ll try to become, you’ll try to improve, you’ll try to make a better human you. You see in time there’s a psychology; I’m going to become something or time will bring this to me. And that’s the mirage; time can’t bring it to you.
The Son of God is perfect now. You see how easy it is to deny yourself to be the Son by thinking that in time you will be perfect? That’s how time fools us and traps us and that’s why Jesus refused the kingdoms of the world in time.
Now then, you are being told to take time and see it another way; to see that it doesn’t exist. To start with a whole complete new viewpoint of time – that if I live in time, each minute is a dying minute; I have an ever perishing life. And so, you are puzzled; you say, how can I get out of time then? With our five senses we are glued to time and so you’ve got to get out of the five senses. You’ve got to overcome the beliefs of the five senses; these automatic mechanical beliefs.
You saw the tree grow from a little sapling up to a great big tree. That’s what your senses said. That isn’t what happened. That’s what happened in time. That’s what happened in your material sense world. If we were in kindergarten we’d say, yes the tree grew and only God can make a tree but this isn’t kindergarten. This is a class committed to being the Divine image and likeness of God. And if I accept a material tree over there, I’ve got to accept the material body over here and a material body over there.
I can’t have a material body over there and none over there or a material tree over there and a spiritual body here. I’ve got to have a spiritual universe and your senses do not see a spiritual universe. And so, to serve God outside time and not in time, you must rise above your sense perceptions.
You can no longer live in a three dimensional world because that’s what your senses tell you is here. You’ve got to accept the fourth dimension. You’ve got to accept that you’re – beside the five senses that you call I and you; you had a time sense that you didn’t know you had. You didn’t think it was a sense but it’s a time sense and you’ve got to overcome that.
And then comes the greatest revelation – You are Eternity Itself. You cannot live in time. The Christ is the Eternal Self – to know the Father aright is Life Eternal. The Son knows the Father – when you accept Sonship, you must accept that you are Eternal Being, you are Eternity – not time. These fractions, these minutes that pass by, these unseparated images, these separated little points, these pinpoints of consciousness that are false –you’re not going to let your life run-down the drain that way. Once you know it, that you are Eternity Itself and this simply isn’t you; these passing moments, these perishing moments of matter.
And then in Soul language again, we see the Father saying through the Christ, Oh they have no bread. Well then gather up the fragments. And all of a sudden this becomes a message about time and it becomes a message about the fractions of life spans you have lived. You thought you died once and you came back and you lived again and then you died and you came back; you went on and on and on, dying and reborning, dying and reborning; always a new life.
And those fragments that were gathered up to multiply loaves and fishes; that is the statement to you to gather up all those fragments – those life spans you think you lived. They are all false. See them as one Eternal Day. You didn’t come in and go out and come in and go out. You are the Eternal Day; you are the Christ of God which is never born and never dying. We’re no longer working on this little life span over here to make it better; that one before and that one before and that one that is to come and that one after that; all of these life spans are fragments.
It’s like the little loaves and fishes; gather up the fragments in your consciousness and do not accept yourself as a reincarnating fraction. Christ doesn’t reincarnate.
Again, what we are trying to do is to find the many ways in which we deny we are the Son of God and to come to that concerted effort to see that in time I am being entrapped in to the prison of matter, of dying matter, of aging matter, of matter that ultimately suffers for no reason other than that it is a concept.
Now during the next two days we are going to have to develop the capacity to be alerted to those traps which drag us back into shifting time. You may not have had to think about it before but in these two days you’re going to think about it. And every time we are in some way reacting to an idea which is trapping us back into material time, we are going to become so aware of it that we can stand and resist not evil and look at this trap of time and see that it is not actually moving by, so that our whole psychology of losing opportunities, of losing years is seen to be the illusion that it is.
That Self of you which exists now outside time is here. Outside time isn’t somewhere else; outside time is here and there are two worlds and they are both here. One is here inside time and one is here outside time and we are going to become conscious of the one outside time which is the present finished Kingdom of God.
Man hasn’t seen it because he’s running in the illusion of time and cannot look outside it; he’s unconscious outside time. And inside time he has a false consciousness – awake thou that sleepest, because you’re sleeping in time. And when you awake you find you’re not inside time, you’re outside time and you haven’t gone anywhere.
Now this can’t be done in a moment. It can’t be done in two days but we can develop habits, states of alertness and an activated knowledge about how to consciously know how to live outside time so that we can practice and practice and practice consciously living outside time and not inside time. And then you will understand why God says that you must live outside time.
God never came and said, I want you to live outside time but God gave you commandments and you cannot fulfill them inside time. You have to go outside time to fulfill them.
That’s why people have failed to fulfill those commandments. That’s why death continues and that’s why we fail to solve our problems. You see, we think in terms of I have safety, security, I have health but we don’t. All these things we think we have, we find we have them in time and they melt right in front of us. Health – already he takes it away from many people; it starts out as health but why does it diminish? Because it’s health in time and that is not health. You cannot have perfect health in time. Be ye perfect as your Father means you cannot have health that is perfect in time – there’s only one more place to get it and you must find health outside time; the health that doesn’t die.
And now you see that mortality is in time and Immortality is outside of time but they are both here. Be ye perfect as your Father NOW – means here NOW. Immortality is outside time. Perfect health is outside time, that’s why it’s Immortal. Just take finances – supply: you think you’ve got supply; even if you keep your supply until you pass out of this picture, you’ve then lost it. But if the country goes off a certain standard on to a new one and inflation comes along and strikes continue and prices keep spiraling up and up and up; what you thought was supply now becomes quite a problem. Why?
Because it’s supply in time. It isn’t Real Supply. Supply in time is a mirage. Everything in time is a mirage. We think we have justice; many people thought they had justice, they thought they had freedom and then some iron country comes along and puts them behind a curtain. They don’t have freedom all of a sudden; they had it and it’s gone. We think loyalty exists here but some loyalties can be misguided. You find people are loyal; they go to jail for their loyalty; they were loyal to the wrong person.
Everything that happens in time has an opposite in time. It’s a law of this world. There is no health, security, safety, supply, equality or justice in time and there’s no freedom in time. In fact, there’s no life in time; that’s why it dies. It has its opposite; that isn’t life. That which is in time is not life and now you will find that everything in time is an imitation, a complete counterfeit. I don’t care what it is – you name it, if it’s in time it’s an imitation of Reality.
And this is the great truth that must be looked at carefully so that you are able to stop and to prevent yourself from being drawn along in the tide of time, thinking that tomorrow will be better; thinking that tomorrow will be an improvement and to accept that here and now is the Invisible Kingdom of God outside of time and my Christ Self lives there here and now and that is the only Self that I acknowledge.
When you begin seriously seeing that you must do this, that when you seriously begin wanting to do this and then seriously begin doing this, as some of you have, you will discover that you are building a new substance, the Eternal Substance. Your own Immortal Substance begins to flow into your consciousness, into your experience the Invisible loaves and fishes are multiplied; Thy son liveth. Lazareth come forth – out of the Invisible a new substance is formed and it is the Word and it is made flesh as you. And this is how you activate the transmutation.
Only by consciously living outside time, outside the five senses, outside of the world of length, height and breath and accepting the presence of an Infinite Universe of Spirit even though your five senses have no way of contacting you, and refuse to be a passing mortal being whose life is vanishing into the minutes that have just passed.
You will find the capacity to find that there is a NOW behind the passing moment and in that NOW you will find a new substance and that substance is the Light of God. And when you let it shine it will transmute this that appears as mortal flesh and it will become more evident to you that you are literally walking in the Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Substance, not as an ever perishing mortal being but as the living Son of God.
You will have your Substance and it will go before you and it will guide you. It will teach you and it will speak those words within you from outside time which are the very Substance of God; it will perform those deeds which the Christ has ever performed outside time, which come to us and which we call miracles.
And it is all in the hereness and nowness of your True Being but you must know that unless you consciously find the way to accept that you are the Eternal Being, not the passing time creature and consciously crucify every concept of time that enters your consciousness in whatever subtle form or disguise it may take; unless you do this faithfully, you will not feel that Substance which transmutes you into the Divine image and likeness.
But if you do, you will find the Enoch experience, you will find that death is abolished. You will find that sickness and suffering and tears are all part of the time picture which you can overcome if you live consciously here now outside of time.
When I sat down I marked a passage; I’m going to look at that now because I think it was about this subject. It was in Paul’s Ephesians and it was the 5th Chapter; 15th Verse in the 5th Chapter: 15, 16 and 17. And here’s Paul who had caught that: See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
Redeeming the time because the days are evil: this I think is what we’ve been talking about and I assure you that whether you’ve studied for thirty for forty years without results, the moment you start redeeming the time, seeing that it isn’t moving, it isn’t passing by – it doesn’t exist; you’re in the Eternal Day.
Some books will call that an eon or an age; we are in that Fourth Day now and we are in it to stay until we redeem the time. And when we redeem the time individually we walk into the Fifth Day – Transition or individually we come back into the Fourth Day again and again and again; to study another religion, another method, another system but always finding that the real problem is that we haven’t known that time does not exist. And once knowing it is not enough; you can know it all day long, it will do you no good. You’ve got to do something about it. You really got to pick the weeds out, you’ve got to make many acts of commitment to this Truth. It’s got to become the very central core of everything you do until it’s so automatic that you never, never, never are fooled into living as a form in time; chasing mirages, grasping them with your hands and finding you really don’t have them; only for a time.
Now let’s get out of that canoe. Let’s not live minute by minute. The phrase I think I am reaching for is to expand your awareness to the magnitude of your Being, to the knowledge that I am not passing in time; I am the Eternal Self, I am the Self, the Infinite Self. My existence isn’t passing; the life of God isn’t passing. The Life of God that I acknowledge as my life is the only life there is; it isn’t passing in time. It isn’t even in time. The Life of God is not in time and therefore, I am not in time. I am not in this passing moment; I am in the NOW which is always. I am in the Eternal. I am Eternity Itself.
All of those so-called yesterdays; I wasn’t in them. I am not going to be in all the tomorrows that come; I’m not going to be in a single one of them. Those tomorrows and those yesterdays are in the cosmic mind and those tomorrows that are going to pose as today and then pass into dying yesterdays; I am not going to be in them. That’s why Christ walks forth though crucified – never in those passing days.
The Son of God knows God aright as Life Eternal and is that Life Eternal and you must accept that you are that Life Eternal and not try to row in that canoe, not live minute by minute but live in the fullness. Gather all the fragments together, see that in every tomorrow that is going to come in today, your Eternal Life already exists and all these tomorrows are little fragments within the Eternal Being that you are. That tomorrow is here now in your Eternal Self.
On a physical level that sun is not going to fade away and then come back; the earth is just going to flip around and come back and the sun will be waiting right there; it’s never going anywhere. Your whole Eternal Life is waiting right here, right now. Stop this passing through; it – you’re not passing through anything. You are all of it right now; you can’t divide it up into fragments. Gather the fragments. There is no passing you – you are not a life span.
Those who didn’t know this died. They were persons, they were nations, they were civilizations and they died because they lived in that passing that isn’t passing. They came into birth over here and they came into death over there. Your Eternal Life is the Life of God, it wasn’t born over here, it won’t die over here and that is who you are. Before this birth I Am. After this death I Am and all in between I Am. I AM the Eternal Self and these little fractions that come into form and go through and pass, they are not me. I am not in those passing material forms in time, says the Christ of your Being from outside time to you, to know that here, I Am Come and I say unto you, be ye perfect as your Father. You Father is not living in these passing fragments of time, in fragmented material selfhoods.
Accept the fullness of Being. As mortals pass in time they are always incomplete. They are never whole. They are always trying to become and they always fail because you cannot become. And therefore, if I am not in time I am NOW whole, I am NOW complete. In fact, you are self-existent; you are completely independent of time. There’s nothing time can do for you; time can do nothing for Christ.
Do you see it’s a whole new way of looking at yourself and you must do it because it is what the Christ tells you to do; as if your Higher Self is talking to your lower self? It’s as if your brain was telling your foot to do something. Your Higher Self is saying to the mortal sense of you, Get out of the way, you’re blocking the Light, the Light that is undivided, the unseparated Light. Get out of the way- Let go! Be still and know I and the Father are One.
Now, how do you divide up One. One is One forever and so that One is not passing, that One is always the fullness of Itself and I am that One fullness. I am whole now; compete now, self existent and independent of time. My life is not in time and is not passing in time; I have caught the cosmic illusion. I am not a creature in passing time.
Now this is what Christ is telling us; it is the key to everything you will ever do in Truth and it is the key to every failure of man upon the earth, to every evil he has suffered, to every war, to every disease, to every lack and limitation. All these things exist in the non-passing time which man thinks is here and is passing and your Father says, Not at all. Be ye perfect. Serve God, not mammon. Live in the Kingdom of God where there is time no more. Live outside time and you will find that is the Kingdom of God.
Now saying it as I say it – one thing, and believe me it’s almost like wrestling with Jacob’s ladder. You really have to climb out of this rung by rung but you’ve got to do it. And if you put your energy and time into seeing that there’s no time, you’ll find answers you didn’t dream were available. And sometimes you can just sit down and say, well, I’ve got to get out of time now, let me see. And you know, within ten minutes you’ll be surprised what happened.
Once you make that your problem, and then you’ll see that it’s causing you to – something that I think I’d like to mention: you will try to think your way out of it and you’ll find you can’t. You’ll find that to come out of time is not a thinking process. You can’t think your way out of this cosmic illusion but you can experience your way out and so in order to come out of time you may start with thinking about how, but then you’re going to come to a place where instead of thinking about how, you’re going to take no thought about how and you’re going to rest in the Father with confidence and trust in the quietness and you’re not even going to say, Father you show me. You are just going to rest there as the Christ.
And when the experience of not being in time comes to you, you’ll see why you couldn’t think your way out. It is a spiritual experience.
Now, you’ve been out of time, dozens of times. It’s just that you weren’t thinking about it that way. Somebody calls you up and says, help me, and you help them, and they get some help. But they live in another city – you think you helped them by staying in time? You got out of time but you didn’t know it.
And suppose they were five hundred miles away; that made no difference to you. You got into the Christ of your own being which is out of time and the Christ revealed Itself where your friend was and that was the help.
Some people say that they are able to travel to Venus. If you got a call from Venus would it be any different as if you got one from Toledo? You just go into the same Inner Self and rest and the help would come in Venus, on the planet of Venus, just as it would to somebody in Toledo. It wouldn’t make any difference to the Christ. But why? Because the Self of you already is where Venus is supposed to be; you don’t have to go there. In the Self that is outside time, you are Omnipresent now. You don’t have to study for years on how to go to Venus. You simply have to live outside time in Self and you find that whoever calls you from wherever they call is making contact.
But if you are not outside time and they call you inside time and find you inside time, you are not going to give much help because there’s no way from inside time to transfer that help. Christ isn’t inside time. The healings have to be outside time to be healings and you find your healing consciousness jumps by leaps and bounds the moment you start thinking about being outside time. Because every time you work at it to be outside time what you are really doing is learning how to be the Christ. That’s where Christ lives.
Time is in this world; the Father says my Kingdom is not of this world. Where’s Christ – where the Father is; outside time! And so if that is clear to you, this is going to be the direction and it is only a direction for those who have reached that state in their consciousness which no longer wants to play party games, is not interested in stuffing new truth into the mind but wants to demonstrate Spiritual Power, Spiritual Identity, Spiritual Substance; wants to be a living child of the Living God..
I presume that all of us, at least most of us, have reached this state in our consciousness, where nothing else will do. And because of the turn out here today, which had such a beautiful Silence to begin with, I feel that we are really being blessed now with a expanding corps of those who are dedicated, not to reading the Bible alone without committing themselves to its Inner Truth, but those who are going to move forth in this world as Lights, and let that Light shine and speak with authority from outside time as they listen to that Christ which is the Light of our Life.
I hope some of this is hitting each of you in a certain way. I want to tell you I expect you to be puzzled about it for a little while; it’s a very difficult subject to work with. In fact it’s a subject that very few people do work with but it is the key subject at this moment and it will open mansions you didn’t suspect existed.
Whenever you touch the Eternal Self outside time it will manifest in time. It will be the bread you cast upon the water and it will be spiritual bread and it will return overflowing. When the Father said sow to the Spirit, we did not know it meant that you cannot sow to the Spirit while you live in matter in time. And so we try to sow and to sow and to sow but we didn’t harvest. And all the while the fields were white to harvest outside of time.
Now so far tonight, in this very first meeting, we have been given some Truth which completely revolutionizes our complete understanding of all the words of Jesus Christ. You will find that they are pregnant with new meanings and I mean if you go back to your room tonight and just pick up the Bible and look at anything Jesus Christ had to say, you will begin to look at it from an outside of time viewpoint and you will see it has a totally different meaning than you suspected; a great depth, a great wisdom and for you a key to a new mansion that you had been hoping for but weren’t able to enter for reasons you couldn’t quite fathom.
It’s almost as if you were just beginning a completely new life. And then when you stop and say to your self, wait a minute now this isn’t Jesus speaking and this isn’t another Christ speaking, this is my Christ Self speaking. All those red underlined words, all those words in red, that’s my Christ speaking and all those deeds the Christ is doing, that’s my Christ doing, all of this is myself outside time coming to me in a Bible. It’s the Truth and you’ll find it.
It’s so potent when you know it, that it makes you start spinning around with a new kind of joy. You can’t wait to open that Bible because it’s speaking to you a new Soul language instantly. And everywhere you thought you had no crops coming out of the ground, you find they are all white to harvest right now; a bumper crop, everything is green and growing.
Your Bible comes alive, your consciousness responds and when the Christ speaks within, that is your own Self outside of time telling you what you would not have known any other way. When you hear that Voice, that’s from outside time. And when you read what the Christ says, that’s from outside time. And when the angel comes with Its intuitive instinct for you to lift you into a new Soul awareness, that’s from outside time, and it’s beginning to take you outside time where you belong.
Now let’s see if we can be still and live in the Eternal idea of Self, not a mortal me living in Eternity but I Am the Eternal Self. I am no longer a mortal; never was and for heaven’s sake let’s get rid of all human heredity. That’s another trap; human heredity is just saying I’m not –God is not my Father. You only have a Divine heritage; you can’t have a human heritage.
We are one-hundred percent the Eternal Self and we do not live in time.
We may see many around us who think they do but they don’t live in time, even if they think so. You cannot live in it because God didn’t create time. And out of this will come the knowledge of the Immortal Self.

HF Answers all: world didn’t begin, hypnosis did

God is All. You can’t have an imperfect world. It must end. You say, “Then why did it begin?” And the question should be, “When did the hypnosis begin?” Because the old world never was. It was a belief of that man in the body of atoms. There never was this world. There is only My Kingdom. And the realization that there never was this world is the revelation of the New Heaven and the New Earth. That’s when you change universes because you have changed Consciousness. You’ve been “transformed by the renewing of the mind.” You are regenerated. You are reborn into reality, and that is deathlessness.
~ Herb Fitch


[…T]he false sense of self can be isolated, can be controlled, can be limited and finally can be denied. “Deny thyself.” Then you find yourself following in a different kind of a journey. You’re outside of the self, outside of the form. You’re not in the moment of time that is passing anymore. You’re not dying, you’re not aging, you’re not in the middle of karmic law. There’s a different “you,” and it’s not in a form at all. It’s a High state of Consciousness. The old self is dead, and there is a new Self there which is the only Self that ever was there. And until you have your experience with that Self, you’ll be in separated sense of self, which can never be sustained by the Father.
~ Herb Fitch

Only God’s kingdom is here

“Only the Kingdom of God is here.”
This particular lesson of Herb’s really jumped out at me because I’ve been endeavoring to unsee the lie of matter and the world. But the human mind has not been happy with that: it tries to confound everything and leave us with a sense of emptiness and loss – the exact opposite of Truth.
I must remember above all else that it is the Fourth Dimensional spiritual universe – the Kingdom of God – WHICH IS RIGHT HERE INSTEAD OF EVERY FALSE MATERIAL PRESENTATION THAT WE THINK WE SEE !!!

HF doesn’t believe reincarnation

One thing that fascinates me about Herb is that he actually doesn’t believe in reincarnation or even in karma. Yes I know he talks about them in full detail but once a person asserts categorically that as Max Planck, initiator of Quantum Theory, declared “matter as such does not exist”, they have established their disclaimer re the entire belief of incarnation per se.

HF R-notes looking for ‘see spiritually’

God is not the Father of a growing human child.
There is no personal self. Christ lives your life.
The rose or the person you see today is dead tomorrow.
Go through the rose, go through the person, sow to the Spirit.
The permanent self must be achieved before death – in consciousness.
Turn around and let the Christ lead you instead of you leading the Christ.
There is no Paul: there’s only the Christ.
Go through the doorway: the rose will still be beautiful. The person will still be nice to have standing around but go through the doorway to see them as Invisible Spirit.
Spirit is standing there not a rose or person. Acknowledge in all your ways the invisible Spirit until you recognize the spiritual universe that’s all around us.
Go through the person and the rose and see the invisible Spirit until something in you is rising. Walk through that rose, person, Pilate, Paul.
By not doing so you keep crucifying you.
You’ll find you’re deathless.
Practice it with every headline, baker, bug, person, mirror – declare it to be the invisible Self.

Nothing is missing HF

In the perfect kingdom of God nothing is missing, in this world there is always something missing no matter how hard we try, and the reason is that right now this instant and every previous instant, your consciousness has been photographed, unknown to you. Every belief that you have is constantly being photographed, there is a cosmic machine which does this, it does it invisibly, and its process is a most amazing thing. Every belief that you have in your consciousness at this moment, is under that cosmic camera, it will then take your belief it will recreate that belief into atoms, you will then look at those atoms, reacting to them and then into your life will come forms and conditions and persons and you will label them, completely unaware that your beliefs made visible. This instantaneous process, has been going on throughout your life span, always your belief is instantly photographed, processed into atoms and then you react to, your belief processed into atoms, bringing it into form, and these forms seem external to you, but they are your beliefs formed.

“I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom, that whatever shall be loosed in heaven shall be loosed on earth and whatever you bind in heaven shall be bound on earth”. Whatever truth you know about heaven is photographed by the same cosmic mind, converted into atoms and now comes forth truth, converted into harmony, justice, love, abundance, or your consciousness has the belief of untruth and this comes back to you.
Herb Fitch
Thunder Of Silence