As you learn to live with Christ in you, you are taken into the still waters; the KINGDOM OF NON-VIBRATION, in which world thought cannot move through you because you are in a state of no thought. Your NON-THOUGHT TAKES YOU OUT OF THE EMOTIONS, out of the mind, out of the material world of vibration into the NON-VIBRATING PERFECT SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE where all is one.
~Herb Fitch
(caps mine)
Category Archives: Herb Fitch
New Song – HF
“And they sung a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue and people and nation.” This new song has been called the new song of the Resurrection. This is the New Consciousness which no longer is subject to the mind of the world. It doesn’t sing the song that the world sings of good and evil. It sings the song of Truth that God is All, that Spirit is All. That in Him is Light and no darkness at all.
~Herb Fitch
Brought into alignment – HF
As Christ in you is realized, every facet of your being is brought into alignment […].There is a oneness, a One Mind, a One Substance, a One Being.The complete chain of command is made into a oneness. And in this Sonship or conscious union with the Father, every facet of your being is under the Will and perfection and power of the Infinite Spirit.
~Herb Fitch
The Revelation of
Saint John the Divine
Five material senses
Our five material senses fall short of identifying us as the Christ. This five-sense hypnosis of the world seeks to sabotage every possible idea that can contribute to the realization of our divinity within.
Lifted into a different state of awareness!
You’ll find that you are already being lifted into a different state of awareness.
You’re picking up things that will be impossible to pick up with the human mind.
Instead, the Spirit flows and defines Itself, teaching you things you could know no other way.
And then somehow, things manifest in your life in a more exalted and noble state.
Quantum and us – hf
QUANTUM PHYSICS IS FAST DISCOVERING THAT All around us right now, is a Kingdom where death does not exist, where there is not a single problem, where there is nothing as we know it with our human mind. There is a completely different universe present here now, in which none of the physical or mental images that we entertain are present.
Breaking the world hypnosis
“I stand in Divinity. “Thou seest me, thou seest the Father.” Thou seest the Divine Self. Even to consider this, is the beginning of breaking the world hypnosis, which has buried the Christ in our midst.” HF
You have just come out of hypnotism John
You have just come out of hypnotism John, that’s what has happened to you. I am you, and you are just awakening to that truth. When you accepted Christ, you merely accepted that there was no John. And you will discover when you accept I am Christ, the Christ within will let you know that there is only Christ where you stand. You might as well start knowing that now, because that is the purpose of this Revelation. You are not there at all, Christ is. That’s your name. When you accept Christ, you will discover only Christ is where you are. The first and the last means, the only. You are now the living Son of God. In your acceptance, you come out of the hypnotism of the mortal self.
~Herb Fitch
The Revelation of
Saint John the Divine
The Goal is to step out of mortality
… When I and Thou are Christ in our consciousness, when that is what we are striving to accept, we are now ready to serve the Father that day, glorifying not the counterfeit human ego, but the divine Self. Then we are ready for what John wants to tell us. And the presumption is that we here today, are in that state of consciousness which, although we have not risen to be the realized Christ twenty-four hours a day, we are those striver’s for God who accept the goal is Christhood. THE GOAL IS TO STEP OUT OF MORTALITY [caps mine]. The goal is oneness with God. The goal is to be the living Son of the living God. And to the degree that we have accepted this as our goal, and are endeavoring to the very best of our ability to be faithful to this goal, to that degree we are walking under Grace. For the Father which seeth in secret, is ever protecting those who walk the narrow path of Spirit.
~ Herb Fitch
The Revelation of
Saint John the Divine