Category Archives: Herb Fitch

…. There is no power over Divine Being. There is no earthly power that can stand before your Divine Self and in any way intimidate it, fight it, oppose it, influence it, deteriorate it, or take away its life. It cannot be starved, it cannot go hungry, it cannot be poor, it cannot be in pain. In this awareness of your Divine Life, all that is not Divine remains outside your thought and does not enter your Consciousness to defile it. It’s like taking off a garment. You simply peel off that which is not your Self, in your Consciousness, by knowing that which you are, and then all that is not what you are, isn’t you.
~Herb Fitch

Make your decision. Choose ye this day. Is God your Father or is God not your Father? Are you in a spiritual body now, or are you not? You are writing your own book of life and if you are not in a spiritual body, then certainly you cannot expect spiritual law to govern that body. Turn ye. Awaken to the fact that you are in a spiritual body. Accept it. Accept it now. And that mind which does not wish to accept it, is not Divine Mind. It is the clinging false ego, the self that never was, but wants to continue pretending it is.
~Herb Fitch

Now when you know that your thoughts create the illusion of an external material world, you will discover that the external, material world, only has power if you believe your thoughts. Then you can say, “God didn’t put cancer out there, therefore, my thoughts are putting it out there, my neighbor’s thoughts are putting it out there, and my neighbor’s neighbors thoughts are putting it out there, but it’s not out there, it’s in our thoughts. God is out there and nothing but God is out there. Only Divine Life is there, only Divine Form is there.” We’re living in the world of a false consciousness in which we think that our thoughts are real. Maybe you couldn’t defend against the cancer out there, but try defending against the cancer in your thought, and see how easier it is. Meet it at the level of your thought, not out there, and notice the difference. Meet every problem at the level of your thought, and not outside of your being, and notice, that when you take dominion over your thought, you’ve taken dominion over the problem.
~ Herb Fitch

“My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways your ways… For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55

If somebody tells you the sun isn’t in the sky, do you have to find it and put it back there? It is in the sky. If somebody tells you they’re sick, do you have to go and find their Divine Life and put it back there? It is there. The fact that the sun is out of the sky is a lie, because it is in the sky. The fact that there are sicknesses is a lie, because the Divine Life is there, alone, and it is not sick. You are accepting Omnipresence. Your acceptance is all that is necessary. You’re accepting the fact, knowing that the fact accepted in your Consciousness, will then become a visible fact.
~Herb Fitch

There’s only One Divine Life. I have all the hidden manna there is. The only reason it hasn’t shown is because I, in my foolishness, have thought that I was a human self, not a Divine. And a human self is a finite, divided being, apart from the One Infinite. I just told the Infinite, “Go away, I don’t want any part of you. I’m a human being.” But I’m not. I am the One Divine Self, and the fullness of the Father flows through Its own Infinite Selfhood. And therefore, I look at the appearance of lack, but I will not deny Omnipresence of the One Divine Life.
~ Herb Fitch

… You can live in the Infinite Self, looking within, and your entire life will unfold within your Infinite Realization. You will not be looking from the within to the without. You will not be looking at an external world outside of you. Everything that happens in Infinity, happens within Infinity. And we are all that One Infinite Divine Self, we will now see the world happen within that Infinite Self and under Infinite Law, to the degree that we are able to let ourselves make this change of Consciousness, from the finite, mortal, dying self to the Infinite Divine, undying Eternal Self, the One Life that ever was, and ever will be, and never began, and never will end. This is how you will come, ultimately, to that seventh step, which is the Christ Consciousness completely realized unto eternity.
~ Herb Fitch

When you have found your Spiritual Self, it is the center of an Infinite universe. And all of infinity is pouring always to that Center, and through it. Never are you limited to your own human abilities. Nothing is impossible; there is no limitation, there is no height, there is no ceiling. The Infinite Self will always express Its own Infinite Self through your Divine Center. As you’re living in the knowledge of One Divine Life, I am, my neighbor is, my friend is-all are. I am that Divine Center of Infinity. And then let go, and accept what Infinity pours into your life.
~ Herb Fitch

Your infinite realization

… You can live in the Infinite Self, looking within, and your entire life will unfold within your Infinite Realization. You will not be looking from the within to the without. You will not be looking at an external world outside of you. Everything that happens in Infinity, happens within Infinity. And we are all that One Infinite Divine Self, we will now see the world happen within that Infinite Self and under Infinite Law, to the degree that we are able to let ourselves make this change of Consciousness, from the finite, mortal, dying self to the Infinite Divine, undying Eternal Self, the One Life that ever was, and ever will be, and never began, and never will end. This is how you will come, ultimately, to that seventh step, which is the Christ Consciousness completely realized unto eternity.
~ Herb Fitch