Grace does the work for you. Grace moves you. Grace thinks you. Grace activates you. Grace opens the door for you, only when you have willingly learned, devotedly, to divest yourself of the personal, the will of the human being – you have ‘denied thy self,’ ‘taken up thy cross,’ and you are following Christ within.
~ Herb Fitch
Category Archives: Herb Fitch
Slowly the Word lifts us out of human thought, out of human planning, out of human differences, and we find an invisible power drawing us into oneness with the Christ of our own being.
~ Herb Fitch
There have been many times when we have felt frustrated by our progress, by our lack of understanding, by seemingly insurmountable difficulties, and yet everyone of these has been important. You will never know how much they were needed until, because of these frustrations, you dig deeper and climb higher. And then discover that your normal human inertia would have prevented you from going as high as you’re going to go, if you had not had this parade of problems and frustrations. But in the moment of self anger, when you rise above your own limited human capacities, you discover a new depth of your Self. And suddenly you see: this that I couldn’t do yesterday, I can do today. But I was blind before. Now one of those revelations is the one you heard today, which is one of the most difficult to accept, and that is: there is no Life in form. There is no Life in form. You’re going to have a tough time with it, but when you meditate upon it and let the Father within explain it to you, ultimately the shallow human concept will break open, and you will understand what I cannot put into words. There is no Life in form.
~ Herb Fitch
… There is a place when you cut all ties, walking out on the waters of Spirit, and you prove that you are a priest of God. You wear that Sardis stone in the front row of your breastplate, and you say, “Father, thy will be done.45 I am dead to self-will. I am dead to personal desire. I am dead to seeking and striving and struggling. I am dead to passion. I am dead to sense desire. I am dead to all that which is not the Christ.” And only then, in the deadness to that which is not Christ, are we alive in Christ. Only then are we the ‘pure at heart,’46 and then the Spiritual Law of Christ functions in Its Self, which we are – without second self, without barriers, without mental interference, without the false world of the senses claiming us as an inhabitant. This is the overcoming. In this overcoming you become willing to completely forget your past – you never had one. Joel puts it in a joking fashion. He says, “For this moment let us accept that you are the only person in the world. There is no other than you.” What he means is that is the truth; there is no other. And you may do it for a moment and find that you can do it for two, or ten, or twenty moments because, ultimately, you are going to see that there is only one Infinite Self and that means there is no other Self than you in this universe. And everywhere you go you are looking at your Invisible Self coming at you.
~Herb Fitch
You are sleepwalking and letting the dream of that sleepwalking seem real to you – denying what you are. You don’t have to overcome the problem. You have to know that world thought is knocking at your door and you have let it walk in. That is all that is happening to you when you have a problem – regardless of its name or its nature.
~Herb Fitch
“I do not walk on a physical earth. I do not live in a physical form. I am not confined to the world concept of time and space. I am free. I am that Self which is limitless, that lives only in the infinite universe as the Infinite expressing. I am not mortal. I am not physical. I am Spirit Itself, and at this moment I am being what I am. ‘I am launching out into the deep,’ into the Infinite. I am accepting identity as Infinite being – not just Spirit, but I am accepting that what Spirit is, I am and, therefore, I am infinite Spirit. And now I am resting in my infinite, spiritual Self as pure Consciousness. I have nothing to do with a physical universe.” That is your meditation. That is your vacation from the human mind. That is your momentary breaking of the hypnosis and awakening from the sleep. Just to be yourself for a moment or two and to find from it the strange and glorious quickening of the Spirit for you are multiplying the Father within yourself. As long as you think of a room, persons, place, you have not ‘launched out into the deep.’ But if you can glimpse the infinity of being without physical walls, without any confining space or time, you are free for that moment of universal mind. You have broken through. You are walking in the Kingdom of heaven on earth, and your reward is great, and quick.
~ Herb Fitch
Awaken to the fact that when you are not consciously attuned to the Infinite, you are unconsciously attuned to the world mind and you are outside of the Garden. You are walking in the belief and in the experience of the good and of the evil, because you are not tuned to that mind which is the Christ mind. And that tuning, that faithful resting in the Christ mind consciously is called “watching.” Be watchful! Acknowledge Me; abide in Me; I the Christ in thee will give thee light if you awake to Me. And this is the watching that ultimately breaks the mist of mortal thought, the lie about God, and opens us to the fullness of Christ in which dominion is an experience that shows forth the Kingdom of heaven on earth. Now we are watching; we are letting ourselves be lifted above the sense-mind which is sleeping, always sleeping in matter, lulled by the appearances and dreaming that there is evil in the perfect universe of God. To this sense-mind we are now bidding bon voyage and we are “launching out into the deep.”
~ Herb Fitch
Omnipotence will be your ability to walk through the thought of the world, immune to it, being sustained completely by the Father within you.
I’ve undergone some tremendous transformations.
Among many elements, I no longer view my fellow mankind in negative, stagnant terms such as sinners, bad guys, evil etc..
We all are precious created human beings and radically loved by our heavenly Father.
I believe We All are breathed with the kingdom of God within,
however many are blinded and numbed to that which we are.
We do bad and evil things to each other because of the void of love within us.
But that doesn’t define who we are, it only reveals our brokenness and need of love and restoration.
For those of us that do see the light of love; the world needs our torches, our candles on the hill , the lighthouses on the seas.
We are called to oneness with each other just as God has called us to oneness with him.
We complete the circle.
No one will be left behind, for it is impossible for Love to leave even one person.
~ Dan Shaffer
“Pilate, you think you are looking at a person, but you’re not, you are looking at the Divine Self, you think you are looking at a physical man, but you’re not, you’re looking at the Light of God, I am the Light of God, the Christ standing before you, Pilate. I am not in a mortal form, I am not in a physical form, I am not in a physical structure, I am not in matter, but to your vision, I appear to be. And all you can do is crucify your concept of me. You will think you have put me on a cross. You will think you have made me suffer. You will think you will then bury me in tomb, but you will not, because there is no me here in the nature of your vision of me. All that is standing before you, is the invisible Son of God seen through the glass darkly of your human vision. You are making an image of me which you call Jesus. You are doing it with your sense perception and I tell you that image you are making of me is not standing in front of you, it is in your mind. You are looking at your thought and calling it Jesus. But your thought with the physical image that you are conceiving of me, is only in your mind, not external to you. That would bring it up to date because that’s what he was saying when he said, “Pilate, thou couldest have no power over me.”