Category Archives: Gary Renard

One Mind outside time & space – GR

There isn’t really any such thing as a subject and an object, there is only oneness. Still unknown to you is that this is an imitation of genuine oneness, for few have learned to make the distinction between being one with the mind that has seemingly separated itself from God, and being one with God. The mind must be returned to Him. 4 Yet traditional non-dualism is a necessary step along the way, for you have learned you can’t really separate one thing from anything else —nor can you separate anything from you. As hinted at earlier, this idea is well expressed by the models of quantum physics. Newtonian physics held that objects were real and outside of you with a separate existence. Quantum physics demonstrates that this is not true. The universe is not what you assume it to be; everything that appears to exist is really inseparable thought. You can’t even observe something without causing a change in it on the sub-atomic level. Everything is in your mind, including your own body. As aspects of Buddhism correctly teach, the mind that is thinking everything is one mind, and this mind is completely outside the illusion of time and space.
Gary Renard