Category Archives: Duality
No me,you,s/he/it
Haiku for the poor in spirit.
Even the Absolute is the dream.
The worded is the futile.
Meaning is dreamt.
‘Your life’ doesn’t exist.
What apparently lives is nullity.
Nothing realizes nothing.
This is breathtaking.
Seeing this is unbearable for the sense of self.
Nothing matters.
Understanding deludes.
There is no last resort.
No refuge.
Nirvana is a joke.
The Buddha lost his mind in an attempt to go beyond himself.
The Bodhi Tree farted.
Brain bursts into laughter.
The belly shakes.
The grass grows by itself.
The spring is coming…..
Wouter van Oord.
No Me (b-d) -rjs
Goaded out of dualism!
I’m not sure if I have EVER met a truly enlightened person who hasn’t gone through some really deep shtuff – usually a number of times. What it feels like to me is I’m being poked, even goaded, to get the hell out of lower level mentation and cast off all dualism. Of course the challenges have to come in ways that I think I can’t handle, or how else could I be alerted? Now when a negative suggestion comes I say “thank you, I’ll dismiss you and the side trip I just took back into the dreaded darkness.” I’ve had some God-awful stuff to face but it’s all become part of my waking up. Love you!
I would like to give a brief but FAIR DESCRIPTION of the OTHER METHOD of returning to your authentic self (healing) which I do not usually choose … just to show myself and the world that representing the OTHER METHOD fairly is possible:
The OTHER METHOD is the PROGRESSIVE PATH: State your claim (problem) as clearly and completely as possible and look for more clarification re. cause, symptoms, duration, level of anxiety, what has been attempted so far, etc. Go deeply into what you are feeling, looking carefully for connections between your level of anxiety and the manifestations of fear and pain. Rule out all self-recrimination as well as blaming others. Keep going deeper and deeper until all the symptoms dissolve in your application of acceptance and love.
CAN ANYONE TELL ME IF MY OWN DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRESSIVE PATH IS ACCURATE? It’s not my path of choice, mostly because of my many years of opting for the Direct Path instead. But I do confess to having applied the Progressive Path on quite a few occasions in the past.
Duality is an essential feature of the human mind. Our mind makes use of duality to understand the world, to make sense of it.
Had our mind not been dual, I don’t think we could ever possibly describe the world around us. There would be no language, no words, no measurements, nothing. The mind is what it is because of duality.
Duality means understanding reality by means of the opposites. The human mind learns by opposites- long and short, thick and thin, near and far, hot and cold, strong and weak, up and down, good and bad, beautiful and ugly, positive and negative, and so on. You cannot know long without knowing the short, thick without knowing the thin, hot without knowing the cold, and so on.
The subject/object split- the fundamental duality
Your mind enables you to be a point of observation in time and space. What this basically means is that you’re the centre (subject) and the world around you is your observing field (object). This basic duality or subject/object split gives rise to all other dualities.
To put it more simply, the fact that you’re an observing being allows you to understand reality and you do that by using your mind.
Opposites define each other
If there were no opposites, everything would lose its meaning. Let’s say you have absolutely no idea what ‘short’ means. I had a magic wand that I waved over your head and it made you completely lose the idea of ‘short’.
Before this magic ritual, if you saw a tall building you might have said, “That’s a tall building”. You were able to say that only because you knew what ‘short’ meant. You had something to compare tallness with i.e. shortness.
Let me give you my brief summary of the nature of mind in 1 short paragraph…
The mind is a product of duality or the subject/object split that we find ourselves in when we come into this world. It may also be said that the subject/object split is the product of the mind. Whichever way around it is, this separateness from the universe allows our mind to function the way it does so that it can comprehend reality and make sense of it.
True maturity is attained when a person becomes aware of the fact that the mind understands the world by means of duality. When the person becomes aware of his dual nature, he begins to transcend it. He steps back from his mind and realizes, for the very first time, that he has the power to observe and control his own mind.
He realizes that he has levels of consciousness and the higher he climbs the ladder of awareness the more power he exerts on his own mind. He’s no longer riding the ‘sometimes up and sometimes down’ waves of duality but has now arrived at the shore where-from he can watch/observe/study the waves.
Instead of cursing the negative, he realizes that positive cannot exist without it. He realizes that happiness loses its meaning when there’s no sadness. Instead of being caught up in his emotions unconsciously, he becomes conscious of them, objectifies and understands them.
~ Hanan Parvez
I’m so glad to see such a beautiful and clear description of the true nature of the human mind. TYSM 💞
Having been a professional dancer in New York City, I can attest to the ecstatic joy of feeling the expressions of Duality infused in the music and the ineffable thrill of full-body awareness expressing itself with no holds barred!