Category Archives: Definitions

Definitions of God coalescing – JSM

“Our definitions and concepts of God are evolving to such an extent that ideas which may have been considered mutually exclusive, or diametrically opposed to each other at one time, are coalescing within the Collective Consciousness into a cohesive Whole which can no longer be contained in any static theology. Eastern and Western beliefs about God are merging and simultaneously removing all fragmentation and division which would cause anyone to view God as some dysfunctional schizophrenic.

There is a nascent Consciousness emerging, wherein, the Divine is seen as both transcendent and immanent, impersonal and personal, Absolute and relative, AND YET beyond any restrictive definition which would limit The Infinite to a finite human understanding.

In essence, our thoughts concerning God are being recontextualized to embrace the Unlimited. For as we recognize the ONENESS of God, we must ultimately SEE the Oneness of ‘GOD WITH US’ and/or WITHIN US, and by extension, the connection we share with EVERYONE else.

As this profound Unitive Awareness rises like the Dawn of a New Day in our hearts, and we begin to experience this interconnected Oneness, we are simultaneously able to SEE that “God IS IN ALL THINGS”. We are becoming more aware of an “extraordinary ordinariness”. We are beginning to realize the miraculous in the mundane, the holy in the midst of the profane, the sacred within the secular, and the Infinite being perpetually revealed through the finite.”

-JSM (cc 2014/ edit 2018)
Joseph S Murawski

Hinduism, Theist, Buddhism, JSG – HF67

God forms the very substance of Himself into man.
A sick man => a sick God.
A boy with broken bones => a God who’s anything but perfect.


Buddhist is somewhere in between but says it’s all in MAYA and banishes it.

Joel comes along with GOD IS THE ONLY BEING:THERE’S NOTHING BUT GOD. Right where this old woman appears, God is, but God isn’t this old woman.

Spirit slowed down = looking w/different vibration – Herb Fitch – TONGUES, ETERNAL NOW, NO TIME

START AT 3:45 for RJS dictation below:

If you can see this universe of SPIRIT SLOWED DOWN to a walk you will find you’re looking at it at a different VIBRATION than itself. You are seeing it moving into your consciousness at a VIBRATION which is not reality and you’re watching it stretch out into time, stretch out into space.
It is as if you were taking your present arm and you took your wrist and you put it on Monday and on Tuesday you took your elbow and put it out there and on Wednesday and Thursday you stretched out the bicep and shoulder and you saw it in parts in TIME and you accepted it that way never realizing that TIME was your own creation. And then of course you treat the parts instead of the whole. If you have a pain in your arm it would be silly to treat the finger and so it is that we look out and we now see reality but stretched out in the SLOWNESS of TIME. And as we watch it in time we see evil in it because we do not see that which we call evil connected up to that which is before it and beyond it in the quickened vibration of the Spirit.
We have dismembered the one garment into many garments. And so we behold these various states of mortality stretched out in time. And when within us there is an idea, these ideas become manifest, not now but in time. You have an idea about a home that you are going to build and in 6 months there it is! In 6 months of time your idea becomes flesh.
The Divine idea becomes flesh now not in 6 months and when the Divine idea expresses in you the Word becomes flesh now, and that expression of flesh now because the word in you is the Father’s word – the father’s thought not your thought – that manifestation of cause and effect simultaneously is the new Tongue. That is when you are speaking with New Tongues – when Spirit has touched your Consciousness and your thoughts are not human but Divine, those thoughts become their own formation: the Christ mind becomes its own universe.
Early 1967
Herb Fitch

Explaining the inexplicable


People don’t go far enough in their application of the principles of truth.
It just shouldn’t have to be that way. If a person genuinely wants to see so-called ‘supernatural’ events occur they need to be willing to pay the price of discovering that “matter as such does not exist”. It requires mental effort – not the usual mental laziness – to grasp this profound spiritual healing fact.

Tell sincere seekers of Truth the truth!

One thing I’ve never understood is why many people who are highly educated in spiritual leadership say that you don’t need to DO anything to become Spiritually aware. Wouldn’t it be a good idea for such sincere seekers of Truth to be told that they, too, ought to do the groundwork that brings in those first glimmerings of what spiritual life is all about?

Compare with:

You don’t have to wait a moment
to be with Me.
You don’t have to do anything
to hear my voice.
You are in Me.
And I in you.
I am at once everywhere.
You don’t need to get up.
Nor to sit down.
You don’t have to close a book.
Nor open one.
Your ability to hear My voice
in your spirit
is growing by leaps and bounds.
After all,
I am speaking to you right now,
aren’t I?

Bibliolatry crushes the inspired word of the Bible


We don’t place ourselves “under the authority of the Bible”.

Rather we got stuck in religion when we surrendered to the “authority” of another person’s interpretation of the Bible.

God is not a book. That’s called bibliolatry.

It was the Pharisees who were bibliolaters and placed their interpretations over relationships. The word Pharisee means separatist.

Here is the nuance. One will say, “I love people even if I disagree.” Perfect.

But in religion that can really mean “I really care about you that you are going to hell and I still see you as separate until you agree with me and join my club’s interpretation”.

Caring is a step forward but it still masks separation.

Consider the possibility that all were created equal. Everyone is my brother/sister. My “parish” is the world. There is only one human family, one God and Father of all who is above all, through all and in all. There is no us/them. There is only an illusion of separation which religion fosters.
~ Chuck Crisco

Define your terms

Sometimes we need to define certain words as they have more than one meaning:
GOD = One who sometimes answers prayer and sometimes sends to hell?
….. OR …..
GOD = Omnipresent, Omnipotent Consciousness?

HEART = The center of the emotions?
HEART = The unlimited place of awareness; the core of one’s being.

No time to say, with AJJ, It depends.

I’m caught up in a dilemma
Not quite sure how to resolve.
I have a very full friends list
FB, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn,
Bunch a blogs ‘n other stuff
Number exceeds 20,000

Not only that but the variety
Is most deliberate: all ages,
Races, levels of spiritual
So-called knowledge! From newbies
To gurus and back again,
If you know what I mean!

My hope, my dream, my heart’s delight
Is to alienate as few people as possible.
When those outside our sheltered
Internet world ask That Question:
“Are you a Christian”?

“It all depends on how one defines CHRISTIAN. If one is referring by that nomenclature to traditional doctrinal beliefs promulgated by a Western understanding of Holy Scriptures, then, NO, I AM not a “Christian.” However, if one means one’s belief in the Universality of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS which is one with LOVE being one’s natural and only state, then, YES, I AM a Christian and brother to CHRIST and a Son of My Father.” <3 ~PA~. Albert Joseph Jefferson

Sometimes they need a “Yes/No” answer
As in the case of a
Brief presentation.
There’s simply not the time
Nor space to say, with AJJ, It depends.